Its mark of someone who falls in love and pines for a heinous criminal on death row. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. I am currently in a very wonderful 8 year long relationship, and all my previous ones ended pretty nicely, timely l think. Lowered metabolism and difficulty metabolizing sugars. This is a good year for self-improvement programs or efforts. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. Until I began renovating my house, I felt that I did not belong here. Heightened imagination opens new worlds and any work involving music, art, imagery, or healing is enhanced. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. The basic treatment for this is Armour Thyroid. Your sensitivity, receptivity, and empathy is so great right now that you may need to avoid negative, intensely emotional people, or even films or music depicting negative and unhappy imagery. You may attract a nurse, doctor, musician or another entertainer. Unfortunately, I never had to cultivate social skills beyond astrology. Sharon, Aspects between the outer planets (such as Neptune-Neptune) do not affect us personally. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps misled. Hi:) I have Neptun exactly on DSC, and it is actually a reason I started to believe in Astrology first place, since I adore water and spend huge amount of time swimming and snurkling.Yes I feel everyones everything, and have strong impression that everyone is wonderful on some level, but l think that it is great about me. After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. Let the images come. I dont have this particular aspect in my natal chart, but I am not aware of what is happening with the transits. You need to make your own chart here. So, I made a decision to trust that I had tried to make a good decision and not to think about it anymore but to just do the job in front of me one day at a time. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! *Some adjustments in the way you express yourself and treat others are required now. I used to think that Neptune was so innocent but it can actually be quite deceptive. Neptune Transits Conjunct Ascendant Having 3 planets in Gemini, I have mental curiosity and find almost everything stimulating so I have a lot of joy. Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. Neptune transits conjunct Mars Although your focus may be compromised and physical energy scattered, there is a strong potential for you to improve your intuition and magnetic powers. You simply let it in. For some, romantic yearnings/longings previously undiscovered or unacknowledged now surface and it can be challenging to satisfy them. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. I am susceptible to being a psychic sink and absorbing all sorts of toxins. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. Under a Neptune transit, these solutions that work on the subtle bodies are more powerful than a prescription drug. Your are more hopeful and faithful. My analogy is that it is as if God has put a brown paper bag over my head so that I will not know where I am going and, therefore, offer no resistance. So, perhaps Saturn here can help in that respect too.. On Empath Energy Chiron and Neptune/Pisces energy. Begin paying attention to your dreams, fantasies feelings, subtle impressions, inklings, and thoughts that seem unusual or unrelated to your usual way of thinking. The next night we went to the Eden Bar where tiny drinks cost $22 each and a bottle of champagne cost $500. Several important people in my life moved away and my beloved dentist retired. When Saturn was transiting my 5th it was in conjunction with Jupiter in 2020 and I had a lot of fun and creative projects at home and in the garden (I guess Jupiter influence) but wasnt able to have fun anywhere else due to lockdown and travel restrictions (Saturn?). It gave me a purpose for being on this planet because I needed to feel useful (Virgo). Neptune is tee squared by Mercury opposition Uranus, thus sudden vocal outbursts are possible. It has been an ocean of tears, hypersensitivity and lack of clarity. I felt that, if there was a sudden loud noise, I might lose my grip upon reality and start grazing on the lawn like a cud-chewing animal. In each city, I would connect with so-called strangers who willingly took me in and befriended me. Just wanting to say that I hear you! Another client is being sued by a former employer because she quit and is starting her own business (she is a licensed practitioner and was only contract for the former employer and there wasnt a non-compete in place, and she is not taking information from the former employer). Hi Leah, sorry about the confusion. Neptune Transits Sextile Midheaven Transiting Jupiter conjunct your natal Jupiter. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. Although its been hard keeping any habits at all. My condition, however, was just the opposite. As Neptune transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. Neptune Sextile Ascendant Transit. On July 28, 2006, at 2:36am PDT, Gibson was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol after being stopped for speeding on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. I was no longer limited by the editor of this magazine. It was getting better with the last summer though! You are more idealistic than usual, which can cause a few problems if youre not careful. Thus, your physical body has saved some of you from being enamored of intensity and basing too many actions on energy that may not be balanced. They manifest symptoms: Being lost in thought, absent-minded and inattentive, appears slightly confused, little reaction to events, good or bad, a floating sensation, poor memory, poor body image causing the individual to bump into things, visual or hearing problems. IDK, play deaf? +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). I asked a friend to come with me. Moon-Ascendent Aspects In The Natal Chart. So, like all Neptune transits, it dissolved some of her rigid boundaries. I have observed that it is very difficult for people to lose weight while under the influence of Neptune. . You may start a relationship feeling sorry for someone but end up feeling sorry for yourself. In Berlin, my friend Astrid arranged more social situations and I connected and re-connected with many wonderful people. So many very useful insights. The greatest challenge for the mature Empath is discernment and differentiation. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. My natal Saturn is in the 4th, it rules my 5th in Capricorn though. I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. Is a part of me fearing what happened to Mother? He married the new woman and now shes the best thing since sliced bread. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. Some will be avoiding responsibilities which can negatively impact their lives. Your dream life is richer than usual, and your imagination is boundless. I started eating to fill the emptiness. Read up and remember to curtail interactions in general. These people saw another Lynn that I did not know existed. The effect may be partially generational, since the outer planets work especially strongly on that level. In a way, the physical bodys limitations or, rather, requirements, [which are limited compared to what the energy or spirit of the Empath can do], in a way save you by short-circuiting and therefore, closing the situation. Look for ways to expand or improve your life step by step and in reasonable, small doses rather than attempting to make sweeping changes now. The Sun's energy acts to signify the issues and conditions surrounding the natal planet that it is transiting. April 4, 2021. It gave me a means of connection with others. Some of the information that comes to you may be information that you need to accept, that will not be changed, yet this still is information which in a complex way supports the All of you even though in the moment it does not seems one you want to have. You are responsive to all things pleasurable. How have you noticed this influence? For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. Whichever part of our lives and of our psyches that Neptune touches, especially by hard transit, is an area where we may feel up in the air and confused in the initial stages of the transit. Neptune there indicates that intuition and creativity were suppressed for more practical endeavors. My lesson now is to define boundaries consciously, for myself and for others. Now we can just Google for Adrenal information. I visited so many doctors and nobody has reasonable explanation. I returned telephone calls to people who had left messages. She began hearing voices. NEPTUNE TRANSITS The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. I still need space. You may also experience more clearly the powerful affects of music, color, and atmospheres on your mood and sense of well-being. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. I just thought that I was doing something wrong but I had no idea what it was. My dentist gave me 30 mgs of Armour (a natural thyroid but it may not be strong enough for extreme cases). With regard to retirement, I have observed that, when a client is at retirement age, strong Neptune transits can trigger their retirement. I knew that I had outgrown this magazine. Now open your eyes. It has set a standard in my relationships by which I can never settle for less. I dont think you can or should avoid it though but you should use some common sense and probably be rather suspicious too of others intentions. In the past, when I have been thin, I have felt too vulnerable and unprotected so the weight would come piling back on. Thank you and congratulations for a very insightful and almost poetic description of Neptune-Venus transits. Which is an uber slow motion experience several years of this as Neptune takes 14 years to pass thru Pisces, on top of that the Asc/Dsc takes 16-20 years to progress each sign. Friends take me in because there is room for one person but never two peopleand, who would come with me? What does Mercury rule in your chart? In 1993, I could not see the anger in those around me as I was losing weight and found a new relationship. I feel what other people feels I became a radar Yoga helps I got a yoga certification and directing session helps me a big deal My son moved back home this time with his girlfriend (who has the south node on my moon) the dynamic feels confusing I know there is a lot that IM learning and growing from- but I can not see it yet what do I need to release ? Keep a journal of your fantasies, dreams, visions. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. This transit can also do a number to your value system. I seemed to make a transition from being comfortable as a loner to being comfortably and intimately connected with the world. It expands your idealistic nature, and it can inspire a search for knowledge and truth. Then, I realized that I have always supported the men in my life in some way. It is possible with Neptune opposite Ascendant to find a happy balance. Neptune speeds up the frequency in the etheric, causing the molecules of the etheric web to separate, making the vail between the seen and unseen more tenuousand dissolving boundaries (also making us more sensitive). Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep plugging. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. Sent 3-5 times a week. When Neptune was in my 5th house I picked all the wrong partners. Mars is sextile? Neptune is actually transiting my midheaven. Yet she could feel Neptune uplifting her vibrationally to a new level of consciousness. If you are lonely and have low self-esteem or depression you must be especially careful not to have your heart broken by a lowlife with eyes on your house and savings. If you find that you have been visualizing or meditating towards a certain outcome and yet it does not seem successful, it may be that you need to dialogue, that you need to ask the Immune System , What else is at work here? He had transiting Neptune conjunct his 7th cusp (the public) during 2001-2002, representing shared vision of anger and grief expressed to the public. It will sometimes take a crisis, intervention, or personal illness to snap you out of your delusion and rebuild your self-esteem and confidence. That trip began my decades for traveling to Europe every November, the time when I would normally get sick or have a crisis. You can expect a noticeable surge of physical life energy that will add great strength and power to whatever you do. I use Scharffenberger cocoa (not fat and not sugar) in my coffee. In a few minutes, all symptoms are gone. Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances, but also when it comes to emotional matters. When Neptune crossed her ASC, she began meditating and this opened her up to all kinds of negative entities. Is a part of me remembering what happened to Grandfather? First, Neptune in Pisces is hitting the planets in Mutable signs. These aspects also indicate how emotional you appear to other people. He gave us a special seat in the front, he had a bottle of German champaign sent to our table, he told the audience how I come very year to hear him sing, he sang my favorite songs and, most important, he made us feel special and connected. Neptune is an escape from the real world. Some measure of caution is advised. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. My two aunts, whom I loved very much, passed away plus a young cousin and, in 2019, my dad left me an orphan at the age of 73. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with sensitivity and spirituality. Sorry I just realised you meant transit Saturn. I have never partnered, I have never been able to completely trust my perceptions or go with my gut (a quincunx between my Sun and Moon doesnt help). You may even find yourself talking to plants and listening to what the birds are telling you. All of its work occurs in ebbs and flows and although you may experience it as an intense flow or rush of energy, image instead that it has built slowly, back and forth culminating in a wave of energy bringing support and change. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. These natives are very attractive in an ethereal way. Do ask your doctor if these would interfere with any other medications that you are taking! This could actually work in your favor depending on . When they owed me over $500, they said that I did not have a contract with them sono money! I have health problems(my eyes and face are always with edema, abdominal pain, skin problems etc. ) You will want to reserve time aloneaway from the hectic pace of lifefor reflection, prayer, and meditation. It is common for Neptunes influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. First, we would fly to Berlin and, for the first 2 days, stay at the little pension that I stayed at when I first came to Berlin in 1990. My own technique, essential because of my 12th House Mercury, is this: I practice by talking to myself, rehearsing something that I need to tell another. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. 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