mike parsons ministry

A top-tier supporter, if they wish, can also create a private group. I longed to go beyond the small Cornish town that framed my life but films and dreams were my only avenue. If you like these activations and want more, then please head over to freedomarc.org/freetrial If that is not all our experience then we have ceased the journey, content with our systematic theological understanding of a God who is infinite, creating a box for that God that is only a prison for our minds. Rev Dr Mike Parsons. We have a therapeutic community (which is a rehabilitation program to help people with addiction issues); we have housing for 50 plus vulnerable people; and a day centre to help the homeless and others in crisis or need. Personally, I dont really hold too much to the thousand years as seasons theory, that now were in the 7th millennium, we are in the season of rest. Mar 2006 - Present17 years 1 month. Through his YouTube Mystic Mentoring videos, books, blog posts, conferences, personal speaking engagements and most of all through the. Your first 2 weeks free. I believe we are on a journey to discover just how creative we are: we know that we are co-heirs but how much do we know that we are co-creators and what that creative ability will be? Get the recordings of all 22 sessions for 100 GBP at: freedomarc.org/roat3, I did not set out to create a 7-step meditative exercise, I just discovered that I was doing this myself. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen, but I want to live in the reality of experiencing everything that God intends for me, not to die never having received it (as happened to all those heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11). for more information and a free 2-week trial for the Engaging God programme. No matter what you have done, where you have come from, or what has happened to you, God loves you. I and the Father are one. (John 10:27-30). That grace and mercy will never cease to be a vehicle for love to be expressed and demonstrated abundantly, lavishly and with extreme desire and intent, without limits. I had to die to that need to know what was going on. From the very beginning of the birth of the church, the religious spirit, operating in the Judaizers, tried to get believers back under the Law of Moses (and is still pursuing the same agenda today). The further and deeper this rabbit hole journey has gone, the more convinced I am of Gods desire and passion for the restoration of all things of creation. The second and third tiers will probably fill up quite quickly so Id encourage you not to delay, its first come first served in thosegroups. My point here is that we need to understand the context of the eternal purposes of God. If you still think you can separate yourselves, or feel separated because of your past life, or things you might do, or thoughts you might have, remember this: God takes no notice of what you or others think, He just takes notice of who He is. Click on any link below to access an activation (video, as seen on YouTube). A supernaturally dimensional reality where there is fire and there seem to be a whole lot of people who are unhappy there what else was I supposed to think? the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom(Dan 7:22). The kingdom has foundations of righteousness, and justice, and it is Gods people who are eventually going to judge angels, and fallen angels. We can live loved: that does not mean live trying to be loved, or trying to earn love, or to deserve love, or to be good enough for love. Every Wednesday, at noon in our own local time zones, we continue to release a wave of love by intention around the world More info and resources: http://freedomarc.org/releaselove #releaselove Live loved Love living Live loving . So then do I have an obligation or do I have a duty to do certain things? She was a member of Northwest Baptist Church for the entirety of its existence, serving as a deacon for many . The reason that this truth has been attacked and twisted in many different ways is because it is so important that we understand and experience it, because when we experience that unconditional love, it brings freedom. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. So the Old Covenant was immature, and the New Covenant will bring us to maturity, but only if we dont lay another Old Covenant foundation. But as I mentioned earlier, the whole Old Covenant system of sacrifices and offerings associated with the Law, which was instituted by Moses, was never Gods idea. will learn how to access God through Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life, in It is talking about us being lifted up to that place of rulership and authority, so that we become a gateway for the King of Glory to come in and fill this world through our lives. The Father said Son, we will never give up on even one of those who are Our sons as We cannot deny Ourselves. God cannot deny Himself because He is love. (2 Peter 3:8). Downloadable video, audio and PDF files will be added later all included in the livestream price. Probably all of us have been involved in some religious system or other and those systems tend to require performance or adherence to a set of behavioural norms so that we will be accepted. For me it is about not functioning under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore not functioning in works. We are beginning to experience this, that when we come together we are a dwelling of God in the Spirit, and His Presence manifests among us that is what the glory of God is all about. The soul must submit to the spirit, but it will not do so willingly. Satan offered them the opportunity to gain knowledge without God. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 6pm UK time. He shares His heart and inspires and encourages us. When I look into His face I see no condemnation of where I am, just the love and pleasure of His heart because He wants relationship. Bring it back to that simple thought: my destiny is to be the me that God created me to be. The ministry entrusted to us is to share the good news of the unconditional love, inclusion and reconciliation that God has already brought about in Jesus! We live here on the earth, with the atmosphere of the earth around us. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. NW Ekklesia Published on Sep 19, 2016 Learn how to function in this court for your community, your friends and yourself. Choose to watch or just listen: videos, audios, PDF slides and printer-friendly text PDFs are included and its absolutely FREE to stream or download. Years ago I was very systematic in how I approached (and taught) things because that is the way I am wired. Click the image for more details. Conferences and Intensives 2018. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26). He has no Plan B, C or D. Now, there is a teaching which says He has. I look forward to every day because there is more to experience, more to explore, more to just rest in and to just be. This means we do not judge anyone else or where they are on their journey. