is jonathan byers autistic

Tom fought Jonathan and nearly killed him with scissors until he felt Bruce's pain of getting hit by a fire hydrant by Nancy. i'm normal about jonathan byers. The two embraced, and Jonathan told Will that things would be okay as Will wept and composed himself. I don't think so, photography is more of just his interest rather than a special one. Later, Jonathan got an idea to ask Argyle for his help in taking him, Mike, and Will across the country back to Indiana to find Eleven and save their friends in Hawkins. After finding El in Nevada, Jonathan reunited with his foster sister and told her that they needed to get her out of Nevada before the government found her. As an artist, he ought to have known better in many circumstances, and given his temperament and personality, many of his actions simply don't make a whole lot of sense. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. In the fall of 1984, when Jonathan met with Murray Bauman with Nancy Wheeler to expose Hawkins National Laboratory, Jonathan confirmed that Lonnie was an asshole, showing his ill will towards his father. Later, they tried to book a flight to Hawkins to save their friends from Hawkins, but when that failed, Jonathan and Mike worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna in Max's mind. A year later, in 1984, Jonathan has become protective of Will, but not nearly as much as his mother. When a high Jonathan and Argyle pick up El, Mike, and Will from the Rink-O-Mania after El assaulted Angela, Jonathan attempted to comfort a guilt-ridden El, but made things worse when he and Argyle turned it into a joke. He was an introvert and a loner until he got caught up in the strange things happening in Hawkins. For a moment, it even appeared that Jonathan wanted to protect his father, which also makes no sense. 1985 Even with a job and a girlfriend, Jonathan still should have noticed the kind of agony his brother was. ", "In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip. In the first season, Jonathan failed to make sure Will came home the night he disappeared because he was working late. In 1984, Jonathan continues to have a bond with Nancy as she invited him to Tina's Halloween Party. Unfortunately, this caused Steve to disown Tommy and Carol as his friends and to make amends with Jonathan and Nancy for their cruelty. Jonathan, through his tears, said that he should have been there for his brother, but Joyce comforted him and told him it was not his fault. OP, please make sure there are no spoilers in the title of your post. The brothers turned up the volume on Jonathan's stereo and began jamming together. After the plan succeeded, Joyce and Jonathan hugged a disoriented yet once again normal Will. Steve/Nancy/El/Lucas Relator Disabled + autistic Jargyle + Lumax >>> After Steve realized the consequences of his actions, he drove to the Byers home. Tommy and Carol were bullies of Jonathan. Jonathan is inherently kind and caring, and his selflessness is easily one of his best traits. By Erika Hayasaki On 02/18/15 at 6:30 AM EST. El mentioned to Mike in her letter how she discovered Jonathan and his new best friend Argyle smoking "smelly plants" together, and Jonathan told her that they were safe since they came from the earth, but made her promise not to tell Joyce. When school was over, Steve and his friends waited at Jonathans car and snatched his book bag away, reviewing the photos. This convinced Jonathan to work with Nancy and the kids on stopping the Mind Flayer. RELATED: Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s. Not only is he angsty, careless, and kinda creepy, he also seemed pretty selfish and inconsiderate. His disconnect from Will doesn't stop there, either. Before joining the kids to catch up with the monster, Jonathan checked on Nancy and made sure she was not hurt. Jonathan is rather useless, especially next to Nancy and Steve who are able to take care of the kids and at least give them a fighting chance while Eleven fights the big baddies. He even encouraged Will to not let his differences bother him and that it's okay to be different not matter what. He also slowly started to notice how Will was struggling with his sexuality and revealing his feelings to his best friend, Mike. When Jonathan arrived at a Halloween party, he observed a hurt Steve leaving a drunken Nancy behind after she revealed that he didnt love him. Follow. However, Jonathan helped Nancy investigate Mrs. Driscoll's story about "diseased rats." Did the first season disconnect him so far from his brother that he lost his common sense, too? Both Jonathan and Hopper made big mistakes by discounting what Nancy and Joyce had to tell them, and it really makes not sense for them to just shrug off their love interests' concerns after the events of the previous two seasons. Three months later, Jonathan was assisted by Mike in packing up his house and said goodbye before moving out of Hawkins with his family. The next day, when Nancy went to confront Steve, he coldly said he figured that her new boyfriend would take her home, realizing where Nancys feelings truly lied. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He even had some manual skills at a rather young age already. When discovering Mike and his friends to be in danger, due to government agents tracking them down, Jonathan was able to figure out a way to contact Mike and ask for his location by using Will's walkie-talkie. In the fall of 1984, Jonathan struggled to both see the appeal in his mother's boyfriend, Bob Newby, and comfort his traumatized brother. Eye color But the fact that Jonathan doesn't pry further after everything that's already happened is surprising. 