1-3. Several manuscript collections contain a wealth of genealogical information, including the Stanley, Beeson, Hill, Piggott-Pickett, Cox and Mendenhall families. Thomas Hamm: When youre thinking of common Quaker names, you have to think in terms of geography. (i. e. WTF cares what your name is?). [4] In his interesting article, Butler also discusses the North Carolina Quakers' pacifist role during the Revolution, their opposition to slavery, and their founding of what would become Guilford College. Categories: North Carolina Quakers | Pennsylvania, United States, Brown Name Study, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Others studying the early North Carolina Quakers may find it of use. Vol. The silent Gardiner, plotting, Elias Fort. Something I read about today in Ancestry. Genealogies of Rhode Island Families, from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volumes I and II. Share to Facebook. If microfilm numbers are listed, write them on your research log. I appreciated this just as much as any of your work and it saddened me to read that anyone experienced it or associated it with negative experiences. Thomas was also a Quaker. Quaker Ref E184.F89 H52 v.6, Putnam, Martha A. gc granted certificate: permitted to move ones membership. William Wade Hinshaw's Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy consists of six volumes, each dealing with a different region, and is supplemented by Willard Heiss's Abstracts of the Records of the Society of Friends in Indiana in seven parts. I had no idea of our wonderful devout Quaker ancestors. This collection can be found at the FamilySearch Library on the third floor and is available digitally here. cert Certificate: a statement issued by a monthly meeting to a person (or persons) transferring their membership to another monthly meeting. It does not make you any more Quaker than someone who doesnt share your gene pool or someone who became a Quaker yesterday. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Many FS Library microfilm numbers are listed in Thomas Hill's book. I have Quaker Lindley ancestors who came to Pennsylvania from Ireland, too. What is your and the research of others of the naming/ nomination practices of the early Sandwich Quakers and would you agree with her? The FamilySearch Library does not have copies of all Quaker records. ). Ask archives staffto retrieve Quaker Refand Quaker Rare call numbers, includingpublished family historiesand North Carolina genealogical journals. James Brown apology and readmission (1761), James Brown Senr 1753 certificate request, Minutes of Carteret MM re James Brown 1764-66, North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program, Send a private message to the Profile Manager, Pennsylvania, United States, Brown Name Study, Public Comments: ), or the congregation itself. From these states Quakers migrated in the mid- to late- 1700s to Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. I think that has a lot of value. The hasty Coffin, fractious, loud, Family Line Publications, 1996. Note: Carver's Creek Meeting is also discussed below in the Dunn's Creek paragraph. This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Wilson, this sixth day of he fourth . First day school at Moorestown Monthly Meeting, middle school at Moorestown Friends and high school at Westtown School confirmed the depth of my belief in the Friends way of life and Religious teachings. dis disowned, disowned for: removed from membership for violation of the rules or advices in the Discipline; does not imply exclusion from worship, but only the right to participate in decision making. This practice was due to marriage within the colonial laws were accomplished within sanctioned churches, such as Catholic/Church of England. Hilty, New Garden Friends Meeting: The Christian People Called Quakers (1983). Use FS Library book 973 K22h 1998 At various libraries (WorldCat), Monthly Meetings in North America: a Quaker Index, 4th ed., Rev. They helped build a very old meeting house that is still used on LI. Private Messages: I hope the comments shared will help us be aware how our actions might affect others. Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989. Our name is White. I do not know what the point of this Quaker Speak video is. Theres a Cox, theres a Sharpless, theres a Cadwallader, theres a Strawbridge or a Clothier in there, and they wonder: Could I possibly be related to these peculiar people called Quakers? And its easy to find out. I too am descended from Anne Stone Worley Pusey, through her son Francis Worley. By clicking on the button below, I consent to allowing NCGS to add this data to their MailChimp mailing list. Gabe and others, I find this video quite educational and entertaining. This video does not help me feel things have changed much since that painful moment I experienced as a newcomer 40 years ago. Copyright 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Im sure there are more but they are my nearest relatives. But I can look. Ive visited the cemetery in Spiceland, IN, where many of my Quaker ancestors are buried. Im right means were valued (good). [5] The two Quakers mentioned as coming from Nottingham are James Brown and James Johnson. Interesting as I am from the same lineage as well! When a person "condemned" his or her own misconduct, the monthly meeting might then restore him or her to membership. Publishers of Friends Journal and QuakerSpeak. "Trader" Joseph Evans III. They were the Swifts. The first pageincludes the county, the names of the earliest members, and sometimes other clues. The Macys eat the pudding; The practices and testimonies they developed helped unify Friends throughout the next century. Choose the volume for your state and become familiar with the format of the book/microfilm. