native american current issues 2022

He has set a goal of conserving 30 percent of Americas lands and waters by 2030, and is working in collaboration with Tribal Nations to focus on the most ecologically important lands and waters. The high dropout rate can be attributed to poor education systems that do not accommodate many Indigenous students needs. Native American tribal elders died at an alarming rate in 2020, dissolving knowledge, language, and connection. In November 2021, USDA announced the Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative, acknowledging the history of how federal Indian policy has affected Native food and agriculture, and recommitted USDA to strengthening Indigenous food systems. The Biden-Harris Administration issued a memorandum recognizing Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge as one of the important bodies of knowledge that contributes to the scientific, technical, social, and economic advancements of our nation. In 2020, Native American activists beganworking to get their communities counted in the U.S. Census but with the White Houses premature end to census polling, many fear the effort may not have been enough. Among other things, NAGPRA requires federal agencies and museums to return certain Native American unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony unless the museum or federal agency can provide that it has a right of possession to the objects. Native Language Memorandum of Agreement. Many educators that want to teach Native American children the Native languages face an obstacle of poor funding and resources. According to theIndigenous Language Institute, out of more than300 Native languagesthat once existed, only about 175 remain in use today. Yet, provisions of various treaties are often referenced and needed for specific work on Tribal issues. To support conservation of the area, the State of New Mexico Land Office has implemented a moratorium on new state mineral leases within a 10-mile radius of Chaco Culture National Historical Park. President Biden's Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing or Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) Visit disclaimer page, published Nov. 15, 2021, acknowledges that "Native Americans face unacceptably high levels of violence, and are victims of violent crime at a . On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order directing the Departments of Justice, Interior, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services to create a strategy to improve public safety and justice for Native Americans and to address the epidemic of missing or murdered Indigenous peoples. , called Restoring and Protecting Our Native Languages and Landscapes. At the UNESCO IESALC seminar for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean on institutional racism, political scientist . By Terry Tang, AP. Policy Issues. The National NAGPRA Program, within the Department of the Interior's National Park Service, facilitates government-wide implementation of NAGPRA. Stand up against pipeline and other infrastructure projects being built on Native land. To elevate the voices of Native Americans in the Administration, President Biden restored the White House Council on Native American Affairs (WHCNAA) earlier this year and has fostered an all-of-government approach to working on Native issues. , suicide was the second leading cause of death for American Indian/Alaska Natives between the ages of 10 and 34? Challenges that Native people face are experienced socially, economically, culturally, and on many other fronts, and include but aren't limited to: There are currently 574 tribes that are recognized by the federal government, which are faced with these ongoing issues. The Native Americans, a diverse race of people, are subjected to racial abuse, societal discrimination, incorrect and inappropriate depictions in the media and arts, mental, spiritual, and physical violence, and much more. Not only that, but COVID-19 has put Native languages in jeopardy. shares six important things we should know about this bill. A report from the. It will be made up of Tribal Nation leaders and subject matter experts (including Tribal organization subject matter experts), to inform the Department on a broad range of intergovernmental relations and homeland security interests of Tribal Nations. This is by no means a definitive or comprehensive list of issues and challenges. As the years change, so do the stories about struggle, challenge, and hardship. The Department of the Interior has created the first-ever Secretarys Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC), a foundational step toward modernizing DOIs Tribal consultation plan and making permanent, long-lasting change to prioritize the Nation-to-Nation relationship. There will always be struggles and hardshipsfor any ethnicity and culture; however, it seems that Native American issues are uniquely challenging and stubbron. The Administrations work is rooted in the Presidents respect for the unique Nation-to-Nation relationship, commitment to the countrys trust and treaty responsibilities, and desire to strengthen Tribal sovereignty and advance Tribal self-determination. Jan. 21, 2022 WASHINGTON The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide a question left open by its landmark 2020 decision declaring that much of eastern Oklahoma falls within an Indian reservation. scholarships and other educational resources, NICE NEW CUT BEADED NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN CROWN, BARRETTE, AND CHOKER DANCE SET eBay Find of the Week, Top 5 Most Popular Pow Wow Videos of the Week September 09, 2019, To Fight Gangs and Their Grip On Our Children, Stereotype Proved incorrect: Natives drink LESS than European Americans. Native Americans are getting left behind in the remote work economy Matthew Gregg and Robert Maxim Monday, September 26, 2022 The Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) August jobs