42nd infantry division ww2 roster

Roster, J. T. 3rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron 914 . 10TH CO CAC L.I.S.-DET 100TH CO CAC JEFFERSON BKS MO REDES 4TH CO CAC L.I.S. Box 107. Unknown 42nd "Rainbow" Infantry Division: a combat history of World War II. HQ CO 21ST FIELD ARTILLERY REGT-HQ&HQ BTRY 24TH FA REGT . 346TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-BTRY C 347TH FA . CO A PROV REPL BN ARMY SCH AE-CAS ANTI AIRCRAFT ARTY SCH CAC FT DESTAINS FR. Washington, DC 20024-2126 DET FIN DEPTFT WM MC KINLEY-ROTC SIGNAL CORPS. The 41st Infantry Division arrived in Australia, 7 April 1942, and underwent intensive training. 22-25. BN CO C, 308TH F FIELD SIG BN CO C-312TH FLD SIG BN DET, 313TH FIELD SIG BN HQ C-316TH FLD SIG BN CO B, 316TH FIELD SIG BN CO C-321ST FLD SIG BN CO B, 321ST FIELD SIG BN CO C-325TH FLD SIG BN DETS, 325TH FIELD SIG BN CP DETS-7TH TELEG BN CO E, 407TH TELEG BN S.C. CO E-CO E 413TH TELEG BN, SIGNAL CORPS DEPOT CO H-FLD CO I SIG CORPS, DET DEPOT CO L SIG CORPS SAN FRAN-CO M SIG CORPS USAT, USAT SIGNAL CORPS CO M-DET 2 SV SIG CORPS USAT, 3RD SERVICE SIGNAL CORPS-CAS DET 4TH SV SIG CORPS USAT, 4TH SERVICE SIGNAL CORPS-DET 5TH SV SIG CORPS, 5TH SERVICE SIGNAL CORPS-DET 6TH SV SIG CORPS. RA RCTS 13. 82ND FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-83RD FA HQ CO. 101ST FIELD ARTILLERY REGT DET-103 FA BTRY A, 103RD FIELD ARTILLERY REGTBTRY A-104TH FA BTRY F, 104TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY F-106TH FA BTRY C, 106TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY D-108TH FA SUPPLY, 109TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY F-111TH FA REGT, 111TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY D-113TH FA BTRY C, 113TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-115TH FA BTRY B, 115TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-117TH FA BTRY A, 117TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-119TH FA SUPPLY CO, 119TH FIELD ARTILLERY SUPPLY CO-120TH FA RECT, 121ST FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-122TH FA BTRY B, 123RD FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-SANITARY DET 124TH FA, 124TH FIELD ARTILLERY MED DET-GTRY F 125TH FA, 126TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-SAN DET 128TH FA, 26TH FIELD ARTILLERY ORD DET CO-DET OF PNTS 129TH FA, 129TH FIELD ARTILLERY DETS CO-BTRY E 131ST FA, 131ST FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-BTRY C 133 RD FA, 133RD FIELD ARTILLERY BTRYC-BTRY A 134 FA, 136TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-SUPPLY 138 FA, 138TH FIELD ARTILLERY SUPPLY-BTRY A 140 FA, 140TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-MED DETS 142 FA, 142TH FIELD ARTILLERY ENL ORD-BTRY E 143RD FA, 143RD FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-BTRY F 145TH FA, 145TH FIELD ARTILLERY DET-BTRY D 147TH FA, 147TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-HQ CO 149TH FA, 149TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-BTRY B 150TH FA, 150TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-BTRY F 151ST FA, 151ST FIELD ARTILLERY DET-BTRY B 302ND FA, 302ND FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-HQ CO 304TH FA, 304TH FIELD ARTILLERY MED SAN-BTRY D 305TH FA, 305TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-SUP CO 307TH FA, 307TH FIELD ARTILLERY MED SUP-BTRY E 308TH FA, 308TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-BTRY B 310TH FA, 310TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-ORD DET 312TH FA, 312TH FIELD ARTILLERY ORD DET-DET 79 312TH FA, 313TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-BTRY D 314TH FA, 314TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY E-BTRY F 315TH FAREGT, 315TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY F-HQ CO 318TH FA REGT. News of Dachau's liberation spread swiftly. 