"The problem was not that the research hadn't been done," he says, "but that no one had examined the available documents and material and pulled from together.". I am not completely dismissive of the idea that Abu Bakr could have in fact successfully arrived in the Americas. This video is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima who made is transition on May 25th, 2009. Van Sertima claims to be referencing Columbus, but he is actually referencing Bartolom de Las Casas writings. I checked the popular questions list but while there are similar questions I don't think my specific question has been answered satisfactorily. Dwayne is the author of Kingdoms and Civilizations of Africa and several other books on African and African Diaspora history. It was generally "ignored or dismissed" by academic experts at the time and strongly criticised in detail in an academic journal, Current Anthropology, in 1997. So again, thanks. Theres not a shred of evidence to prove this. It was with the coming of Columbus that the twilight of the red and black races began. A certain kind of shadow lifts. The African presence in America before Columbus is of importance not only to African and American history but to the history of world civilizations. Van Sertima married Maria Nagy in 1964; they adopted two sons, Larry and Michael. They say slavery lasted 400 yrs America is only 250 yrs old You ever seen a slave ship ? I was a friend of de Montellanos and many years ago we used to debunk Afrocentrists aka Afronuts on several forums (he posted as Quetzalcoatl on Egyptsearch), but he died I think in 2016. History, as taught in the Western and Western-dominated world, gives the impression that the first Africans to reach the Americas were brought as slaves, in shackles on slaves-ships. If there were an African presence in the Americas, he asked, "why do we not find more African stylistic artifacts?". There is, again, a much more eloquent explanation:the Olmec heads were black because they were made from black stone! In Chapter Four, "Africans Across the Sea", Van Sertima explores numerous ways that he claims Africans could have travelled by boat to South and Central America. Long time lurker, first time poster. Like claims of early Viking settlement in the Americas, any early African presence as that claimed by Van Sertima had little impact on the subsequent development of North American culture. Van Sertima states near the end of the book that all civilizations are capable of independent invention, and that he aims to place his claims on the spectrum between diffusionism and isolationism, or the idea that cultures separated geographically are capable of inventing similar things without interaction between the two. There have been a number of diffusion theories regarding the Olmec. Despite this, there were however, agreed upon black kings of the 25th dynasty such as Taharqa. If you are experiencing difficulties logging in or are a subscriber getting a paywall, please try one or more of the following steps. I have, 2600 words What do normativity and intentionality mean? But the claims presented in Hidden Colors and the claims presented by others who promote the notion of Black aboriginals are so misinformed that in many cases they just seem nonsensical. [5], They further called "fallacious" his claims that Africans had diffused the practices of pyramid building and mummification, and noted the independent rise of these in the Americas. According to Dr. Van Sertima, whose book "They Came Before Columbus" (Random House, 1976) suggests Africans were in the New World before Columbus's journeys, the mainstream of academia. Read more Print length 336 pages Language English Publisher Random House Trade Paperbacks Publication date September 23, 2003 Dimensions Van Sertima, 42, here Saturday for the concluding day of the third annual black writers conference sponsored by Howard University, said the pervious to original thought, who will letters exposed Daniel as "a man imnot even do honest battle with ideas he contends but tries to drown out in a sea of vituperation and abuse.". Their Negro-ness could not be explained away nor, in most cases, their African cultural origin. Reading these volumes sparked his interest in carrying further what Weiner, with his lack of knowledge about anthropology and archeology, had only suggested: the idea that Americans came to the Americas - and stayed - 2,000 years before Columbus. It sounds like someone chose to record himself reading the book and decided to upload the files to YouTube. They then raised their discovery to the community at large, but it was quickly disregarded as being impossible under the logic that no Europeans had visited the Americas before Columbus. What did I know or was taught? Probably Columbus did not believe this and that fact in itself would not be enough because the so-called Black people could be any people. Recently, I've been handed a book called "They Came before Columbus" by Ivan Sertima, which asserts that Africans had discovered and traded with the native people of the Americas long before Columbus arrived. Accidental stylazation could not account for the individuality and racial particulars of these heads. Your email address will not be published. Also according to Polish craniologist Wiercinsky 13.5% of skeletons in a pre-classic Olmec cemetery of Tlatilco were negroid which decreased in percentage over time, indicating intermixture with the native population over time. His widow, Jacqueline Van Sertima, said she would continue to publish the Journal of African Civilizations. [15], Van Sertima does devote a considerable portion of the book to interaction of cultures within Africa as well, with Chapter 