report showed a. The ARP is helping the country recover from a world-altering pandemic with $1.9 trillion in investments, including $32 billion devoted specifically to Tribal communities and Native people. Many treat Native Americans as ancient people whose cultures are no longer relevant. In May, President Biden presented his Fiscal-Year 2022 discretionary budget request to Congress, which included $28.8 billion for Indian programs, one of the largest budget requests ever for these programs. Tribal treaties are not readily accessible to federal employees. Efforts have been made by the communities to safeguard natural resources and protect the environment. She highlighted the unprecedented efforts of the Biden administration to listen to and work with tribes, while acknowledging the work still needed to ensure a . As we turn the calendar on another year, the important issues surrounding the Native American community may seem the same as the year before, but it's always good to remember that great things are happening and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Native adults are 50% more likely to be obese, increasing the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. 2 Jan 2023 December 2022 Our unequal earth The Native American-owned food trucks taking New Mexico by storm Native American chefs are redefining the food truck scene while building a. Overall changes in the U.S. economy have especially impacted Native peoples, Redbird notes, including the loss of a large number of jobs in construction and manufacturing, the decline of the minimum wage, and the increase in unstable employment. Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items. There are 574 ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse federally recognized Indian Tribes in the United States. Combatting Climate Change and Protecting Tribal Lands. The living conditions of some Native Americans have also been compared to those in third-world countries. Indigenous groups say there is more work to be done to rectify the pain caused by boarding schools that erased their culture. Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, Native American Issues: Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items. In 2015, the Indian Energy Service Center was established to improve collaboration and management in this area. , Jolene Holgate, a director for the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women stated: Thankfully, many people are working to raise awareness of the. Sarah. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pow Wows are one of the best ways to connect with your ancestral heritage and celebrate Native American culture. To garner input on the 2020 Disclosure Avoidance System and to give current 2020 census updates to federally recognized . We have to understand the historical destruction that has occurred and how this . The White House What has been ignored! In 2010, GAO reported on implementation of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), which governs Native American cultural items, such as human remains, held by federal agencies and certain museums. In the coming weeks, the Department of the Interior will initiate consideration of a 20-year withdrawal of federal lands within a 10-mile radius around Chaco Culture National Historical Park, protecting the area from new federal oil and gas leasing and development. Continue watching and listening as groups like Indigenous Climate Action, young activists, and individuals on social media help bring awareness and put a stop to the harmful actions which the government and big organizations have allowed. Indigenous Knowledge Statement and Establishment of Interagency Working Group on Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge. The anti-pollution ad showing a man in Native American attire debuted in 1971. Your email address will not be published. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the average high school retention rate was at 74 percent between 2018 and 2019, compared to the national average of 86 percent. Many Native Americans live in poor health conditions with limited access to healthcare facilities. Creation of the First-Ever Department of Homeland Security Tribal Homeland Security Advisory Council. These historical and social hurdles have resulted in many Native Americans succumbing to physical and mental health challenges, as well as not being seen or heard by the rest of society. According to the National NAGPRA Program's fiscal year 2020 report, in fiscal years 1990 through 2020, agencies repatriated 91.5 percent of the human remains in their collections that were culturally affiliated with a present-day Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization. However, BIAs inefficient management of these resources has hindered development. Despite the hardship and grief, there were many. Native American Heritage Day: November 25, 2022. A consequence of this forced assimilation is many Native languages are becoming extinct. Many Native people on reservations are unable to register to vote. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? OSU has hired Indian law experts to advise on this indexing process. Only 17% of Native students attend college, as opposed to the national average of 60%. Since so many Indigenous Peoples live below the poverty line, they often lack access to fresh produce and healthier foods, instead of living off highly processed packaged foods which only exacerbates the prevalence of obesity. In recent news, Indigenous people have flocked to the White House to help lead protests that urge President Biden to end fossil fuel projects and to declare a climate emergency. In this post, we will be looking at the various problems going into 2022 that the modern Native American has to grapple with. This has been brought to attention once again after a young, white woman. Roads are American Indian communities are reporting high rates of COVID-19 infection and voicing concerns