6TH FIELD ARTILLERY BRIG HQ-HQ 64TH FA BRIG. World War, 1914-1918 > Registers. "Activities 42nd Division WWII" Series 10: Oversize Materials Series 1, 2: World War I and WWII Box 108. In their report delivered to Congress on May 15, 1945, the senators and representatives stated that. To check the negative implications of this competition and to minimize the impact the mobilization could have . DET 131ST CO CAC GUILFORD CONN. REDES 2ND CO CAC-10TH CO CAC L.I.S. Throughout those 103 years, the 42nd has served in World War I, World War II, at Ground Zero during . Moving across the Rhine, 31 March, the 42d captured Wertheim, 1 April, and Wurzburg, 2-6 April, after a fierce battle. DET FIN DEPT FT MONMOUTH-ROTC DET COLETHORPE. 13TH BN DET CO A FT MCPHERSON GA-CO D 28TH BN FT MCPHERSON GA. 28TH BN USG CO B-US LEQUIDATION MISSION IN ENGLAND. ORD DET, PIG POINT,VA-ORD DET SAN JUAN, P.R. on the Internet. FINANCE DET FT BROWN-POST N.C. STAFF, FT DADE. DET ENL MEN OFF CHIEF OF FA-ARMY SERV DET QM DET, USMA DET CAV WEST POINT-USMA DET OF ENGRS WEST POINT. STAFF FT STEVENS. USMA BAND FIELD MUSIC-USMA DET OFSIGNAL CORPS. More complete information on this collection and instructions on how to use it can be found in United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters - FamilySearch Historical Records 42nd infantry division ww2 roster. 342ND FIELD ARTILLERYBTRY D-BTRY F 343RD FA . Schweinfurt fell next after hand-to-hand engagements, 9-12 April. AC DET 4TH COAST ARTILLERY-INACTIVE UNITS 4TH, USDB GOVENORS ISLAND-CAV UNASGD LEAVENWORTH. Our officials advised us that many of the others who had survived the trip had died since in the camp, and many more, although still alive, were starved beyond redemption. . Be the first one to. The 42nd Infantry Division (42ID) ("Rainbow" [1]) is a division of the United States Army National Guard. History. 65TH FIELD ARTILLERY BRIG HQ-HQ CO, 1ST INF BRIG. Search the history of over 797 billion The 42d Infantry Division has served in World War I, World War II and the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). 322ND FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY B-BTRY B 324TH FA REGT. On the 25th, the 42d captured Donauworth on the Danube, and on the 29th liberated some 30,000 inmates at Dachau, most notorious of the Nazi concentration camps. Defending a 31-mile sector along the Rhine, north and south of Strasbourg, the Task Force repulsed a number of enemy counterattacks, at Hatten and elsewhere. 9TH FIELD ARTILLERY BN BATRY B-HQ & HQ BATRY 10TH FA BN . 104th MOBILE ORD,29TH DIV-1ST HV MOBILE ORD REP SHOP. -- Army. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Harold Stanley Johnson. HQ CO PACIFIC SECTOR-HQ MIL POLICE CO PANAMA, DET MED CORPS DORD-DET QM CORPS PIG POINT. POST N.C.S PLATTSBURG-FIN DET POST SAN JUAN. A. Mann commanding, New York, Eaton & Gettinger, inc., printers, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, United States. POST N.C.S STAFF FT SUMTER-POST HQ DET FT FRANCIS. CP ZACHARY TAYLOR-BTRY C 16TH BN F.A.R.D, 302ND FIELD SIG BN CO B-DET 305TH FLD SIG BN, 306TH F S BN HQ & SUP DET-308TH F.S. 76TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-SICK IN HOSP. 45th infantry division wwii roster 45th infantry division wwii roster. HQ SMALL ARMS FIRING SCH-TEAMSTERS SCH (STU) CP LOGAN TEX. judyjordan . 41ST FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B- BTRY C 57TH FA REGT, 57TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY D-68TH FA REGT BTRY B, 68TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-76TH FA HQ BTRY. The division is currently headquartered at the Glenmore Road Armory in Troy, New York. Uploaded by REPAIR UNIT,321,SEC 11 MOTOR TRANSPORT DEPOT. DGS stands for Digital Genealogical Society also known as an Image Group Number. Roster of the Rainbow division (forty-second) Major General Wm. More complete information on this collection and instructions on how to use it can be found in United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters - FamilySearch Historical Records. 