16 (Season One)17 (Season Two & Three) 18 (Season Four) But I just really don't get why everyone feels SO compelled to root for him. Once the creature disappeared again permanently, Steve joined in seeing a recovered Will at the hospital. However, Jonathan did not support his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as he did not understand what she saw in him. Later, while traveling through Nevada to locate the facility, Jonathan started to grow frustrated, thinking they were lost until Argyle found tire tracks and identified them belonging to military vehicles, allowing them to rescue Eleven in time. He was an introvert and a loner until he got caught up in the strange things happening in Hawkins. After creating a sensory deprivation tank at a Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada, El temporarily defeats Vecna, and the crew returns to Hawkins. When a weak Will finally awoke, Jonathan and Joyce tearfully greeted him. He is Joyce and Lonnie Byers's oldest son, older brother of Will Byers, and the Boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler. After a trio of Dr. Owens' agents arrive at the Byers' home to tell the boys that El has been taken away to reignite her powers in order to defeat a new evil lurking in Hawkins, Jonathan agreed with Mike and Will to sneak away from the agents so they could find El and return to Hawkins. Also, Jonathan is not the social kind and is referred often as a "freak" by the other kids at school. He is also very passionate about his interests and can become fixated on certain topics or objects. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town,, "Sometimes, people don't really say what they're really thinking. Will defended Bob, saying that he didn't treat him different than everyone else, noting how lame it was he couldn't go trick-or-treating alone. He asked the officers if cuffing El was necessary, and ran back to the house to call Joyce, with no success. ", "I miss talking to you. That evening, Jonathan brought out photos of Will to make wanted posters. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That night, as the brothers prepared the sensory deprivation tank inside the Surfer Boy Pizza freezer, Will was saddened when observing Mike, El, and Argyle having fun together, Jonathan, noticing, distracted Will by telling him the story of how when they were little, Will had a LEGO figurine named Larry stuck in his nose and Jonathan had to get tweezers to pull him out, causing Will to laugh. Jonathan Byers is one of the main characters of the Stranger Things franchise. Jonathan disapproved of how his co-workers treated Nancy and always comforted after she was insulted while trying to stay loyal to his job. The brothers are very close, and you would think that they would have some sort of routine in the morning. Two days later, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan and Will returned to Hawkins where they reunited with their friends and worked to rebuild Hopper's cabin before they happily reunited with their mother. Charlie Ross Heaton is an English actor and musician. No. Jonathan tries to be by his brother's side despite it being difficult as Jonathan noted that Will has changed a lot since his time in the Upside Down. The next day, Jonathan, Mike, and Will all agreed to escape from the watch of Agents Wallace and Harmon to find El and return to Hawkins to save their friends. Nancy and Jonathan spoke to each other when Will went missing, with Nancy reassuring him that Will's going to be fine. In the spring of 1986, as Jonathan dealt with the stress of college and continuing his long-distance relationship with Nancy, he revealed that breaking up with Nancy would be the best option since if things kept going further, he and Nancy would end up like Joyce and Lonnie, showing that he continued to fear becoming like his father. Jonathan Byers is a main character in Netflixs Stranger Things. This man has a hobby, he must be autistic. Due to Mike being his brother's best friend, Jonathan was well-acquainted with him. The next day, however, Nancy calls Jonathan to tell him that the rats are connected to the Mind Flayer, causing him to join her, their siblings and friends to defeat the Mind Flayer once again. Jonathan is frazzled and emotional when Joyce believed she heard Will on the end of the phone, only for the phone to shock Joyce and become charred. He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him. When Nancy discovered Mrs. Driscoll's behavior in the hospital was near identical to Will's the year prior, she called Jonathan and asked if Will was safe, alarming Jonathan. Returning home, Jonathan and Nancy assist Joyce in freeing a possessed Will from another entity from the Upside Down known as the Mind Flayer. The next day, Jonathan asked Hopper if he could personally go to Lonnie's home since Will was good at hiding, believing if he saw cops, he would get scared. He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers, the older brother of Will Byers, the eventual boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler, and the best friend of Argyle . Had he really paid attention, perhaps he could have saved himself from fighting over the issue so hard with his mother. As parental as Jonathan seems to be, it would also make sense for him (not to mention his mom) to check on Will before going to bed at night. The way you described it is fine. The few social interections that he has before becoming friends with the group are typic of the ones someone with aspergers might have. After working together to make Dr. Owens's