that Programs and operations that are vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement, or in need of transformation. Rights To 'Crying Indian' Ad To Go To Native American Group. Places such as social media platforms are bringing more awareness to mental health challenges within Native communities. To mark this occasion, the Administration is releasing a full report on the progress we have made to date in our effort to support Tribal communities. Federal agencies have worked to repair damaged infrastructure in Alaska Native villages, and build their resilience to environmental threats. Native American Issues: Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items GAO-22-105685 Published: Feb 02, 2022. Such cultural items were added to collections through archeological excavations intended to advance scientific knowledge and preserve cultural items or through discoveries during federal construction projects. In many other instances, tribal governments are important policymakers in partnership with the federal and state governments. Tribal Treaty Rights Database. Indian country contains oil, gas, and coal, as well as potential for wind and solar energy development. Listen to Native voices on issues that affect their communities. Advancing Educational Equity for Native Children. He lists all his actions for the last 3.5. years! We have to support Native american rights. Poverty can be largely attributed to the lack of employment. A report by theUrban Indian Health Institutesays that while 5,712 cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls were reported in 2016 (the last year for which data is available), only 116 of these deaths were logged into the Department of Justices database. National Center for Educational Statistics. It was sweet," explained Cecilia Joe, an 85-year-old Navajo woman, in a recent interview.Joe's experience illustrates the under-researched but extremely pervasive problem of environmental injustice on Native American reservations.. Due to decades of harmful environmental policy and . Due to the lack of available emergency medical care in some areas and the inadequate medical facilities that have been understaffed and ill-equipped, many Native individuals have not been able to get the care they needed during the pandemic. Please enable JavaScript to use this feature. We drank in it. In its first year in office, the Biden-Harris Administration has begun a new era of Tribal relations with the federal government, rooted in honesty and modeled on diplomacy that will support an improved and strengthened Nation-to-Nation relationship for decades to come. I am concerned over the attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act that might be overturned by a rightwing Supreme Court!!! Yet Tribes demonstrated resilience, determination, and patriotismembracing testing and vaccination to save lives and protect communities. On Feb. 14, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) President Fawn Sharp delivered the annual State of Indian Nations Address at the NCAI 2022 Executive Council Winter Session. Experts have their eyes on the future of the Indian Child Welfare Act . Many educators that want to teach Native American children the Native languages face an obstacle of poor funding and resources. Other Indigenous influencers have utilized TikTokto show how beautiful and alive their cultures are. Investing in Tribal Nations in the Long-Term. However, federal assistance, Broadband is critical to modern life. (MMIW) through media outlets, social media, and political campaigns, and there are various ways individuals can get involved. If you watch the news you'll see headlines about mascots, celebrities wearing headdresses, and pipelines. The 1990 act governs cultural items, such as human remains and funerary objects, held by federal agencies and certain museums. A Navajo photographer and his daughters took the "jingle dress" dance on a journey across the country to bring spiritual healing and bring attention to indigenous issues. However, there is also hope, perseverance, and celebrations to acknowledge. Seventeen percent of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders and 27 percent of all self-identified Native Americans and Alaska Natives live in poverty, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. In 2020, the rate was significantly more due to shutdowns during the pandemic. June 29, 2022 5:45 PM ET. Hollywood has seen a proliferation of authentic, Indigenous stories, ushering in a new age of Native American representation both on screen and behind the camera. It could be economic lifeline for Indigenous communities but hurt environment. Native American tribal elders died at an alarming rate in 2020, dissolving knowledge, language, and connection. The MOU provides that the agencies will determine how they can best protect Tribal treaty rights in their policymaking and regulatory processes. For comparison, the January 2022 unemployment rate for Native American workers was higher than the unemployment rate for white workers in June 2020, just two months after the unemployment peaka . Students will also examine current issues in . These health disparities have nothing to do with any predispositions inherent in Native American people, but rather alackof health resources, funding and culturally competent care allotted to their communities. IHS. We washed our faces in it. More than 500 American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian children died in federal Indigenous boarding schools across the country, a report finds. A small Massachusetts museum had about 150 items considered sacred by the Sioux. It is obvious though, that Native individuals and communities are strong and resilient, and that they continue to lead, fight, and heal no matter what comes their way. Advocate for Native American womens rights and safety. But the reality is that Native people are resilient and have held onto many elements of their cultures, despite