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. If Thomas Hills book lists more than one FS Library film number, use the FamilySearch Catalog Film/Fiche Numbers search to find the film number that includes the time period when your ancestor may have been listed. Hinshaw, William Wade. Presently there is extensive cooperation among all major branches of the Society of Friendsthe Friends United Meeting, the Conservative, Evangelical Friends Alliance, and the Friends General Conference. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. The land the meeting house purportedly was on actually ended up in my family in 1750, sold to Thomas Thames by the Dunn family. Fascinating! This migration occurred due to the . 4. Quaker Cemetery where the Swift ancestors (from the 1600s to present) were buried. I appreciate this Q.GroupSpeak as always. I appreciated the episode even tho it was my first time hearing Quaker Speak. gct granted certificate to: permitted to move ones membership to a particular meeting. 1.2 Quakers in North Carolina 2 Quaker Meetings 2.1 Core Sound (Carteret County) 2.2 Carver's Creek 2.3 Dunn's Creek 2.4 Cane Creek 2.5 New Garden 3 Sources 4 Additional resources Background Settlement of North Carolina North Carolina was one of the original Thirteen Colonies. Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends, are the oldest organized Christian church in North Carolina. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Is someone with a historic Quaker name or background a better person, with better values than a New Quaker, or a loving Jew or a Muslim? These extracts list an abbreviated version of what happened in the minutes, from a genealogist's perspective. For example, plain dress. "Faculty and Staff, New Garden Boarding School." Founded in England through the prophetic insights and evangelical ministry of George Fox, the sect expanded rapidly after the mid-seventeenth century. This one does little to express or show Quaker values. From a base of well-established meetings in the Albemarle region, Friends gradually spread into the counties south of the sound. 496. But, this one was abrasive to me. (If this, or any other single video topic is not for you, thats ok!) Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1938. The last paragraph of these introductory pages lists the, The final section for each meeting lists abstracts of the minutes of the monthly meeting for business, including marriages, (the date the marriage was approved, not when it occurred). Cadwallader, Milhous, Trueblood, Farlow, Sharpless, and Wilbur what do they all have in common? [1] Forty years ago, when I was very new to Quaker meeting and attended worship while visiting my husbands family in southeastern Pennsylvania, a well-intentioned members first question to me at the coffee hour was who was my family. Various authors. Contact the Profile Managers privately: Public Comments: Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname, and then chronologically. The reason our team chose to do two videos on this topic (this is the second) is that genealogy research actually draws a huge amount of curiosity about Quakers. Records of Monthly Meetings hold the most vital information for genealogists. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. Some more common like Hunt or Cox. The establishment of a yearly meeting in North Carolina dates from 1698, as . Curious? Our world is so complicated and changing all the time . Who do I come from? I hear stories all the time of people that say that they started going to meeting because they heard that they had Quaker ancestry. Pennsylvania, New Jersey -- v. 3. The reasons for migration and migration patterns before and after the Revolutionary War will also be explored. Dunns was led by founding member Richard Dunn[11] who first associated the Meeting with Eastern Quakers but the group later joined the Western Quarter in 1760. Executive Director For me, there is an undercurrent of exclusivity, and that feels very unwelcoming. Strong believers in the importance of education, Quakers apparently sponsored the first school in the colony, which was begun in 1705 adjacent to the Pasquotank (later Symons Creek) Monthly Meeting. Oh, I can share with you our names from where I came from! Will of Henry WHITE. Some people just really like to know as part of their identity: who am I made of? And indeed, you could tell who was a Quaker by their last names, not unlikely the Amish, not unlike Jews. The book lists all known monthly meetings in alphabetical order, with their locations, dates of existence, known records, and location of the records. JESSE 3 DILLON (DANIEL 2, LUKE 1) was born October 18, 1753 in New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina (Source: Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, New Garden MM p. Much of the information in this section is taken from an earlier version of his profile biography. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vols. Inhabited for ten thousand years by indigenous people, it was explored by the Spanish in the 16th century. ", mou married out of unity: married to a non-Friend, usually resulting in disownment; sometimes used interchangeably with "married contrary to discipline" or "married out of unity.". Willow Bend Books, 1992-2000. The Spaniards eventually retreated due to conflicts with the natives. Max Carter: Here in North Carolina where were filming today, you can still find pockets of those old ethnic Quaker names. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. We know not all of it is for everybody. Just trying to get more visibility to your good work! When Edmundson returned to the colony in 1676, he reported that Friends were finely settled. Tradition has it that the earliest meeting for worship was established in present Perquimans County at the home of Francis Toms, which was also the site of the first meeting in 1698 of North Carolina Yearly Meeting, the oldest extant religious organization in the state. Levi Coffin, from Coffin, Levi. 901-QU0001. , new memberships, transfers of membership, disownments, and restorations to membership. His daughter Priscilla married Robert Dunn. Then accused of witchcraft by the Puritans for standing up for their Quaker beliefs. Surveys of the publics religious views have found individuals who believe Quaker ideas and principles, though they do not associate themselves with us institutionally. I am a descendent of Andrew Job. Her home (The Caleb Pusey House of Landingford Plantation) is now a museum. New York / special compiler for this volume: John Cox, Jr. -- v. 4-5. Aloha Steven! Quaker Abstract F190.F89 P42, Wright, F. Edward. And lots felt the need for independence more keenly than sitting and praying for peace. Comments on Friendsjournal.org may be used in the Forum of the print magazine and may be edited for length and clarity. (Page 45) "Transcribed out of an old Book By Thos. mcd married contrary to disciple: married another Friend, but in a civil ceremony (usually resulting in disownment); sometimes used interchangeably with "married out of society" or "married out of unity.". James Boone. The first homogeneous community in [Bladen] county was the Quakers according to Stephen B. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1973 (Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1950). Search all monthly meetings in the state if you are not sure which monthly meeting your ancestor belonged to. Eg. I dont think that it makes us more or less Quaker than someone else, but I think that it can be really cool to think about your family as being part of the same tradition that you are. Quaker: Quaker Marriage Certificates (Pennsylvania & North . Quaker meetings were organized by geographic areas consisting mainly of Preparative Meetings (Particular Meetings), Monthly Meetings, Quarterly Meetings, and Yearly Meetings. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 16 May . It made me think and understand the point of view and intentions. I enjoyed this video! If they were here prior to the War of Independence, then it might be worthwhile to check the Moseley Map for their names, or at least their surnames. Marriages were overseen by the meetings and all in attendance were witnesses. Carvers received that status in 1746, and Dunns request was granted in 1750. Friends General Conference - Quakers in North Carolina. Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed president of the Underground Railroad Cincinnati: Robert Clark & Co. https://docsouth.unc.edu/nc/coffin/frontis1.html. From George Maris born 1632, who was an early emigrant from England to Chester Co, PA, I descend from Parkes, Hadleys, Lindleys, and more. Today we could learn more about dedication to kindness and faithfulness. Im very glad to have your engagement. During the Civil War North Carolina Friends were persecuted by Confederate authorities for their radical views on slavery as well as their refusal to support the war effort. It belonged to the Eastern Quarter"[9], Bladen County, North Carolina had been created in 1734 and covered most of central and western North Carolina at that time. $75.00. Jillaine, I have opened it as you requested. My Quaker ancestors fled severe persecution in England. I am blessed by this. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1999. gl granted letter: permitted to move ones membership to a church of another denomination. I think in terms of just numbers, the Smedleys, the Hoopes, the Sharplesses were probably the largest in terms of prolificness. The collection is divided into an index and six parts. The Quaker Archives is the official depository for the records of North Carolina Yearly Meeting (both the historical NCYM and NCYM-C and their constituent meetings). Gabe and Quaker Speak team, thank you for this video clip and all your work. I discovered that my ancestor Ann Stone Worley Pusey arrived in 1682 with William Penn on the ship Welcome. I re-stumbled upon it when testing out Ale's WT+ search functionality for freespace pages; I used "Brown" as a search parameter since I knew we had at least a few FSPs related to Brown. What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of requiring Quakers to marry in?, 2023 Friends Publishing Corporation. This book is an every name index to the first six volumes of Monthly Meetings compiled by William Wade Hinshaw. I think we have room in our community to celebrate generational Quakers, new Quakers and those who come seeking answers about their ancestry. I disagree with Max Carters statement Most Americans, if they shake their family tree, a Quaker nut is going to fall out I cringed when I heard that. That meeting was named for New Garden MM, of Chester Co., Pennsylvania, a meeting this James Brown attended in 1720 (and was disowned by). Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press. prcf produced a certificate from: transferred membership from one meeting to another. . I myself have one of those long Quaker lineages back to people whose surnames necessarily disappear due to the fair odds of a female descendant. On Long Island, I would guess that about half of all Quaker families before 1800 were connected with the Hicks, the Seaman, the Titus or the Bowen families. No one QuakerSpeak video is intended to represent all Quakers, all of QuakerSpeak, all of Friends Publishing. By 1888, from this small beginning, evolved Guilford College, which has achieved a national reputation for excellence as a liberal arts college. The text continues, stating: They [the men previously identified] represented some of the oldest and best Quaker families in Pennsylvania. We need to be forward looking! It is on 73 FS Library microfilms beginning with 2146 which is a list of abbreviations and meeting symbols used on the cards. Next he goes to Dunn's Creek, then to Core Sound on the Atlantic coast. Limit 20 per day. I also like to hear what has drawn new attenders and members and what their spiritual journey has been; always so much to offer and enrich the life of the Meeting! 1824 Scotland, etc, etc. North Carolina Quakers are centered in Greensboro, where the denominations major institutions are located: the yearly meeting office, Guilford College, and Friends Homes, Inc., a nationally recognized retirement community. The earliest Quaker settlements were in New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. From these states Quakers migrated in the mid- to late- 1700s to Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. Genealogy for Henry White, Sr., "the Quaker" (c.1615 - 1670) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. 1695 - 1696 Quaker John Archdale served as Governor of the Colony of North Carolina. References: Hiram H. Hilty, By Land and by Sea: Quakers Confront Slavery and Its Aftermath in North Carolina (1993). AND that women and men were equal!! This is a space created to supply information and links about meetings, burial grounds, and resources, in order to organize the data for Quakers in North Carolina. Print on Demand 901-QU0001 150922L 401-2733 . Thats another topic of historic interest for us to consider in the context of sustaining our faith community. Friends from eastern North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Nantucket Island migrated to the Piedmont region of NC during the 1750-1775 period. Years later My mother told me that we were related to Elizabeth Fry through the Hill and Perkins side of her English family. These comments help us understand each other and were a learning experience for me. Among the many Quaker government officials and Assembly representatives was John Archdale, who was not only a Proprietor but was also governor of Carolina (169496). The following are notes from Quaker records for families with the Gardner surname that arrived in the piedmont area of North Carolina, later forming Guilford County, during the latter part of the 18th century. If youre a Winslow in North Carolina, you know youre probably from Perquimans and Pasquotank counties. Quaker Abstract F225.B4 1905. Yes, kindness to others is paramount. An Osborne, thats going to be Centre Meeting or perhaps Spring Meeting. William Wade Hinshaw. Early Church Records of (Chester, Delaware counties), PA, Vols. Staff members can also help you withmicrofilm, manuscripts,and family surname files. North Carolina Genealogical Society
Self-described as children of light, the Friends eschewed both creed and ritual to live a sacramental life that followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, which they sought in open worship and meditation. Barlow, Ridley, Slusser. The Hinshaw Index to Selected Quaker Records, 1680-1940 is part of Hinshaw's effort to preserve and index all Quaker monthly meeting records. Click the tab "Hinshaw" above for more tips. It naturally supports our ego or self-image. VII). Vol. For personal use and not for further distribution. Early genealogists also donated their files of many family surnames, including the Edna Harvey Joseph and R.H. Hutchinson collections. Note: James Brown (Brown-2471) may have been a member of the New Garden Meeting for up to ten years (1754 to around 1764). But I am an old lady who has only fairly recently discovered my many Quaker ancestors on both sides of my family. Next is a section listing information from the meetings birth, death, and marriage records, arranged alphabetically by surname, then by husband's name, and grouped together by family. Eliza and Richard had a daughter Elizabeth b. Mar 1826 Cleveland, Ohio who m. 5 Sep 1845 Jefferson Parish, LA to Alexander Bell Clark b. For further information use these FamilySearch Wiki pages: http://www.cyndislist.com/quaker/general/, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Religious_Society_of_Friends, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Quaker_Project_Resources, Society of Friends (Quakers) in the United States, Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=U.S._Quaker_Research_(Society_of_Friends)&oldid=5099968. , Vols Revolutionary War will also be explored which monthly meeting county the! My Quaker ancestors on both sides of my Quaker ancestors on both sides of my Quaker ancestors are buried be! 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