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them. My journey has been one of deepening intimacy which has revealed who God is as my Father, Mother, Brother and Friend. Come to God and ask Him to build our spirit. This will be a systematic journey starting from the beginning and following both pathways to engage our individual scrolls and destinies. That is His highest agenda. Purchase your copy online from The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide),Barnes & Noble (USA)orWaterstones (UK)or order from your local bookstore. Living in dual realms think and be Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in the same way. (John 5:19). We believe and teach that every person carries within them a God-given superpower that is vital to the body of Christ. Righteousness reveals it Those subjects are part of most churches foundation courses (they were certainly the basis of ours). Eden the Garden of God Click here to order the livestream/recordings. We also recommend these activations produced by our friends at NW Ekklesia (external link). Make sure we give God first place, first love, first priority. Speaker, author and YouTube channel host. Terms and conditionsapply. Yet much of our preaching of the gospel, particularly in an evangelical setting, has been the opposite of that. The whole Bible is written in terms of covenant. God wants it to be very practical. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. Tampa/St. experiences yourself or not, through this programme you will learn to develop Or you can use the blue button tocontact usabout makinga one-time gift. It is the same with your spirit. None. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. Someone on a Mystic Mentoring session recently asked about this scripture, and about the seventh millennium (seventh day) therefore being a season of rest. Mike and his guests presented The Restoration of All Things 3online event from 17-20 June 2021. Our goal is to help the sons of God to arise as the Joshua generation and be equipped and ready to mentor the next generation in sonship. So I fix my eyes on Jesus and on the Father and then I find that I just walk out every day and enjoy it. The Restoration of All Things, the new book from Mike Parsons, is out now. My destiny and calling were to be a forerunner, therefore hindrances and obstacles often characterised the path I was destined to follow. individually one month or meet as a group another month and theyll be responsible for creating that group. I should go to church; I should pray; I should read my Bible; I should witness: God challenged me over these things. It just takes practice and perseverance. A mind shift from attempts to impress God by your behaviour to faith righteousness in Christ is fundamental. I have some very exciting news that I want to share with you. I would have always said that I believed that God is love but my understanding of that love is very different now that I know it by experience. People come up with all sorts of theories to account for any discrepancies, but I would prefer to focus on the fact that we can live in rest as a state of being (rather than just a period of rest associated with the 7th millennium). That is unconditional love in action; and that is God in action. Free to watchon this blog: this YouTube video of the first session ofExpanding our Reality, our finalSons Arise! We tend to think God has an agenda that He is wanting us to accomplish. My experiences and encounters with their true reality exploded my limited and restricted understanding that had been framed by my minds religious constructs. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. (Gal 2:20 JUB). We even speak about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. So we live in every day being a new day (so for me, we live in the eighth day, not the seventh). They are continually striving for something that already belongs to them; and if they would just stop, they would discover what it is to receive and be at rest. Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. For most people, things are just as bad as they were in the sixth millennium. So that religious deception alters and denigrates Gods character and makes love able and willing to punish us not to discipline or correct us, but to bring retribution upon us. God intends us to be spirit, soul and body, in that order. So if we live in that reality, then we can abide, dwell, and remain at rest in that state of conscious awareness that we are loved. Gods love will never stop because He cannot stop being Him: He can never deny Himself and who He is, so He continues to love. We didnt need to do anything, He did it all! And then everything flows from being. In that private group they can engage with me and maybe up to 10 people, 12 people, who who are also bottom tier supporters; so that each group can meet with me monthly. Yes, God is love, but He is also righteous. As if His righteousness contradicts His love! There can be layered truth. Speak it out. And I believe we are called, we are the sons of God: we can be like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and seasons that were living in and were fully able then to participate as co-heirs and co-creators in theKingdom of God, Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/freedomarc. Most of the time that means just getting out of the way. In my previous book, My Journey Beyond Beyond, I shared my life story on the quest for true reality in my relationship with God as my Father. That deep-seated inspirational drive was at the heart of my quest for knowledge and a reality that always seemed just beyond my grasp. If we want to build a strong spirit, we saw last time how praying in tongues on the inside and on the outside is something we need to practise. Terms and conditionsapply. The Eschatology of the Restoration of All Things was published on Thursday 1st September 2022. No, because I am loved unconditionally. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. 2023 Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. It releases us to be ourselves and it stops us from believing we have to perform to earn it or deserve it. They are having a conversation about you right now, and that conversation is good. Yes, God is love, but He is also just. As if His justice contradicts His love! This book continues the journey to where beyond was taking me. Heart/universe imagecourtesy offinemayer via Pixabay. So many things are happening, so many things are happening in the heavens; its such an exciting time for those who are called for a time such as this. It was not that He had a huge scroll with the detail of every miracle He was going to do written on it: what was on His scroll was Here is My Son: I am in His heart and He is in My heart. This involves a progression of relationship and of levels of authority and responsibility that would bring us to our sonship. All of us know that God is love because the Bible tells us; but the question is, have we all experienced that love as unconditional or do we just know it as a concept or a theory? Although you will see a separate price on each Engaging God module, subscribers get access to them without paying anything more than their monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription. In this single-session teaching, Mike talks us through his foundational daily meditative practice. I probably would have thought that way initially, and even taught it, but as I have discovered my relationship with God and discovered who I am, I am now just learning to rest, and be, and go with the flow. My beyond beyond experiences were an ongoing process of encounters that created such cognitive dissonance that the God that I thought I knew evaporated into nothingness. It has been a wild ride so far and it shows no sign of slowing down! Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! All 29 sessions are now available completely free of charge. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. (except Kindle version, only available from the Amazon Kindle store). He does not see me the way I see myself or the way others see me. Here again we see that Stone which was cut out without hands in Daniel 2. Even after Jesus returns, and we go into the age to come, the kingdom will go on increasing. 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