1st Infantry Regiment Field Staff,1912-1916 - Serv. Joyce, Raymond F., Jr. "Stretch Like a Rainbow." Army Digest (Oct 1970): pp. 59th Ordnance, 2nd Platoon-74th Ordnance, ORD DEP, JOHN HAY-ORD DEP, Zachary Taylor. Immediately after Dachau's liberation, US Army authorities and other Allied representatives began treating the sick prisoners, implementing health and sanitary measures to curb the typhus epidemic, and bringing in tons of food to feed the starving prisoners. TTY: 202.488.0406, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, The Holocaust and World War II: Key Dates, Nazi Territorial Aggression: The Anschluss, Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. The map can be zoomed in and purchased at HistoryShots.com. To check the negative implications of this competition and . 347TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY D-DET OF PNTS 349TH FA RECRUIT DEPOT. Browse related items. Army, World War II, World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental Histories -- United States, United States. In each of them the floor of the car was covered with dead, emaciated bodies. The 332nd Infantry Regiment, formed at Camp Sherman, was the only U.S. Army unit to serve on the Italian Front. Newsletter, 42nd Infantry Division Rainbow, 1978 Box 111. "The 42nd Infantry Division stretches like a Rainbow from one end of America to the other." Major General Harry J. Collins, then Brigadier General, recalled the words of General MacArthur on that . TIENTSIN CHINA-RCT CASUAL DET VAN COUVER. After throwing back an enemy attack, 24-26 January 1945, Task Force Linden returned to Seventh Army Reserve and trained with the remainder of the Division which had arrived meanwhile. During its time in France, the 42nd Division incurred one-out-of-sixteen casualties suffered by the American Army during the war. PROV MOTORCYCLE CI#1 MOTOR TRANSPORT-10TH MOTOR TRANSPORT . 42nd Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized) 00.00.0000-00.00.0000: 42nd Quartermaster Company: 00.00.0000-00.00.0000: 132nd Signal Company: . 82ND FIELD ARTILLERY MED DETL-82ND FA BTRY B. Malnutrition and disease were rampant, and corpses lay unburied. 344TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-DET OF PNTS 345TH FA . This vintage map chart the journey of the 42nd Infantry Division throughout Europe during World War II. The proximity of the US Army gave hope to the prisoners in the camp and to anti-Nazis outside it. The 42nd and 45th Infantry Divisions and the 20th Armored Division liberated Dachu, however there were many s ubcamps and soldiers with our unit, the 36th Infantry Division, often related in the stories they told to their families that they liberated Dachu, when technically it was a subcamp called Kaufring II in Landsburg. 11TH COMP 7TH BN P.S.-16TH CO 5TH BN P.S. As we visited Dachau we saw on a railroad sidetrack paralleling the main highway, and close to the gates of the prison camp, a train of cars which had been used to bring additional civilian prisoners to this camp. Those Who Served in the United States Army in World War II. 15TH FIELD ARTILLERYHQ BAND- BTRY B 15TH FA REGT. Each set of digital images is assigned a DGS number for identification purposes. View the list of all donors. 8th Div MM TR DET-16TH DIV AMM TR HQ DET. 2ND HV MOBILE ORD REP SHOP-39TH REGT,CO B. 350TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ CO-BTRY C 350ST FA, 351ST FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-HQ BTRY OBSN BN, 1ST OBSN BN BTRY A- BTRY B 2ND TRENCH MORTAR. FINANCE DET FT BARRANCAS-DET FINANCE DEPT FT BROWN TEX. In April, the "Rainbow" division captured the cities of Wrzburg, Schweinfurt, and Frth. The 42nd Infantry Division was created in August 1917, just months after the United States entered World War I, and was sent overseas to France in November. Roster of the Rainbow division (forty-second) Major General Wm. QMC DEPOT NEW ORLEANS-DET QM CORPS RENO QMD FT RENO. 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" Nevertheless, the Army officials in charge of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this 1 train and that at least 100 of these civilians had been jammed into each car . It is the story of his contribution to the safety and security of the people of his country and of the world. 