repeated attempts at forced assimilation by the U.S. government. Please read this: This is making the rounds of the Internet. Within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2022, UNESCO highlighted that discrimination continues to affect indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in Latin America. The beta version of the database will launch at the White House Tribal Nations Summit. Not only that, but COVID-19 has put, The United Nations has designated the period between 2022 and 2032 as the, International Decade of the World's Indigenous People, Recently, between October 5 and 7, a three-day virtual conference was held by. President Biden tasked the DOJ, DOI, and DHS with addressing specific law enforcement issues, as well as providing support for Tribal Nations to implement Tribally-centered responses. In recognition of the importance of Tribal homelands under federal stewardship, the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior have launched the Tribal Homelands Initiative through a joint Secretarial Order. In tribal and nontribal areas, Native American households are chronically overcrowded, which has become a growing concern during the coronavirus pandemic. This new database will allow federal employees and the general public to search through American Indian treaties. The Indian Health Service (IHS), a government agency, was intended established to provide healthcare services to American Indians. Private companies continue to exploit much of the resource-rich land many Native American tribes live on. The Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Commerce, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, State, and the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Personnel Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the Council Environmental Quality signed a Tribal Treaty Rights MOU. Here. While data for the U.S. Census are difficult to track on Native Americans for various reasons, there are mostly up-to-date stats on topics such as poverty and unemployment from the 2020 U.S. Census. Reclaiming Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Pow Wows In Your State Find Pow Wows Near You On Our Pow Wow Calendar, Pow Wow Etiquette Information- Native American Pow Wows, Native American Recipes: 25 of Our All-Time Favorites. Because Native American households are less likely to have access to clean water, they also experiencehigher mortality rates. With Tribal consultation and input from knowledge holders and practitioners, the Administration will develop a guidance document for federal agencies on how the collection and application of such knowledge can be mutually beneficial to Tribes, Native communities, and federal agencies and can strengthen evidence-based analysis and informed decision-making across the federal government. Native American languages are gradually becoming obsolete. These problems are connected to a host of other crises that challenge Native communities, many due to ongoing racism and a desire to erase these resilient groups that has spanned generations. Native American activists are doing their part to be heard so that their future language will be heard for many more years to come. As a group that has been historically undercounted, poor representation in the Census continues to reduce and limit distribution and availability of resources in all areas, including education. Strengthening the Nation-to-Nation Relationship. Native Americans die by suicide athigher ratesthan any other ethnic group in the U.S. "They never told us uranium was dangerous. As a therapist born and raised on a Navajo Reservation in Blue Canyon, Ariz., Segay is keenly aware of the unique needs of assisting these communities in culturally sensitive ways. An additional 5.9 million people identified as American Indian and Alaska Native and another race group. The proposed withdrawal will not apply to Individual Indian Allotments or to minerals within the area owned by private, state, and Tribal entities. Native Americans have suffrage rights but are unable to exercise them because of the unavailability of polling units. The Administration recognizes that chronic underfunding of infrastructure in Indian Country has harmed Tribal communities, which is why the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will make game-changing infrastructure investments spanning transportation, water, sanitation, energy, environmental restoration, telecommunications, and climate resiliencytotaling more than $13 billion in direct investments, with the ability to access hundreds of billions more in grants and other funding opportunities. This conference will equip individuals working at the community level with tools and best practices for revitalizing and strengthening Indigenous languages and the Traditional Ecological Knowledge carried within them.. The reasons behind poverty and unemployment issues within Native communities are historical and systemic. Many Native Americans do not live on the tribal lands or reservations ( only 22%) where when someone goes missing, the community, and tribal law enforcement band together in search efforts. you could probably go to but Im not 100% sure how it works. Native peoples suffer from high rates of poverty and unemployment. Make sure the Democrats get the story in their pitches. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the number of. However, they face a number of challenges to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their tribal programs. February 13, 2023, 3:25 AM Bob Wheeler, Plz help me & my bro. Numerous federal programs are working to increase broadband access on tribal lands. While 28% of the general population holds a college degree, only 13% of Native Americans have a college degree. Building Physical and Human Infrastructure in Indian Country. To demonstrate the Administrations commitment to this work, we are also announcing a number of new commitments during the Tribal Nations Summit. Speaking at a recent NIMH Director's Innovation Series lecture, Segay discussed her efforts to improve mental health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Check out. Estimates predict that without measures to preserve these languages, there could be as little as 20 left by 2050. Working Together to Defeat COVID-19. This has been brought to attention once again after a young, white woman, Gabby Petito went missing and was recently found strangled in the state of Wyoming. GAO concluded that (1) federal agencies had not fully complied with all requirements; (2) the National NAGPRA Program had taken actions to implement the NAGPRA requirements but had not carried out all responsibilities; and (3) federal agencies had repatriated many items covered by NAGPRA, such as human remains, but had generally not tracked or reported on their efforts. President Biden has used his office to protect Tribal lands and help mitigate the devastating effect of climate change on Native communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the number of tribal elders who remain alive and well. This, in turn, has resulted in the stunted economic growth of the area and one of the most stubborn Native American issues. It requires pre-approval of any changes in election procedures. Without the children learning the culture, there is a fading future. Despite the negatives, there. On January 26, just six days into office, the President signed a memorandum committing the Administration to the fulfillment of the federal trust and treaty responsibilities; to respecting Tribal self-governance; and to conducting regular, meaningful, and robust consultations with Tribal Nations on a broad range of policy issues. In Arizona, 4.5% of its population is Native, yet make-up nearly 20% of the Covid-19 related deaths. Limiting the Federal Government's Fiscal Exposure by Better Managing Climate Change Risks, Improving Federal Management of Programs that Serve Tribes and Their Members, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, difficulty navigating complex application processes, missed some of the requirements' deadlines, IHS has faced numerous challenges in administering health care services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Native Americans also struggle with substance abuse at a rate higher than other groups in the U.S. The Biden-Harris Administration has made unprecedented financial investments in Tribal Nations so that Indian Country can thrive. The July 1, 2021, population estimate for American Indian and Alaska Native alone population is 4.4M and the alone or in combination population is 7.2M. The Native Americans represent less than 1 percent of the student population in the United States. Together, these two economic packages contain billions of dollars to support Indian families with programs that will cut the costs of raising a family, make it easier to afford health care and care for older Americans, and take unprecedented action against the climate crisis. It must be answered with truth and facts! Schools in New York state are under orders to stop using Native American references in mascots, team names and logos by the end of the current school year, The Kansas State Board of Education is recommending that school districts end the use of Native America mascots and branding, Law boosts Native American families in foster care, adoptions of Native children. Please send me some counters to his accomplishments. These transformative cradleboard to college funds will make it easier for Native women and other family providers to remain in the workforce and increase educational opportunities and outcomes for children. Teaching and LEARNING, is the best TOOLS to do. Roads connect people to education, employment, health care, and other essential services. (IHS), a government agency, was intended established to provide healthcare services to American Indians. of Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaskan Natives, is a definite help for those who dont know where to turn. Published: Feb 02, 2022. Lack of resourcesin schools due to insufficient funding is also a major contributing factor to students plummeting academic levels. Established the Department of Agriculture Hall of Tribal Nations. I think the Native American Indians lives, can become better. Heard on All Things Considered. The demonstrations marked the first day of People vs. Fossil Fuels, a week of demonstrations and civil disobedience organized by Build Back Fossil Free, a coalition of hundreds of Indigenous and climate, social, economic, and racial justice organizations. These areas have been exploited for their natural resources for economic reasons and have threatened the area with climate change. Some issues are completely unique to Native peoples, tribal governments, and nations. This is a recurring problem for Indigenous populations and was an especially prevalent issue during the 2020 Presidential election. Due to the high poverty rate among the Native Americans, many live in overcrowded and poor conditioned houses on Indian reservations. American Indian and Alaska Native governments, and their citizens, are engaged in a broad range of policy areas. , health care, and patriotismembracing testing and vaccination to save lives and protect the environment access! Modern Native American children the Native Americans, many live in poor native american current issues 2022 conditions with limited to. People to education, employment, health care, and patriotismembracing testing and vaccination to save lives protect... Ecological knowledge do the stories about struggle, challenge, and Nations there 574... That the agencies will determine how they can best protect tribal lands and help mitigate devastating. Services for American Indian/Alaska Natives between the ages of 10 and 34 poverty can be largely to! In Native American Group the historical destruction that has occurred and how this is work! 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