polygamy in tunisia

"It is a failed plan which will not deceive the smart Tunisian people," he added. yes its very possible to get married in tunisia, but rather complex, you need to go to, the City Hall Registry Office Bureau de lEtat Civil a la Municipalite you also need to follow the rules of what is required to get married in tunisia, these rules are set laws. In the United States, polygamy is only legal in the state of Utah. It revealed that as of last year their numbers increased to more than 2.25 million out of a total of 4.9 million females in the country. Broadcast on the private channel El Hiwar Ettounsi after the break of the fast since the beginning of Ramadan, the holy month of Muslims, the series has triggered controversy by addressing two practices prohibited by Tunisian law: polygamy and religious marriage called "orfi". "Some Tunisians support customary marriage," he said. The justice ministry said courts examined 1,718 cases of orfi marriage between 2015 and 2020 in the country of 12 million people. According to an international study conducted in December, Tunisia ranked fourth in the Arab world and first in north Africa in the percentage of single women. Al-Zghal stressed in previous press releases that women would participate in the protest to express anger over Tunisia`s failure to allow polygamy. 2021 Al-Monitor, LLC. "It's not the role of drama to present a positive image of society. "Baraa" (Arabic for "innocence") has also been criticized by rights activists and secular politicians for its portrayal of customary "orfi" marriage, religious unions not sanctioned by the state. The main reason polygamy is legal in these countries is because the husband is responsible for providing for all of his wives and their children. Turkey banned the practice in 1926, while the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq banned polygamy in 2008. Oops, this content can't be loadedbecause you're having connectivity problems, Stay always informed and up to date with our breaking news alerts, Polygamy for Tunisia? "Baraa" (Arabic for "innocence") has also been criticised by rights activists and secular politicians for its portrayal of customary "orfi" marriage, religious unions not sanctioned by the state. "Baraa" (Arabic for "innocence") has also been criticised by rights activists and secular politicians for its portrayal of customary "orfi" marriage, religious unions not sanctioned by the state. Kurdish-controlled areas criminalize polygamy, "Tunisian women free to marry non-Muslims", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Polygamy_in_Tunisia&oldid=1141521187, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 13:37. The PDL also blames Ennahdha, politically dominant after the 2011 revolt, for a rise in "crimes" under the family code and has frequently called for its rival to be dissolved. This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. This makes Tunisia the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to remove legal barriers to marriage outside the official religion of the state. "Baraa" (Arabic for "innocence") has also been criticised by rights activists and secular politicians for its portrayal of customary "orfi" marriage, religious unions not sanctioned by the state. Such controversies ought to be reflected in the arts, Ghorbali said. The Personal Status Code passed in 1956 by late Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba prohibited polygamy, raised the age. The PDL also blames Ennahdha, politically dominant after the 2011 revolt, for a rise in "crimes" under the family code and has frequently called for its rival to be dissolved. The birth of a child in Tunisia is an important time in the life of the Tunisian family. [2] By doing so, the king reduces the chance of dissident and rival forces developing and rising against him. A TV series on polygamy broadcast during Ramadan is causing controversy in Tunisia, a pioneering Arab country on women's rights, where multiple unions have been banned for decades. Activist Mohammed Nur Musa described the demonstration as a "Satanic idea" which "aims to mobilize supporters of the regime and its partners to distort the Islamic Ennahda movement". More than 100 students were hospitalised in Iran after a new spate of suspected gas attacks on girls schools on Wednesday, media outlets in the Islamic republic reported. You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month. Jouil added that many Tunisians happily discuss such issues in private but are angered when they are aired in public -- where commentators are "instrumentalising" the issue for political gain. In the event of divorce, the woman may assume certain guardianship rights if the male guardian has behaved badly. The group has urged the country's broadcast regulator to take the programme off the air. In most West African countries, polygamy is also recognised and regulated by the civil law that allows a man to marry up to four women under certain conditions, including the financial capacity to support multiple wives and families. Inizia a scrivere il termine ricerca qua sopra e premi invio per iniziare la ricerca. Prioritize your target industries for weekly review: We also offer team plans. It also changed the law so that divorce cases had to go through the courts, meaning a husband could no longer simply declare a marriage over. Jouil added that many Tunisians happily discuss such issues in private but are angered when they are aired in public - where commentators are "instrumentalising" the issue for political gain. driven curation of top business stories accross 12 industries in the region. Tunisia remains one of the few predominantly Muslim nations that has legally banned polygamy. "The over-reactions to the series are trying to convince people that everything related to Islam is backwards," the 28-year-old said. -Tunisia-Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-Saudi Arabia-UAE. The author describes the obstacles to the effective practice of this civil law and to the building of democracy in the family. This study intends to describe polygamous laws in Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. "The over-reactions to the series are trying to convince people that everything related to Islam is backwards," the 28-year-old said. After Islamist movements grew following the 2011 revolt, "religious marriage became more common" particularly among university students looking for "halal" sex, he added. According to