7 and 8, titled Black Africa and Egypt and The Black Kings of the 25th Dynasty in which he explores the West and Southern African man's influence on the ancient Egyptian civilization. "Columbus is not just a man, lic is a symbol. [6] He attended the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London from 1959. The mysterious origins of the Olmec civilization has invited a lot of speculation and in Van Sertimas case he speculated that the Egyptians sailed to the Americas and influenced the Olmec civilization, but there simply is no historical evidence to demonstrated this, which is why Van Sertima was forced to alter his thesis in some respects. (Van Sertima, 1972: xiv; They Came Before Colombus). pic.twitter.com/GRHEgWZkZb. [6] Also in 1979, Van Sertima founded the Journal of African Civilizations, which he exclusively edited and published for decades.[6][12]. This view, of course, is seen as highly fringe in the field of anthropology. [5] Instead, Van Sertima replied to his critics in "his" journal volume published as Early America Revisited (1998). Van Sertimas main evidence for his claims regarding a pre-Colombian contact between ancient Africans (Nubians) and Olmecs rests on the supposed similarities between Negroid facial features and the colossal Olmec heads. [6] He became Associate Professor of African Studies at Rutgers in the Department of Africana Studies in 1979. There is hardly a claim in any of Van Sertimas writings that can be supported by the evidence found in the archaeological, botanical, linguistic, or historical record. Wow, so you (your black ancestors) got there before the Indians and the Europeans? pic.twitter.com/sKrVa4a2JQ, I figured you say something like that.Are these people mixed with "native American" or are they just Black indigenous indians? However, their African ancestors had survived relatively dark-skinned (carrying the old haplogroup C) in Oceania for over 100,000 years Continue Reading More answers below Rasager Aa How could Africans, who are not popularly known as seamen, have crossed the 1.500 Atlantic miles to the American continents? Show more Genres History Nonfiction Africa Race African American Historical Anthropology .more 284 pages, Paperback First published January 1, 1976 So, Van Sertima had his conclusion in mind first, and looked for evidence for itmeaning he was telling just-so stories. Bro, are you serious now?Who brought the slaves from Africa, native Indians or Columbus Europeans?When did slave trade start that Red-Indians became yall history?So in a bid to stay off Africans yall tracing your ancestry to Indians?Mehn thats something else. Is it harder to believe in Africans crossing the Atlantic, a distance of fifteen hundred miles, than in artists from outer space, etching camels in Marcahuasi [South America], fifteen light-years away from their home star?. Review of They Came Before Columbus by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Their Eyes were upon me: Learning of Nephilim, They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America, Review of the Undoing Project by Michael Lewis, Thoughts on the Undoing Project by Michael Lewis-Part 2, Follow Gazing off into Space on WordPress.com. The journal required that reprints must include the entire article and would have had to include the original authors' response (written but not published) to his response. Van Sertima was among those who argued that the Olmec had African origins, whereas others such as Mike Xu have argued that the Olmec civilization has Asian roots. Columbus actually said in the journal of his second voyage Through the use of several disciplines - archcology, anthropology, art history, oceanography, cartography botany and serology - Van Sertima argues that ancient Africans made their way to the New World more than 22 centuries before Columbus. Many historians have worked at debunking the "They Came Before Columbus" and "Africans Were Already In America" myth. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Zinn perpetuates Koning's smears. "They couldn't be slave blacks," he said. They noted that Olmec stone heads were carved hundreds of years prior to the claimed contact and only superficially appear to be African; the Nubians whom Van Sertima had claimed as their originators do not resemble these "portraits". Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. The launching of the expedition is recorded by Arab historian Ibn Fadl Allah al-Omari, according to Van Sertima. For example, Van Sertimas claims that the Olmec heads are Negroid due to the broad flat noses runs into a major problem: nose shape is dictated by climate; the climate of Mesoamerica and Africa is similar; the function of nose shape is to moisten air before it goes into the lungs; therefore, since climate is dictated by nose shape and the climate of Mesoamerica and Africa is similar, then they have similar-shaped noses due to the climate they lived in. Columbus wrote: Their hair is short and coarse, almost like the hairs of a horses tail. They were then shipped from Spain to Africa as commodity for African resources. Van Sertima writes about shipping technology, saying that even the most ancient of Egyptian ships were sturdy enough to cross the Atlantic on the currents that run from northwest Africa to the Americas. This doesnt seem to be an official recording. Van Sertima spent his career pushing pseudoscience of this type, even editing and publishing most of his own work in his own edited journals (because other journals would not accept his fringe work). This statement is horribly misinformed. He arrived on these shores at about the same time that the Spanish defeated the Moors and destroyed more than 3,000 Arab documents and many libraries, Van Sertima toldThe Washington Post. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. He published several annual compilations, volumes of the journal dealing with various topics of African history. In 1997 academics in a Journal of Current Anthropology article criticised in detail many elements of They Came Before Columbus (1976). Not only because of the apparent Asian features of some of the Olmec sculptures, but Xu also attempted to draw a connection between the Olmec script and Chinese characters. As I sought out sources to find out more, this book appeared several times as a must-read. In They Came Before Columbus, we see clearly the unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered. Maize has African origins. She also planned to publish a book of his poetry.[25]. The accounts of people such as Christopher Columbus himself, Spanish travelers, and Herodotus, though, are harder to debate. Van Sertima never explained why he selected this particular dynasty, but his reasoning for doing so is important because he later altered the date in African Presence in Early America to 948 or circa 1000 B.C. Van Sertima was forced to alter his thesis in light of new evidence which demonstrated that the Olmec civilization was older than was originally believed, which leads me to the next issue. A 37-year-old Buffalo firefighter died while fighting a four-alarm blaze on Main Street downtown that may have been sparked by work being done, While Amherst police were on the scene, a number of fights started among groups within the crowd in the mall lot on Alberta and in the Wegmans, The new renderings released by the Bills include an up-close view from the field level, three exterior stadium views with more detail than has. Theres not a shred of evidence to prove this. Thus, historians of the time removed, ignored, or minimized any evidence of black contributions to ancient Egyptian civilization. He arrived on these shores at about the same time that the Spanish defeated the Moors - and destroyed more than 3,000 Arab documents and many libraries. When you push one door, other doors begin to open.". The mapmaker, Martin Waldseemller, named the New World "America," after the Italian Amerigo Vespucci, who had explored the coastline of South America and was the first to realize that it was a . Van Sertima claims that the Mixtecs and Aztecs were influenced by Bakari II. (LogOut/ He was a . What normativity means has implications for many things in philosophy and science. "either completely ignored or generally dismissed by anthropologists, historians and other academic professionals." Photo: These Sioux Indians in the Black Hills area of Custer, S.D. We were taken from Africa, but who were we before slavery? He describes how Africans and Phoenicians probably made joint voyages to the Americas around 800 B.C., when the Olmec people lived in the coastal region near the Gulf of Mexico, evidence of African influence there, he said, can be seen in an array of material, including the four colossal Negroid stone heads found near La Venta, Mexico. Others hold true to the story of the American slave trade in which enslaved Africans were brought to Americas shores to provide free labor to build the country and grow the economy. I really have no idea. In 1977, Van Sertima wrote "They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America," a controversial book now in its 21st printing. Barbour, the first African-American to earn a doctorate in archaeology, is an expert on Mesoamerican culture and associate scientific director of the African Burial Ground Project in Lower Manhattan. Sidenote: I enjoyed the story of Mali in Chapter 3. They follow that quote with this statement: "In spite of the above evidence, education and curriculum development literature are generally silent on the Olmecs" (pg 5). Van Sertima repeated this claim again when hetestifiedin front of the House of Representatives in 1987: Now, I am not the first to suggest that there were Africans in America before Columbus; Columbus was the first to suggest it. Dr James Thompson Psychological Comments, Viera, de Montellano, and Barbour, 1997: 431. It was with the coming of Columbus that the twilight of the red and black races began. But, in his review in the March 13 issue of The New York Times Book Review, Glyn Daniel, aracheology professor at Cambridge University, called the book "ignorant rubbish" and described Van Sertima as one of several "deluded scholars.". The majority of us here in America the descendant of slaves were already aboriginal in America and were the slave population of choice. Experts have determined that the gourds floated across the Atlantic and washed ashore in the Americas to be adopted by Mesoamerican cultures. All of these claims are incrediblewhich means that they deserve incredible evidence in order to verify them. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ..and he [Columbus] wanted to find out what the Indians of Hispanola had told him, that there had come to it from the south and southeast Negro people, who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call guanin Raccolta, Parte 1, Vol. (LogOut/ What meaning do these ideas have for 20th-century people? Mansa Musa never traveled to the Americas, so how could he have been Montezuma? Learn how your comment data is processed. Normativity has been distinguished between, If you have any suggestions for future posts, criticisms or praises for me, email me at RaceRealist88@gmail.com. In addition, there are stories of Egyptian mariners. While his Olmec theory has "spread widely in African American community, both lay and scholarly", it was mostly ignored in Mesoamericanist scholarship, and has been dismissed as Afrocentric pseudoarchaeology[2] and pseudohistory to the effect of "robbing native American cultures". When the cheerleading coach broke the news to Katrina Kohel that she was the only one left on the cheer squad, Kohel was determined to compete anyway. Some paint their faces, others the whole body, some only round the eyes, others only on the nose. I vaguely remembered images of figurines, masks, and pottery that also originated fromsome African countries. Its really that easy to explain the so-called similar appearances in nose shape between the Olmec heads and African noses. Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution, Home Refuting Afrocentrism They Did Not Come Before Columbus. The spears, he claimed, were identical to weapons from African Guinea. These strong currents, which Mali oral tradition describes as "rivers in the middle of the sea," could have helped propel African vessels to the American continents, he adds. [13] This was a record of the conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in September 1998 on the theme of the African Renaissance. How Large of a Role Did Jews Play in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? They noted that no "genuine African artifact had been found in a controlled archaeological excavation in the New World." - Ivan Van Sertima Weiant wrote: "Van Sertima's work is a summary of six or seven years of meticulous research based upon archaeology, egyptology, African history, oceanography, astronomy, botany, rare Arabic and Chinese manuscripts, the letters and journals of early American explorers, and the observations of physical anthropologists. As one who has been immersed in Mexican archaeology for some forty years, and who participated in the excavation of the first giant heads, I must confess, I am thoroughly convinced of the soundness of Van Sertima's conclusions. Glyn Daniel, an archaeology professor at Cambridge University, called Van Sertimas book ignorant rubbish in a review he wrote for The New York Times Book Review. All parties remained peaceful, and Columbus specifically instructed his crews not to take advantage of the Indians. Saying slave ships are a myth is a whole new level of ignorance . Critics in anthropology and archaeology have stated that They Came Before Columbus portrays Native Mesoamerican peoples as inferior and incapable of developing highly sophisticated civilizations, cultures, and technologies without the influence of Africans arriving by boat as "gods" in their eyes, as Van Sertima puts it. Upon casual reading, it does at least make one take its thesis seriously. In the documentary, Umar Johnson claims that Africans were going back and forth engaging in cultural and economic trade before Columbus. In 1970 Van Sertima immigrated to the United States, where he entered Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for graduate work. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. There are similarities between the Mandingo god the Dasiri of the Bambara and the god Quetzalcoatl of the Olmecs. Listen to GHOGH with Jamarlin Martin | Episode 74: Jamarlin Martin Jamarlin returns for a new season of the GHOGH podcast to discuss Bitcoin, bubbles, and Biden. EARLY PRESENCE OF BLACKS IN AMERICAS DEBATED. Ocean currents such as the Guinea and Canary currents were likely to have aided Africans sailing to America as well. There are many similarities between Egyptian civilization and Native American cultures. So what does Sabres GM Kevyn Adams do this week? They never did import Africans as slaves because slave ships aren't real. One of the most baffling claims to me is the idea that the slave trade happened in reverse and that Native Americans were shipped to Africa, not the other way around. Evidence for contact comes in the hybridization of American and African cottons, linguistic links, pre-Columbian skeletal remains of Africans in America, and early American sculpture and art that obviously depicts Africans, Van Sertima said. [5], Van Sertima completed his master's degree at Rutgers in 1977. He died on 25 May 2009 aged 74. Many of the cultural pieces of evidence also provide intriguing support to Van Sertimas thesis, though many may legitimately be debated as coincidences or artefacts resulting simply from commonalities in how the human brain interprets the world. [15] The claims in this book are not generally accepted in the scientific fields of archaeology and anthropology. In conclusion, Van Sertima misrepresents archaeological, linguistic, botanical etc evidence for his ridiculous claims that Africans settledand created or influencedMesoamerican civilizations. He was one of the few academics who was brave enough to refute Afrocentric claims; unfortunately many academics are too afraid to criticize and reject pseudo-historical Afrocentrism because as soon they do that Afrocentrists start personally attacking them. "I felt like a man who had come upon a dozen clues to a sensational murder but did not feel too confident about the evidence," he has written. [15] Furthermore, Van Sertima, quite wildly, claims that since the Olmec heads were black then they must have represented African people. Prehistoric stone heads and the spread of cotton from one continent to another became points of contention Saturday at Medaille College, as scholars argued whether Africans reached the New World before Columbus. The word for tobacco also has African roots as well as the refinement of the practice of oral pipe smoking. When I thought about it more, I realized that in high school and probably prior I had learned about American History, Western European History, the dynasties of China and Egypt, but what about where my people