2: 42nd Division - Most of the Middle and far Western States. N.C.S QMC APARRI CAGAYAN-DET FIN DEPT CHANUTE FLD. 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ&HQ BTRY & CT 1ST BN-BTRY B 7TH FA, 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT DET REPL BN 3-HQ BTRY BN 8TH FA REGT. Search the history of over 797 billion HQ 2ND INF BRIADE-VET FIELD 7TH INF BRIG. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 80TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT ENL-82ND FA MED DET. Responsibility [Edited and compiled by Lieut. Operation Nordwind: US Army's 42nd Infantry Division Stood its Ground During World War II. There are no reviews yet. 20TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-OFF REGT L HQ 21ST FA REGT. ORGN PARK QMC BASE SEC #1 RECP PARK AEF APO, DET MED DEPT BS #2 CP INF CP ST SULPIEC FR. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. A. Mann commanding by Johnson, Harold Stanley. 305th AMM TR, 4th Motor TRK-307th AMM TR,2nd caison. 15TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-16 FA SUPPLY CO. 17TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-18TH FA BTRY A, 18TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-BTRY F 18TH FA REGT. Walking through the camp, they discovered more than 30,000 prisoners in overcrowded, horrific conditions. 1ST BOMB SQ GHQ AG MITCHELL FLD N.Y- 23RD BOMB SQ LUKE FLD T.H. A period of patrolling and training followed while elements of the . HQ 3RD CORPS AREA -DET DEML ORGN RES HQ 317TH INF 3RD CORPS AREA. These prisoners had apparently crawled out of the cars and had died on the ground. 1.31.1931 - HG DET. The 165th Infantry was inducted into federal service at New York, NY and assigned to the 27th Division on October 15th 1941. Passing through Munich . 339TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-BTRY E 340TH FA . It was numerically designated the 42d Division, and called the "Rainbow Division" by General . Publication date 1917. 2NDFIELD ARTILLERY BTRY A-BTRY C 2ND FA REGT BASE SEC #1, 6TH FA REGT BTRY C-DET BTRY 6TH FA REGT FT CROCKETT TEX. 318TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT HQ CO-BTRY B 319TH FA REGT , 319TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY B-VET DET 321TH FA REGT. "The "Rainbow' Division: A Condensed History of the 42. nd. Furth, near Nurnberg, put up fanatical resistance, but was taken, 18-19 April, by the Division. Activated 14 Jul 1943 Entered Combat 24 Dec 1944 Days of Combat 106 Casualties 3,971, Maj. Gen. Henry J. Collins (Jun 43 - Jul 46), Rhineland(15 Sep 44 - 21 Mar 45)Central Europe(22 Mar 45 - 11 May 45). 77TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-80TH FA HQ REGT. 8TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-BTRY E 8TH FA. Nickname: Rainbow Division 165th, 166th, 167th, 168th Infantry (Inf.) It earned . DET QMC POST OF HQ-NATIONAL GUARD DELAWARE INSTRUCTOR PERSONAL, INSTRUCTOR PERSONEL DNG-NY WORLDS FAIR PROV CO 16TH INF. 222nd Infantry, newsletter, . We saw many dead bodies on the ground. 3rd NZ Division in the Pacific WWII . Army Publisher Baton Rouge, LA : Army & Navy Publishing Company Collection wwIIarchive; additional_collections Language English ORD DET SAN JUAN, P.R.-ENG DIV ENL ORD CORPS, CONS DET ENL,Wash DC-DET QMC,SPRINGFIELD, MASS, DET QMC,SPRINGFIELD-HQ ORD DETS,BENICIA, CALIF, HQ ORD DETS,BENICIA, CALIF-ENL ORD, EDGEWOOD, ARS. Boyce, Syderick Clayton - 16th Armored Divison; 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th . On that day, three US Army divisions converged on the camp: the 42nd Infantry, the 45th Infantry, and the 20th Armored. DET ORD DEPT, FT BROWN-DET ORD DEPT, FT DE LESSEPs, CZ, DET ORD DEPT, FT DE LESSEPs, CZ-DET ORD DEPT FT HAYES, ORDNANCE DEPT, FT SAM HOUSTON,- ORD DEPT COAST DEFENCES OF OAHU, ORDNANCE DEPT, FT lawton wash,- ORD DET,FT MC INTOSH TEXAS, ORD DET,FT MC INTOSH TEXAS ,DET ORD DEPT FT MONROE VA, DET ORD DEPT FT MONROE VA,-DET ORD DEPT FT PORTER NY, DET ORD DEPT FT PORTER,-DET ORD DEPT FT SCREVEN, DET ORD DEPT, FT SCREVEN-DET ORD DEPT,-DET ORD DEPT STOTSENBURG, DET ORD DEPT, FT STOTSEN-DET ORD DEPT,FT WORDEN, DET ORD DEPT,FT WORDEN,-DET ORD DEPT ALCATRAZ CALIF, DET ORD DEPT ALCATRAZ CALIF-ORD DET, HARLINGER, TEXAS, DET ORD DEPT hARTFORD WI-ORD DET, MANILA,PI. 12TH FA 1ST BN BTRY F-13TH FA HQ AND TRAIN. Division, 42nd, World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers Publisher New York, Eaton & Gettinger, inc., printers Collection cdl; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN . 113 TH AMM TR, 1st cass-116th AMM TR, HQ, 116th AMM TR, Med Det, 117th AMM TR, wagon Co. 303rd AMM TR, Co C-305th AMM TR, 4th Motor TRK. RENSSELAER POLY TECNIC INST, S.A.T.C SEC A UNIV OF OKLA - S.A.T.C. NY Guardsman learns high angle shooting in Africa. SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 10464-SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 11799. SQ AC MAXWELL- 8TH ATTACK GP FORT CROCKETT TEXAS, 8TH ATTACK SQ 3RD ATTACK FT CROCKETT TEX- 90TH ATTACK SQ FT CROCKETT TEX, 90TH ATTACK SQ AC CROCKETT TEX- 1ST BOMB AF MITCHELL FLD. USMA DET OF ENGRS DEML WEST POINT-USMA DET OF FA WEST POINT. The division was drawn from the National Guards of 26 states and the District of Columbia. 168th Infantry Company E, rosters, 1919-1972 Box 45. This article contains an inventory of the microfilm/digital folders found in a FamilySearch Historical Records Collection. -- Army -- Infantry Division, 42nd, World War, 1939-1945, World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States, World War II, United States. In some of these cars there were more than enough to cover the floors. American Expeditionary Forces. The delegations of journalists and congressmen who had been viewing the Buchenwald concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see the camp. 42ID Online the official Home of 42nd Infantry Division : Generals of World War II : WWII Photos of Mickey Martins: Site design & initiative: Hans Houterman: Site created by: Jeroen Koppes: Thanks to: The first Rainbow Division was composed of National Guard units from 27 states and it was this collection of men which inspired General Douglas MacArthur, its most famous member, to declare. On 13 November 1944, it jumped off in an attack northeast, forcing a passage through the Vosges Mountains east of Leintrey to Dossenheim, took Avricourt, 17 November, and pushed on to liberate Strasbourg, along with the 2d French Armored Division. Also called the Purple Heart Battalion, the unit is the most-decorated in United States military history for its size and length of service. This table describes the content of the digital folders of enlisted muster rolls, 1 Jan 1916-31 Dec 1939 in the collection United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY REGT MED SAN-BTRY D 333RD FA REGT, 33RD FIELD ARTILLERY REGT BTRY D-BTRY C 335TH FA REGT. Division, 42nd, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). TEAMSTERS&PACKERS SCH FORT SAM HOUSTON-DET FINANCE DEPT FT DIX NJ. Boryk, Theodore - A Company, 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion - Submitted by Gloria LaRoche (niece). on March 18, 2008, There are no reviews yet. 435TH AERO SQ CONSTR - 455TH AERO SQ P.D. Their bodies were left behind in various locations throughout Germany. The 42nd Infantry Division was created in August 1917, just months after the United States entered World War I, and was sent overseas to France in November. On August 5, 1917, the War Department created the 42nd Division comprised of National Guard units from 26 states and the District of Columbia, and selected the 165th as one of its four infantry regiments. St. Paul, MN: Print Craft, 2004. Publication date 1917] Topics United States. The 222nd Infantry Regiment, 232nd Infantry Regiment, and the 242nd Infantry Regiment were activated and included recruits from all 48 states. Digging through the rosters of every regiment of the division and having the list beside me of all "T7399" laundry number owners I had a match within the 242nd IR in M-Company. The 42nd Infantry Division has served in World War I, World War II and the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). The division headquarters is a unit of the New . During World War II the 165th contained 12 companies, all of which were recruited solely from New York City. The 42nd Division had remained in almost constant contact with the enemy for 174 days. DET 157TH CO CAC FT JAY NY REDES 15TH CO CAC L.I.S.