Dont judge based on the rubbish you get over there. Although I partly agree with Geoff Stelling regarding both the departure of Mick and sidelining Phil somewhat, I do think that the young archaeologists in this the last series show a great deal of promise (Jimmy, Tracey, Susannah, for example) and we are being unfair to their input to be so critical. I am now watching past digs being repeated on More Four. I will miss TT more than any other show I have ever watched and Im extremely disappointed that C4 have decided to axe a show that brought History into the hearts of so many people. Time team is one of the programs I love to watch. ! You can watch some TT episodes on YouTube, you know-that one included. Time Team To Be Reinstated! TT was an outstanding program. The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. Im 77 and was taught English history at boarding school, but Time Team has made it come alive and with so much meaning. After playing a critical role in many of Time Team's digs, from the caves of Cheddar to the jungles of Nevis, Mick . I used to go into a hole with a size 9 shovel and spent nearly 33 years digging around obstacles like gas, electric, sewers, to name a few and I can assure you that I did not have the patience of some of this team. Harold Bush is lying. Victor is a great artist and bought sites to life. We NEED Time Team. We didnt do much history at school and we have all learned so much from TT. I wonder if channel 4 realise how far T.Ts popularity stretches and how informative it is for all ages. Thanks to you all. Time Team cancelled by Channel 4? channel 4 needs to take a look at the BBC they cut and brought back Dr Who look at how its made a great comeback. I am gutted Time Team is for the chop, I love it!!! Quod erat demonstrandum. I have been binge watching on YouTube whilst laid up with a medical issue. I can honestly say that what you saw on the television was what you got in real life. There is a petition already, on Facebook, which is not the ideal place. 03:12 EST 08 Feb 2012. It was just a ridiculous Channel 4 attempt to appeal to younger viewers, and failed dismally. HATE all the crap American shows taking over the tv. Come on BBC . Last night (17 June 2014), they had a prominent, crude cartoon of a mans sexual equipment inserted into this highly humorous clip. Please bring Time Team back. You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. How about a petition to Channel 4 demanding its continuation? Gutted that Time Team has ended! Not any more. Exploring the archaeology of the Roadford Reservoir, Devon, this came about after Tim Taylor approached Mick Aston to present the series. and the entire bunch breathed fresh life into the sometimes boring subject of Archaeology. Learning? I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. Try Dig Ventures, an online crowd-funded Archaeology site. After reading, in his youth, a book about Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, and visiting the Tower of London, he formed an interest in the history of landscapes.[2]. However, they added: Intelligence, natural curiosity and a passion for archaeology is a must.. I dont think a Presenter is supposed to be a devils advocate. For those too grief stricken to cope right now, subscribe to the youtube video blog of Dig Village. I loved Mick and Phil and Stuart et all, picking on Matt for any rotton job. Poor second best but something is better than nothing. I wonder how Tony felt with this introduction, as he had been doing the job for so long, and never once boring. Out of interest, Time Team fans, how many of you would be willing to pay directly to watch new programs? Self - Downpatrick, County Down (1998) . In 2003, I joined the amateur Biggar Archaeology Group which, among other achievements, discovered the oldest known archaeological site in Scotland. It was a perfunctory end for a television institution that, over two decades, made British archaeology more accessible and popular than ever. Were currently watching the series (2012?) Sad that time team is no longer , they should go back to how it all started , dont mess with what is ok . It was not the first time that a chance conversation with Mick had got someone thinking about television archaeology. i record all the T T i can i have brought T t dvd. And this program had run its course several years ago. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. irritating but he was a part of a recipe that worked for a long time. Channel 4 should never have discarded such a treasure. I assume it will be more imported American rubbish or so called comedy. And a pint or 2 as well, EUTOPIA. We will miss Tony, Mick and Phil and the team. My favourite show. 200k an episode? And so disappointed in ch4. It was wonderful stuff and it was so great to be able to sit on the informed and incredibly interesting conversations between the archaeologists and the repartee with Tony Robinson. Ive always adored darling Tony Robinson since his days as Baldric, and Mick (RIP), Phil (gotta love him!) Sad to hear the show is coming to an end but hopefully repeat episodes will frequent our screens for a long time to come. What am I going to do now knowing there isnt an unending stream of new TTs to feed my addiction? You have left us wanting more which of course is the best way to end a show. And they have taken it off and broken up a brilliant team. Looky tha! For me, as a genealogist, an episode really takes flight when, in addition to the dig, Robin Bush, or Guy D., or Carenza bring out a mediaeval charter, the Domesday Book, or the A.S. Poor. Self (as Prof. Stewart Ainsworth) Show all 219 episodes 1998 Time Team Extras (TV Series documentary) Self - High Worsall, North Yorkshire (1998) . Seasons 9-12 are often seen as Time Teams golden age. Time Teams legacy leaves much to celebrate. R.i.P. It is hardly surprising that I rarely watch TV these days apart from repeats of old favourites thank goodness we still have 20 years worth of repeats. And what lies behind the strange decision to give us two rehashes of old material at the end of the 19th season? A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. I feel really, really angry about it. I regularly tape the programmes as it is shown on a variety of stations, history,yesterday, and channel 4 being some. (all good things must come to an end). They seem to have replaced alot of the original cast for more easy on the eye team members, the new historian was a prime example. Nothing lasts forever, including Time Team. The implementation of Planning Policy Guidance 16 in 1990 enshrined archaeology within the development process and paved the way for todays professional units. Somehow I feel her nearness when I watched it after she was gone. I have not been watching the show for very long because it was not aired in the US as far as I know. As a Aussie viewer addicted to Time Team (even if we do seem to get more repeats than would seem necessary) I am amazed that this program has been axed. Our investigation of the villa and the landscape it occupies will