were likely from? "'Roots' does not do that. Columbus is not just a man, he is a symbol. If anything, the only thing Van Sertimas book is good for is a good laugh into the delusions of someone with the conclusion in mind, working backward to prove it (meaning, hes using the type of reverse engineering that EPists use). Because the Olmec civilization is one that has been largely shrouded in mystery, there have been a number of theories about the historical roots of the Olmec. Rhythm, flow, enunciation of some words could be improved upon, but again this seemed to be a random volunteer. In his famous book, They Came Before Columbus, published in 1976, anthropologist-linguist Ivan Van Sertima, a Rutgers professor, claims that African influences can be found in a wide range of cultural similarities between Africa and the ancient Americas. Yeah, they forget about the actual red dark Indians in India. Keep reading with unlimited digital access. They also claim slave ships are a myth. Glyn Daniel, an archaeology professor at Cambridge University, called Van Sertima's book "ignorant rubbish" in a review he wrote for The New York Times Book Review. Van Sertima states that even the Greek historian Herodotus had an account of black Egyptian people. Barbour, who has studied more than a quarter million figurines from Mesoamerican areas cited by Van Sertima, said the depictions even more easily could portray facial types of native Americans, and no convincing evidence supports African influence on Mesoamerican architecture or culture. They Were Not Here Before Columbus: Afrocentricity in the 1990's Bernard Ortiz de Montellano Download Free PDF Related Papers Plant Evidence for Contact Between African and the New World Bernard Ortiz de Montellano Download Free PDF View PDF Robbing Native American Cultures: Van Sertima's Afrocentricity and the Olmecs Bernard Ortiz de Montellano Of course I was taken aback by the bold claim. Recently, I've been handed a book called "They Came before Columbus" by Ivan Sertima, which asserts that Africans had discovered and traded with the native people of the Americas long before Columbus arrived. There is far more to Black history than the slave trade alright. Debunking The Black Indian Myth: From They Came Before Columbus to Hidden Colors In They Came Before Columbus, Ivan Van Sertima put forward the argument that African people were in the. His article "The Lost Sciences of Africa: An Overview" (1983) discusses early African advances in metallurgy, astronomy, mathematics, architecture, engineering, agriculture, navigation, medicine and writing. In Hidden Colors, a documentary by filmmaker Tariq Nasheed, Dr. Umar Johnson, a doctor of Clinical Psychology, is interviewed and claims that Africans were going back and forth engaging in cultural and economic trade before Columbus. Im not sure how legal that is, but I say thanks. No man who believes his history began with slavery can be a healthy man. [5] They further noted that in the 1980s, Van Sertima had changed his timeline of African influence, suggesting that Africans made their way to the New World in the 10th century B.C., to account for more recent independent scholarship in the dating of Olmec culture. 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Did the Spanish also assay the spears of West Africa to know what ratio of gold, silver and copper alloys were found in the African spears? No, since they are only telling just-so stories. GenresHistoryNonfictionAfricaRaceAfrican AmericanAnthropologyHistorical .more 284 pages, Paperback First published January 1, 1976 Book details & editions For example, whereas Van Sertima argued that Africans influenced the civilization of the Americas, Clyde Ahmad Winters goes further by suggesting that Africans founded the Olmec and all other major American civilization, which is a claim that Van Sertima never made. Mansa Musa took the throne after the previous ruler, Abu Bakr II, went on an expedition to sail the Atlantic Ocean. The Pseudohistory of Who Discovered America", "Robbing Native American Cultures: Van Sertima's Afrocentricity and the Olmecs", "Ivan Van Sertima's books great reading for Black History Month", "Ivan Van Sertima (In Memoriam, 1935-2009)", "Guyanese Dr. Ivan Van Sertima passes at 74", "Ivan Van-Sertima - Anthropologist, linguist, educator and author", "Journals of the Century in Anthropology and Archaeology", "Archaeologists & Scholars: Clarence Wolsey Weiant 1897 1986", "Martians & Vikings, Madoc & Runes: A seasoned campaigners look at the never-ending war between archaeological fact and archaeological fraud", "Van Sertima Wins Prize for Book on Africa; Van Sertima Wins $7,500 Book Prize", KAREN KELLER, "Ivan Van Sertima, inspirational Afrocentric historian: Rutgers professor jolted academia with pre-Columbian assertions", "A Look Back at Slavery: Ivan Van Sertima On Cultural and Scientific Achievements in Africa", "They came before Columbus - Dr Ivan Van Sertima", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ivan_Van_Sertima&oldid=1139765361, British expatriate academics in the United States, 20th-century American non-fiction writers, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1999, "The Lost Science of Africa: An Overview", in, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 20:06. 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No, since they are only telling just-so stories Columbus is of importance not only to African and history! Bambara and the god Quetzalcoatl of the 25th dynasty such as Taharqa Africans as slaves because slave ships a... Before Columbus decided to upload the files to YouTube 250 yrs old you ever seen a slave?!

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