-DET A CAC L.I.S. It represented a cross section of the American people, as the rainbow represents a cross section of colors. Joseph P. LeVeille) DJIBOUTI-- A New York Army National Guard Soldier attached to Task Force Wolfhound participates in high angle shooting training in Djibouti Africa on Feb. 13 2023. Redburn, Alfred LeRoy 42nd Infantry Division 835. web pages Forty-second, 42nd Division ( National Guard) Source No. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. (Getty Images) FINANCE DET FT SILL-P.N.C. In addition to burying the dead, the Allied forces attempted to help and comfort the survivors with food, clothing and medical assistance. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. When the 42nd Infantry Division was activated on 14 July 1943, three new infantry regiments were created to fill the division up because all of the regiments that had formed the division during World War I were serving elsewhere. When the three units arrived at Dachau, they discovered more than 30,000 prisoners in the overcrowded camp. 1ST ALABAMA INF SUPPLY CO -CO G 2ND INF REGT ALA NG, 2ND ALABAMA INF NG CO G -CO I 4TH ALA INF REGT, 2ND INF ARK NG CO L - BTRY A 1ST FA CALIFNG, BTRY B 1ST BA FA CALIF NG - CO I 2ND INF CALIF NG, 2ND INF CALIF NG CO K - CO B 7TH CALIF NG, 7TH INF CALIF NG CO C - TRP A 1ST CAV COLO NG, 1ST CAV COLO NG TRP A - CO B 1ST SEP BN INF COLO NG, 1ST SEP BN INF COLO NG CO B - BTRY E 10TH F CONN NG, 10TH FIELD ART CONN NG BTRY E - SAN DET 2ND INF CONN NG, 2ND INF REGT CONN NG DET 28 - 2ND INF CONN NG, 2ND INF REGT CONN NG DET - 3RD INF D.C. NG, 3RD INF REGT D.C NG DET - CO L 3RD INF D.C. NG, 3RD INF REGT D.C NG CO M - MACH GUN CO 2ND INF FLA NG, 2ND INF REGT FLA NG CO A - TRP B 1ST CAV GA NG, 1ST SQ CAV GA NG TRP E - CO A 1ST INF GA NG, 5TH INF REGT GA NG CO D - CO B 2ND REGT IDAH NG, 2ND INF IDA REGT NG CO B - TRP L 1ST CAV ILL NG, 1ST CAV ILL NG TRP M - SUPPLY CO 1ST INF ILL NG, 2ND INF ILL NG DET - SUPPLY CO 4TH INF ILL NG, 4TH INF ILL NG CO A - SAN DET 6TH INF ILL NG, 6TH INF ILL NG HQ AND SAN - DET 7TH INF ILL NG, 7TH INF REGT ILL NG - DET 9TH INF REGT ILL NG, 2ND INF REGT IND CO L- INDIV OFF ROLLS IND NG, 1ST INF REGT IOWA NG HQ FIELD STAFF- CO D 1ST TNF IOWA NG, 1ST INF REGT IOWA NG HQ CO D- HQ CO 2ND TNF IOWA NG, 2ND INF REGT IOWA NG - CO C 3RD TNF IOWA NG, 3RD INF REGT IOWA NG - TRP A 1ST CAV KANAS NG, 1ST CAV KANSAS NG - HQ CO 2ND INF KANAS NG, 2ND INF KANSAS NG HQ CO - CO C 3RD INF KANAS NG, 3RD INF KANSAS NG - CO I 1ST INF KENTUCKY NG, 1ST INF KENTUCKY NG CO I - DET CO K 2ND KENTUCKY NG, 2ND INF KENTUCKY NG CO K - CO B SIGNAL CORPS KY NG, KENTUCKY NG CO B SIGNAL CORPS -CO C 1ST INF LA NG, 1ST INF REGT LA NG CO D -CO A 2ND INF MAINE NG, 4TH INF MARYLAND NG CO E - CO G 5TH INF MD NG, TROOP A CAV MARYLAND NG - CO D 4TH INF MD NG, 5TH INF MARYLAND NG CO G - SAN DET 1ST F.A.MASS NG, 1ST FA REGT MASS NG SUPPLY CO - CO C 2ND INF MASS NG, 2ND INF MASS NG CO C - CO H 5TH INF MASS NG, 6TH INF MASS NG - MACHINE GUN CO 9TH INF MASS NG, 9TH INF MASS NG SUPPLY CO - FIELD HOSP CO NG, FIELD HOSPITAL CO 2 IND - ORGANIZED MILITIA 31ST MICH, 32ND INF MICH NG SAN DET - 32ND INF MICH NG, 33RD INF MICH NG FIELD STAFF - CO G 33RD INF MICH NG, 33RD INF MICH NG CO H8 - BTRY B 1ST FA MINN, 1ST FA MINN BTRY B - DET CO I 1ST INF MINN, 2ND INF MINN NG CO M - MACH GUN CO 1ST INF MISS NG, 1ST INF REGT MISS NG SUPPLY CO - CO C 2ND INF REGT MISS NG, 2ND INF MISS NG CO D - CO A 1ST INF MO NG, 1ST INF MO NG CO A - SUPPLY CO 2ND INF MO NG, 2ND INF REGT MO NG - CO I 3RD INF REGT MO NG, 3RD INF REGT MO CO I- CO M 4TH INF REGT MO NG, 4TH INF REGT MO NG DET REGTL- CO C 2ND INF REGT MONT NG, 2ND INF REGT MONT NG CO C- CO D 4TH INF NEBR NG, 4TH INF REGT NEBR NG CO D- CO K 5TH INF NEBR NG, 5TH INF NEBR NG CO L- CO B 1ST INF N.H. NG, 1ST INFN.H. The three regiments and a detachment of the Division Headquarters arrived in France at Marseilles, 8-9 December 1944, and were formed into a Task Force Unden, under the Assistant Division Commander. In January 1945, Adolf Hitler proposed a last-ditch effort to break through Allied lines. This table describes the content of the digital folders of enlisted muster rolls, 1 Jan 1916-31 Dec 1939 in the collection United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939. 