recorded confession sound like a chemical spill killed Barbara, Murray noticed Jonathan's feelings for Nancy and encouraged him to embrace them, which he did. When Will reacted to Kenny Rogers in disgust, Jonathan reaffirmed his statement, saying that nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. Will Byers (brother)Joyce Byers (mother)Lonnie Byers (father)Darlene (great-aunt)Eleven (foster sister) He is even bestowed with the unfortunate "Zombie Boy" nickname as a result. Two days later, Jonathan and Mike returned to Hawkins together where they reunited with their friends and loved ones before working together to rebuild Hopper's cabin. No, you're here to protect us. Jonathan isn't shy about telling people his opinions and making sure he's different from everyone else. Will pointed to his bandaged hand and asked if was alright, and Jonathan told him it was just a small cut, laughing that Will was concerned over something so silly. Jonthan addressed himself as El's brother/stepbrother, and was shocked that the police had a warrant for El's arrest after she assaulted Angela. Jonathan is the son of Joyce Byers, and the brother of Will Byers, who goes missing in Hawkins, Indiana. It soon became too late as the lights began to flicker and a monster ripped its way through the wall, causing the trio to run to Wills bedroom. Yeah agreed. He is pretty empathetic and seems to have a broad and nuanced intuitive understanding of emotion and how to express it. He and Nancy agreed to both attend Emerson College in Massachusetts despite his acceptance putting him in financial debt. <3 jonathanssweatercollection YOU. Jonathan was put in charge by his mother to take care of Will. Actor: The New Mutants. I don't like most people. I. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan ranted to Nancy about the financial burdens he and his family faced due to Lonnie not being around. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan's younger brother, Will, vanished without a trace due to Jonathan working late. ", "You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body? Bob interrupted them and said that he loved Kenny Rogers, causing the brothers to laugh when Bob left the room. I'm a freak. We are privy to several moments they share together, indicating their brotherly bond. I dont think he is. By 1986, Johnathan and Nancy's relationship has become somewhat strained. During lunch, when Nancy asked Jonathan what had happened, he covered by Steve by saying that he asked Jonathan to take her home, showing he respected Steve. ", "Do you remember the time you told me you had a LEGO stuck up your nose? At the police station, Jonathan and Will's attempts to bail El out since they were her family proved to be unsuccessful since they weren't El's legal guardians. Giving her the spoon to bite down on, Jonathan was honest to El and told her what he was about to do would "hurt like hell", but El allowed him to continue onward with the removal of the infection. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. Some have argued that Jonathan took the photos out of either envy of the normal night the teens were having when his own was a nightmare, or that taking the photos themselves helped to ease some of the photographer's stress. In 1982, the day Lonnie left the Byers' home permanently, Jonathan and Will built Castle Byers together, using Will's drawings as blueprints. He then began to apologize to Will for not being there for him recently, admitting that his problems have affected their relationship, and told him that he missed how they use to talk more. 1984 ", "Right. After that, Jonathan and Argyle worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank at Surfer Boy Pizza so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna from Nevada where the two kept watch over her, along with helping her as she fought Vecna. What's going on in Alaska? Born Text is available under the Creative Commons . 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 89 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 1718 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 2526 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 33 | 34. Jonathan Byers After discovering Will's possession of the Mind Flayer, Jonathan worked with his mother to free Will from the Mind Flayer by burning it out of him. Jonathan was hired by Tom Holloway to be a photographer for the Hawkins Post. We can only guess at what was said after his father left, but we already know the rumors about his brother and himself. He also has a keen interest in music, creating several mixtapes for himself and his brother, and is an aspiring photographer. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan first met Eleven when she helped assist his family locate Will in the Upside Down using her telekinetic abilities. | he/him | 18+ | autistic . Jonathan and Steve initially had a strained relationship due to being polar opposites both in terms of popularity and personality. Sub for the Netflix Original series: Stranger Things. As Steve began to panic and question what was going on, Jonathan attempted to force Steve out and yelling at him that he needed to leave. In the process, the two slowly begin to embrace their romantic feelings for another. Their writing has been featured in numerous magazines, literary journals, digital projects, educational media, websites, nonprofit materials and marketing campaigns. Not only does he repeatedly not believe his mother and Nancy, but he is completely obtuse as to why Nancy's job is harder for her than it is for him. Jonathan Byers Descriptive Personality Statistics Jonathan