the latest report published by the National Office for Family and Population in December 2017, Tunisia is one of the countries with the highest rate of reluctance to get married, with figures standing at 60 per cent much higher than the ratios of other Arab countries. Activist Mohammed Nur Musa described the protest as a satanic idea aimed at mobilizing supporters of the regime and its partners to distort the Islamic Ennahda movement. This is a failed plan that will not deceive the wise Tunisian people, he added. Ini Game Ending Paling Gila" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUvnmEXace4 --~--Many Demo Women Ask for Polygamy | Interes. "It's disappointing to see these subjects being debated," said Tunisian actress Mariem Ben Hussein. For the LDP, these crimes (polygamy and habitual marriage, editor`s note), punishable by one year in prison, have resurfaced in Tunisian society since the Islamist-inspired Ennahdha party came to power in 2011. France 24 - International breaking news, top stories and headlines, In one episode of the series, the main character declares to his wife and children that he has the right to marry a second woman under Islamic law, Polygamy was outlawed in Tunisia's family code, passed in 1956 just five months after independence from France, Rights groups say polygamy and customary marriage are "forms of violence against women" and that discussing them "normalises a culture of impunity". But sociologist Mohamed Jouil said the series does "not necessarily reflect Tunisian society". The Personal Status Code passed in 1956 by late Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba prohibited polygamy, raised the age of marriage for girls to 17 years old, facilitated womens ability to obtain divorce in court, and banned forced marriages for minor girls. Cell.Albania: +355698129583 Cell.Italia: +393357589095 Tunisia has some of the strongest womens rights laws in the Middle East. After the rise of Islamist movements following the fall of the regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, according to the expert, "religious marriage has spread in academic circles", especially among students who resort to it to live as a couple with religious validation. Jouil added that many Tunisians happily discuss such issues in private but are angered when they are aired in public -- where commentators are "instrumentalising" the issue for political gain. Summary about cost of living in Tunis, Tunisia: A single person estimated monthly costs are 400$ (1,116DT) without rent. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); January 26, 2019 at 11:55 am | Published in: A Tunisian woman can be seen wearing the national flag on 13 August 2018 [FETHI BELAID/AFP/Getty Images]Tunisian, Tunisian union calls for another nationwide strike to press wage demands, Tunisia cabinet approves equal inheritance law, Tunisia women recount torture in 'transitional justice' trials. Tunisia became the first Arab state to formally abolish polygamy in 1956, the same year it gained official independence. Copyright 2023 SPH Media Limited. France 24 is not responsible for the content of external websites. The content you requested does not exist or is not available anymore. The accomplice (i.e., the third partner in the crime) is punished with the same penalties as the guilty wife or husband. In current times, Tunisia is still one of the very few predominantly Islamic nations that has legally banned polygamy. In this context, researcher of Islamic civilisation, Sami Braham, wrote that: "Unmarried women who missed a wedding opportunity believe that opening the door to polygamy will enable them to get married." Algeria's considerably amended Code de la Famille (Family Code) and Morocco's new Moudawana (Family Law) (Articles 40-46) have both introduced . In front of his wife and children, he asserts that he has the right to do so in the name of Sharia, the Islamic law, which he says is "above all other laws". However, the legal status of women in the family in Tunisia differs from that of other countries in the region. Polygamy in South Sudan is quite common. In practice, judges give less than 5 years of imprisonment. The strongly secular Free Destourian Party (PDL) founded by one-time members of Ben Ali's ruling party has been one of the loudest voices against "Baraa", saying that "putting these questions back on the table is out of the question" and an affront to women's dignity. The new Islamist government has pledged to preserve womens rights, but talk of Tunisian Islamist figures violating the polygamy ban has stirred controversy in the country. According to statistics from the Ministry of Justice, 1,718 "orfi" marriage cases were examined by the country's courts between 2015 and 2020. This places Tunisia as one of the worst divorce centres in the Arab world. But sociologist Mohamed Jouil said the series does "not necessarily reflect Tunisian society". Leave us your comments below! You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. "Talking about polygamy and orfi marriage doesn't threaten the gains that women have made," he told AFP. See also Disillusionment and unhappiness in Tunisia, a decade on after the Arab Spring. In current times, Tunisia is still one of the very few predominantly Islamic nations that has legally banned polygamy. [2] Issued on: 13/04/2022 - 04:38. Polygamy is an injustice to women, he was widely cited as saying, sparking both angry and supportive reactions in the traditional and online media. All premium Industry Newsletters - Monitor the Middle East's most important industries. In his view, the controversy illustrates "a social hypocrisy", because "we agree to discuss these phenomena in private, among friends, but we get indignant and angry when they are mentioned in public". The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! "It is out of the question to discuss these issues again", since the Personal Status Code (CSP), promulgated on 13 August 1956 by former president Habib Bourguiba, "has ruled on these practices", denounced the anti-Islamist Free Destourian Party (PDL) in a statement. The Tunisian Ramadan TV series "Baraa" has been criticised by rights activists and secular politicians over the issue of polygamy. The series, aired at prime time after observant Muslims break their daytime fast, has sparked a backlash on social media. The justice ministry said courts examined 1,718 cases of orfi marriage between 2015 and 2020 in the country of 12 million people. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. After Islamist movements grew following the 2011 revolt, "religious marriage became more common" particularly among university students looking for "halal" sex, he added. The main character of the series "Baraa" (Innocence), Wannas, beats a rosary and demands, from the third episode onwards, to be united with a second wife. "Some Tunisians support customary marriage," he said. Data-driven analysis of latest market trends. "It's not the role of drama to present a positive image of society. Live Video Q&A - Hear from our top journalists and regional experts. Tunis (AFP) A Ramadan TV series dealing with polygamy has sparked a heated debate in Tunisia, an Arab pioneer in women's rights that banned the practice decades ago. Tunisia's 2011 revolt, which overthrew Bourguiba's successor Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, brought in a parliamentary system ideologically divided between secularists and Islamist-leaning parties such as Ennahdha. This has increased from only 990,000 in 1994, with spinsterhood the highest among females age 25-34. Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Tunisian Moderate Association for Awareness and Reform, Serbia's Novak Djokovic poses with the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup trophy in Melbourne on January 30, 2023, after winning the Australian Open tennis tournament's mens' singles final against Greece's Stefanos Tsitsipas. Tunis is 68.82% less expensive than New York (without rent). "It's disappointing to see these subjects being debated," said Tunisian actress Mariem Ben Hussein. Weekly A.I. Audience ratings certified by ACPM/OJD. Tunisia is a unique example because, unlike Turkey's ban on polygyny (which stemmed from the secularisation of the legal system), Tunisian law was the first prohibition that used a fundamental Quranic precept in its legal reasoning. The Personal Status Act of 1956 allows women to freely and personally consent to their marriage, sets the minimum age of marriage for women over 17 years of age, requires a medical certificate before marriage and allows a woman to consent to the marriage of her children if they are minors. "It's disappointing to see these subjects being debated," said Tunisian actress Mariem Ben Hussein. The series, aired at prime time after observant Muslims break their daytime fast, has sparked a backlash on social media. TUNIS (AFP) - A Ramadan TV series dealing with polygamy has sparked a heated debate in Tunisia, an Arab pioneer in women's rights that banned the practice decades ago . He had a wife in Tunisia then married another in exile and brought her with him when he got back, Nasrawi said. However, a group of women have taken to social media to call for a protest to be held in front of parliament to demand polygamy. More women are graduating from university. But since the Islamic al-Nahda Party came to power in October elections last year, Tunisian womens rights organizations have been apprehensive about the possibility losing some of their rights. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. About 200 people rallied outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday evening in support of two young political activists now on the 42nd day of a hunger strike. Jouil added that many Tunisians happily discuss such issues in private but are angered when they are aired in public -- where commentators are "instrumentalising" the issue for political gain. (Photo by WILLIAM WEST / AFP), A surgery team operates on a child rescued from the rubble of a building at a hospital in the town of Harim in Syria's rebel-held northwestern Idlib province. Try it for free and cancel anytime. APR 13, 2022 LISTEN. Any individual who engages in the union of marriage before the dissolution of their previous/current matrimony is sanctioned by one year of imprisonment and/or a fine, even if the first marriage or the new marriage were not contracted in accordance with the law. Foreigners wishing to live in Tunisia without gainful employment, such as tourists, may stay in Tunisia for 3 months (90 days) or 4 months (120 days) without a permit. Marriage may occur between: Foreign non-Muslim men and Tunisian Muslim women provided the man converts. Join over 50,000 readers who access our journalists dedicated newsletters, covering the top political, security, business and tech issues across the region each week.Delivered straight to your inbox. He added that he also calls for a revision of all articles of the personal status law a set of laws that establish women`s rights and freedoms in Tunisia and not just the article on polygamy. Divorce in Tunisia is a civil matter.At present the Code of Personal Status sets out three grounds for divorce: How long does it take to get married in Tunisia? Almost half of all university students are women. He abolished polygamy, prohibited rejection, and introduced judicial divorce. Post-independence leader Habib Bourguiba outlawed polygamy in the family code passed just five months after the country's 1956 independence from France, a piece of legislation that was nothing short of revolutionary in the Arab world at the time. It can show a point of view or phenomena in society that could be a subject of debate," he said. The Mufti, the national religious authority, delivers the Certificate of Conversion that must be presented to City Hall before a marriage can take place. The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired. "Baraa" (Arabic for "innocence . The report revealed that the number of single women has increased to more than 2.25 million, out of a total of 4.9 million females in the country. The conversion process can take three months or longer. A woman could contribute to the costs of a marriage if she could afford it, wives could cooperate with husbands in family affairs and child-rearing, and they automatically assumed guardianship of minor children in the event of the death of a husband. Such controversies ought to be reflected in the arts, Ghorbali said. In early 2018, a group of women held a protest to demand the re-legalisation of polygamy. ` s failure to allow polygamy in tunisia important industries Saudi Arabia, and introduced judicial.... Subjects being debated, '' the 28-year-old said point of view or phenomena society. That women would participate in the Middle East customary marriage, '' the 28-year-old said, judges give than! 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