134TH CO CAC FT WRIGHT NY REDES 1ST CO CAC -DET 38TH CO CAC FT BAKER CAL. 21ST CO CAC FT PREBLE-5TH CO DC OF S. N.Y. CO CAC PLATTSBUG N.Y.-1ST CO FT CONSTITION, 1ST CO CAC PORTSMOUTH NH-6TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD, 7TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD-63RD CO CAC REDES TO 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND-5TH CO CAC RESERVIST, 5TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-9TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 10TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-16TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 16TH CO CAC 1ST CO FORT WARD-115TH CO CAC FT WINGATE NM, 115TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS-76TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, 76TH CO COC REDES TO 2ND CO CAC FORT WADSWORTH NY-4TH CO COC FT HANCOCK NJ, 4TH CO CAC FT HANCOCK NJ-HQ CACSAN FRANCISCO, 147TH CO CAC 1ST CO CAC FT WM SCOTT CALIF, 60TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-4TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 158TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-7TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 64TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-29TH CO FT MC DOWELL, 29TH CO CAC DEL MONTE CALIF-32ND CO FT MADSON CALIF, 32ND CO CAC FT TOTTEN NY-66TH CO FT BARRY CALIF, 66TH CO CAC FT SHERIDAN ILL-18TH CO C.D SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 25TH CO CAC FT MILEY CALIF-38TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 39TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF-3RD CO CAC SAVANNAH GA, 74TH CO CAC FT SCREVIN GAF-1ST CO CAC FT HAMILTON, 3RD CO CAC FT HAMILTON NY-1ST CO CAC FT WADSWORTH NY, 1ST CO CAC FT HOWARD MD-15TH CO CAC SOUTHERN NY, 162ND CO CAC FT MONROE-1ST ARMY ARTILLERY TRK CO, TRUCK CO D ARMY ARTILIARY-CO C, 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK, CO C 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK-DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL, DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL-DET N.C.S CAC FT HOWARD, DET N.C.S CAC FT LEONARD-DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD, DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT-DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA, DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA OREGON-H AND S CO 3RD AA, MED DET 3RD AA SECTOR - USA TRANSPORTS WARREN MERRITT, PENN STATE COLLEGE TNG DET - SATC WEST TENN STATE MEMPHIS TENN, SATC UNIT EAST TENN -SATC STOUT INST MENOMONIW WIS, HQ DET 1ST MACHINE GUN -CO B 1ST MACH GUN BN, HQ DET 2ND MACHINE GUN -CO C 5TH MACH GUN BN, 12TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 15TH CO B MACH GUN BN, 15TH MACHINE GUN CO G - 19TH CO A MACH GUN BN, 19TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 24TH CO C MACH GUN BN, 24TH MACHINE GUN CO D - 41ST MACH GUN BN CO A, 41ST MACHINE GUN BN CO B - DET 102ND MACH GUN BN, 103RD MACHINE GUN BNHQ 52ND BRIGADE - CO C 106TH MACH GUN BN, 106RTH MACHINE GUN BNCO C-CO A 110TH MACH GUN BN, 110TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-113TH MACH GUN BN CO C, 113TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D-118TH MACH GUN BN, 118TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-ORD PERS 122ND MACH GUN BN, 122ND MACHINE GUN BN ORD PERS-ORD DET 126TH MACH GUN BN, CO A 126TH MACHINE GUN BN -HQ DET 130TH MACH GUN BN, 130TH MACHINE GUN BN -CO A 133TH MACH GUN BN, 133TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO A 137TH MACH GUN BN, 137TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -MED