Byers is a character from Stranger Things. The main problem with him is kinda the neglect of his dad, thats why he is kinda shy, because he didnt had a normal dad figure in front of him. Charlie Heaton. He's very aware of others emotional state and how to offer the appropriate emotional response. One month later, as Jonathan arrived to pick up Will at the Wheelers, Nancy presented a Christmas gift from her and Steve; a new camera. A month later, Jonathan picked up Will from the Wheeler home, and allowed Will to open his present from Nancy and Steve, a new camera. She wiped the lipstick of his cheek and doesnt seem to mind that Nancy spent the night with him. Jonathan was born after a full term pregnancy seven years ago. This page summarizes crowd sourced ratings of their personality collected from users of the Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz. Another way to refer to it as that Jonathan had to become an adult to soon/missed out on a real childhood. Though Jonathan planned to go trick-or-treating with his brother, he decided to go the party. Allowing Will out of her sight was incredibly hard on Joyce Byers after the events of the first season, so it's no wonder she sent Jonathan with him to trick-or-treat during season two's Halloween night. He prefers to communicate using pictures rather than words. When Jonathan answered the door, two police officers had arrived to arrest El for attacking Angela. Jonathan was supposed to be out looking for Will when he stumbled upon Steve's party and just randomly started taking pictures of his peers enjoying themselves. 1986 Will's cries of pain proved to get to Jonathan, who hugged Nancy and turned away as tears streamed down his face. Argyle told him he shouldn't have lied to her, and soon caused the both of them to become overwhelmed and smoke "Purple Palm Tree Delight". Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don't wanna. Jonathan Byers, is a fictional character of Stranger Things. Despite being a small-town boy, according to Joyce, he wants to go to college at New York University. However, Jonathan does care for his mother greatly, going as far as fighting Steve for insulting her and Will. Obviously this makes no sense, since he's well aware of his deadbeat dad's attitude and lack of concern for his children and ex-wife. See All Photos Edit Profile Category: edit Fictional Character Hair Color: edit Brown Hair Length: edit Short Eye Color: edit Brown Height: edit 5' 8" Ethnicity: edit Height Fall 1967 With the help of Jonathan's former bully and Nancy's boyfriend, Steve Harrington, the trio lit the monster on fire until is vanished. Sara has been writing professionally for 26 years. Thank you. Jonathan was even willing to assist Nancy in gaining respect from their co-workers, but when Nancy started to go through such lengths to earn the approval, she believed she deserved, Jonathan became reluctant and worried that Nancy was not making the right decisions. Jonathan thinking he can go talk to his dad is just stupid. Jonathon today - even brighter, even more capable and determined. However, while traveling to find the Nina Project, Jonathan became frustrated, thinking they were lost, despite Mike's reassurance until Argyle pointed they were in the right direction by finding tire tracks belonging to military vehicles. Jonathan attempted to pull Nancy away as she confronted Steve, but Steve began to egg him on by calling him a queer, a screw-up like his parents, and told him he wasnt surprised that his brother disappeared. In 1983, Steve, Nancy, Barb, Tommy, and Carol watched Jonathan pin missing fliers for his brother, Will. When Jonathan realized that his mother was telling the truth about Will being alive, he apologized and the two reconciled, where they managed to reunite with Will after his rescue from the Upside Down. When they were attacked by a Flayed Tom and Bruce, Jonathan and Nancy did their best to protect each other. When returning to Hawkins, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan was reunited with his mother and shared an embrace with her. In Nevada, while Jonathan drove, he noticed from the mirror Will lying to Mike that Eleven had commissioned the painting he had worked on, and further noticed how emotional Will became when talking about how "El" felt like a mistake due to being different, but Mike never made "her" feel that way. RELATED: Stranger Things: 10 Characters With The Best Survival Skills, Ranked. Speaking of Joyce, instead of going straight to his mom after practically calling her crazy once he realized there really was a creature, he simply decided to take it down with Nancy instead, claiming Joyce already had too much on her mind. El assisted Jonathan in saving Nancy from the melted form of Bruce Lowe and Tom Holloway. ", "Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. Jonathan is Will's older brother by four years. One year later, in 1984, Jonathan was shown to keep his distance due to Steve and Nancys growing relationship. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Jonathan is the older brother of Will, who went missing in season 1, and the son of Joyce Byers. he's generally pretty quiet but can and will talk for england once he's comfortable with you if you'd let him usually about music or photography and it's so endearing he apologises after rambling but you love it and would happily listen for hours of course he's constantly taking photos of you he has a few of his favourites on his wall When Argyle has a panic attack in the desert after burying the agent, Jonathan shook his reluctant friends and told him to calm down, reminding him of Purple Palm Tree Delight. ", "I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. Sara Sanderson is a writer, author, and teacher who produces content for a variety of publications, both on and offline, beneath various names. ( I know this last sentece might sound stupid, but I dont know how to explain it). Jonathan has desired to attend New York University (NYU) since he was six years old, though he has dropped this dream by 1986 since he's been accepted into Lenora Hills Community College. Once he did know, his insistence that his mother stop roasting the Mindflayer out of his brother also made no sense. Two days later, Jonathan and the others returned to Hawkins, with Jonathan embracing Nancy, leaving Steve visibly hurt as Robin comforted him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Despite Hopper's warning not to, Jonathan ditched school to confront his father, searching his car. Reuniting with Nancy, the two are happy yet seem in denial that their relationship doesn't have any problems, with Jonathan fibbing to Nancy that his acceptance letter has yet to arrive. Physical information The quartet make a cross-country roadtrip to Utah and Nevada to locate El. His smoking of weed stemmed from his strained long-distance relationship with Nancy, as they both originally planned to attend Emerson College in Massachusetts. When Jonathan argues with Hopper about contacting Lonnie regarding Will's whereabouts, it almost seems like Jonathan doesn't even know his own father. . Eight months later, in 1986, Steves feelings for Nancy began to reignite after Jonathan had moved with his family to Lenora Hills, California, but restrained himself out of respect for Jonathan. While his job is never stated in the series, the, Jonathan is a fan of Thumper from Disney's. After Jonathan and Steve's fight, resulting in Jonathan's arrest, Tommy and Carol continued to bully and laugh at Jonathan and how angry he was during his fight with Steve and how he's in jail. Hawkins, Indiana (1967 - 1985):Byers House (1967 - October 1985)Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present):Byers House El began to scream as Jonathan opened a slit on her leg and riddled through the wound to get the Mind Flayer piece out, but El told him to stop and said she could do it, using the last of her telekinesis to remove the piece. ", "Being a freak is the best, alright? When he realized through Nancy that Will was alive, he became determined to find him. After the government arrived to raid the Russian base, Steve was shown checking in on Nancy and Jonathan as they sat in an ambulance. Brown When discovering that Vecna was only one kill away to invading Hawkins, Steve had Max attempt to make contact with Jonathan and the others in Lenora Hills via phone, only with no results. A month later, after Will's rescue, Jonathan was given a Christmas present from Nancy and was upset on getting Nancy nothing, but Nancy told him it didn't matter and gave him a kiss on the cheek. In 1985, Jonathan had become a devoted boyfriend to Nancy as he was willing to help and take care of her while they both worked at the Hawkins Post. Will said he didn't but tried to say it was fun to go with their father sometimes. At Hopper's cabin, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy attempted to get the Mind Flayer out of Will by overheating him and tying him down. Will reprimanded Jonathan for letting Argyle smoke more weed, but Jonathan does not have any better ideas. Upon his parents' divorce, Jonathan took over Lonnie's role as a father figure in Will's life, actively encouraging Will to like what people deem "not normal" and telling him that Lonnie was the last person to tell Will what he should like. After Tom's and Bruce's bodies melted away to form a monster, it was stopped by Eleven from killing Jonathan's girlfriend, Nancy, where it left to become part of the Mind Flayer's avatar. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: rowdyvamp: " both jonathan and will are always referred to as being "strange" and "sensitive" and are seen to be shy, except for when will is around his. Portrayal i'm normal about jonathan byers Autistic Stranger Things icons . After seeing Nancy struggling to keep secret of the government agents responsible for Barbara's death, Jonathan bands together with her to expose Hawkins Lab alongside journalist Murray Bauman. Jonathan's closeness to his brother, Will, is a key point of the show. When Argyle wanted to make a headstone for the deceased Agent Harmon, Jonathan, despite understanding his motive, did not think it would be a good idea as it would give away their names. The Byers familyThe Hawkins Post (formerly) When Jonathan asked what Russians he was referring to, Steve pointed out that the guards El killed were Russian. Despite making plans to go to college together, Jonathan eventually changed his mind and chose to attend college where he remain close to his family and did not inform Nancy as he did not want her to give up her dreams just to be with him. And watch T.V., apparently. I don't think Jonathan is autistic. After a moment, Jonathan agreed that Will was a freak, catching Will off guard. Jonathan later hung posters of his brother at Hawkins High. Jonathan is smart, introverted, asocial, kind, independent, and brave. Hugged Nancy and Jonathan told Will that Things would be okay as Will wept and composed himself and! So far from his brother, he decided to go trick-or-treating with his sexuality and revealing feelings... After the plan succeeded, Joyce and Jonathan spoke to each other reviewing the photos, Steve,,. 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