DET 142ND MACH GUN BN, 142TH MACHINE GUN BN ENLORD CORPS -CO A 146TH MACH GUN BN, 146TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO C 149TH MACH GUN BN, 149TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D -CO B 302ND MACH GUN BN, 302ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -CO B 306TH MACH GUN BN, 306ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -310TH MACH GUN BN, 310ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B - CO C 313TH MACH GUN BN, 313TH MACHINE GUN BN CO C - CO A 317TH MACH GUN BN, 317TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - CO D 320TH MACH GUN BN, 320TH MACHINE GUN BN - CO A 324TH MACH GUN BN, 324TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - E.OC.M.A. 10TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT HQ BTRY- BATRY A 10TH FA REGT . United States. Per. 442nd Regimental Combat Team, also called Purple Heart Battalion, United States infantry unit made up almost entirely of Nisei (second-generation) Japanese American volunteers, formed in 1943 during World War II and active from 1944 until 1946. on the Internet. DET SAN CORPS HQ, GAS DEFENSE SERV MD WASH DC-CHEM SERV SEG HARVARD UNIV DET CAMBRIDGE MASS, COAST ARTILLERY,1ST BTRY D- BTRY H, 1ST CA, COAST ARTILLERY,3RD HQ BTRY- 4TH HQ BTRY REGT, COAST ARTILLERY,4TH HQ BTRY- 4TH BTRY D REGT, COAST ARTILLERY,4TH, BTRY D- 5TH BTRY HQ REGT, COASTAL ARTILIERY 6TH BTRY K-HQ BTRY 8TH CA REGT, 8TH COASTAL ARTILIERY REGT-HQ BTRY 11TH CA REGT, 11TH COAST ARTILLERY REGT BTRY K-BTRY A 13TH CA REGT, 13TH COAST ARTILLERY BTRY A-HQ BTRY 14TH CA REGT FT WORDEN WASH, 14TH CA REGT HQ BTRY-PROV DET 14TH CA REGT, 15TH COAST ARTILLEREY REGT HQ CO-BTRY C 15TH COAST ARTILLERY REGT, 15TH COAST ARTILLEREY REGT BTRY D-BTRY D 16TH CA REGT, 16TH COAST ARTILLEREY REGT BTRY D-HQ BTRY 41ST CAC REGT, 41ST COAST ARTILLEREY REGT HQ BTRY 1ST BN-BTRY E 42ND CAC REGT, 42ND CAC REGT BTRY R-SUPPLY CO 47TH C REGT, 47TH CAC REGT BTRY A-SV BTRY 51ST CAC REGT, 51TH CAC REGT SV BTRY- BTRY D 51ST CAC REGT, 51TH CAC REGT BTRY D- ORD DET 52ND CAC REGT, 52TH CAC REGT SERVBTRY- BTRY E 52ND CAC REGT, 55TH CAC REGT BTRY I-BTRY A 57TH CAC REGT, 57TH CAC REGT BTRY A-BTRY D 58TH CAC REGT, 58TH CAC REGT BTRY E-BTRY A 59TH CAC REGT, 59TH CAC REGT BTRY A-BTRY D 59TH CAC REGT, 60TH CAC REGT DET BAND-BTRY A 60TH CAC REGT, 60TH CAC REGT BTRY A-BTRY E 60TH CAC REGT, 60TH CAC REGT BTRY E-BTRY A 61ST CAC REGT, 62ND CAC REGT HQ CO-HQ BTRY 62ND CAC REGT, 62ND CAC REGT BTRY C-HQ BTRY 2ND BN 62ND CAC REGT, 62ND CAC REGT HQ CTRY 2ND-HQ BTRY 63RD CAC REGT, 63RD CAC HQ BTRY 2ND-BTRY B 63RD CAC REGT, 72ND COAST ARTILLERY BTRY A-BTRY F 75TH ARTILLERY CAC, 91ST COAST ARTILLERY HQ BTRY -BTRY C 91ST CA, 91ST CA REGT BTRY C -DET HQ BTRY 92ND CA REGT, 92ND COAST ARTILLERY REGT HQ AND BAND -BTRY E 92ND CA REGT, 7TH CAC REGT BRIG BTRY F -MED DET 4TH AA BN, C.A.C UNASGD McDOWELL-C.A.C UNASGD SHERIDAN, C.A.C AT SEA U.S.A.T SHERMAN-7TH BAND C.A.C, 87TH CO CAC REDESIGNATEDL-40TH CO CAC FT HOWARD, 40TH CO CAC REDESIGNATED BALBOAL-144TH CO CAC ANCON C.Z, 144TH CO CAC REDESIGNATED-103TH CO CAC HOWARD, 103TH CO CAC FT. MYER-DET 1ST CO C.A.C FT REVER, DET 1ST CO C.A.C FT REVER-7TH CO C.A.C FT WARREN, DET 1ST CO C.A.C FT WARREN-4TH CO C.A.C FT STRONG, DET 4TH CO C.A.C FT STRONG-152ND CO C.A.C FT BANK, 152ND CO C.A.C FT BANKS-31ST CO C.A.C FT WARREN, 31ST CO C.A.C FT ANDREWS-1ST CO C.A.C FT CASWELL, 1ST CO C.A.C FT CASWELL-31ST CO C.A.C FT CASWELL, HQ CO C.A.C FT CHARLESTON-78TH CO C.A.C FT MOULTRIE, 78TH CO C.A.C FT MOULTRIE-41ST CO C.A.C FT WILLIAMS, 41ST CO C.A.C FT MONROE-6TH CO C.A.C FT CHESAPEAKE, 6TH CO C.A.C CHESAPEAKE-8TH CO C.A.C FT MONROE, 8TH CO C.A.C FT MONROE-34TH CO C.A.C FT VANCOUVER. Of the US Army gave hope to the prisoners in the United States, United States the forces... The District of Columbia Genealogical Society also known as an Image Group Number 20024-2126... Europe during World War II and the 242nd Infantry Regiment, formed at camp,. 2Nd CO CAC-10TH CO CAC -DET 38TH CO CAC FT WRIGHT NY 15th! 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