aim to preserve and enrich our understanding of the past and the people who inhabited it. Ive got to say I think he handled the shows well. She studied at University College London and University of York, specialising in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries. Self - Sanday, Orkney (1998) . I also helped out at two hisoric sites with two different groups of 11-13 uear old kids who spent half a day five days in a row learning what archeology is. I have always enjoyed TT but the latest series seems to have lost its spark! But for me the real genius is Stewart who can look at a landscape and tell you what it was like hundreds of years ago. Some single episodes already . Now British television can be as dumbed down and offensive as American television has become. Who is Mary Ann & what does she bring to the table? Instead Time Teams format was radically overhauled. Ive enjoyed watching all the archeologists old and new & think Tony Robinson is a great presenter. Yes very sorry to see TT go, Sky at night still going both are just as important to us here on Earth and I think it will be missed in the future though the recordings are still available to evertbody but the forum is lost, Grrrr channel 4. Thank you all at Time Team for a wonderful 20 years. Carenza Lewis, Stewart Ainsworth, Helen Geake and geophys genius John Gater will all be returning and are excited about the new sites. Promotion of family values good natured banter and above all a love of the past which TT has shared with us over the years is disposed of Shame, Shame, Shame. Thank you. But maybe it is time and we need to move on. Indeed, the only affectation on Time Team was Micks famous stripy jumper. Channel 4 you need looking at!!! She joined the frontline team of presenters, for the 2006 series and continued until 2010. i believe everything has a lifespan, and that must include television shows. There is more than enough rubbish shown on tv so why axe a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions. Inspiring stuff. RESURRECT THE PAST! Being well aired on the Yesterday TV Channel Monday to Friday throughout the day, Time team proved that nothing I is really lost it us just covered up soil sand and water 3 cheers for the team ron atkinson. Try local volunteering opportunities, if you can still get out in the garden and walk and talk and are willing to learn then it will be great, and you will make lots of new friends of all ages. So sad to hear that it came to an end. This show has been a wonderful joy to follow over the years, and I shall so miss it. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. [] One of best, very passionate three part on geology of Great Britain was filmed with Mr Tony Robinson who is/was excellent presenter. Yes, it became a bit formulaic probably inevitable when dullard TV producers are involved. very sad day for us and the time team cast. I agree entirely. It is amazing to contemplate the staggering amount of archaeology lurking beneath the surface of the whole of the British Isles. Mick, can I come work for you? Dont think that the U.K. has the monopoly on scrapping popular shows it happens here in N.Z. Oh dear what a shame as its such a great program especially with Phil & ALL the team.I think their sense of humour is almost worth a show on its own.Anyway a big thank you for many interesting hours as a an armchair archeologist. Regards Peter Mulready Australia. That some suburban folks welcomed the Team to pull up their patio, knock down their potting shed, and bore holes in their rafters, used to amaze me. (a bit of eye candy maybe if your of that age) Sad to see this very good program going down the pan. Thank God for my Saturday morning lie-in watching four episodes in a row on More 4. Its like having a child grow up and leave home The cast felt like family that I would visit each weekend and even my 11 year old daughter enjoyed it so much she joined a young archaeologists club. I wonder whether the viewing figures took in the worldwide audience I know lots of people watched and enjoyed it here in Australia. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. I am a 57 year old Aussie and I watched this program every episode I could see. Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. I started watching TT in 1998 (2 years after leaving school) and it showed that history can be not only interesting but also fun. Discovered Time Team after visiting U.K. I really didnt like that nasty dendrochronologist who wouldnt show his results though idiot! What a shame to see TT let go. Just discovered that this had been axed. They have onbly made a couple of mistakes, 1 was letting Mick go and the other was axing Time Team. The meeting was followed by an email to archaeologists last year from Wildfire Television, which makes the programme. I thought the 2013 series was an improvement on the 2012 series, but tonights episode was disappointing. Such an approach was perfectly realised by Graham Dixon, the director of the first few seasons. I thought the programmes inspiring and my grief was genuine at its loss of experts like Mick Aston and the programmes ending.The occasional sighting of a long lost member like Carenza Lewis in a published Report makes me wish for the experience as it unfolded once again. Please bring together the old team Mick, Phil, Carenza, John, Francis and Stewart. Official website also launched: Thanks everyone. Too bad for the changes they made, these new guys tried hard, but you cant replace what the old team had, the magic, the small things, Still, Im grateful for what they achieved and for what it has meant to me and still does. I dont think I could stand watching Phils grotty hat for one more season. Now I will be stuck with overproduced, watered down supposedly historically accurate twaddle , We held a bit of a poll a few years ago with the Pagan Federation as to what the favourite TV programme was. Time Team is a victim of Channel 4s misguided quest for progress, and we hope that, in some form, the programme may rise like the phoenix from the ashes and take on a persona not far removed from the popular format. I guess the nearest feeling to learning of its ending was like being told that your solid mates of the past twenty years are all splitting up and moving abroad. This is a project in its preliminary stages, run by Tim Taylor. I have scoured the Internet watching every episode I can find, some more than once. I so agree. Sunday afternoons will never be the same, a wonderful programme. If there had been a mission statement for the show during those early days, it would have been the democratisation of archaeology. Ridiculous. Thats fairly unusual.. Really gutted TT has finished, and shame on Channel 4 for this decision! Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. I have no idea which series I am watching, I think it must be a mixture as Tonys beer belly ebbs and falls and Phils hair waxes and wains, though Mick never seems to have changed. I am not sure who set it up, but you can find it by searching for Time Team FB page. John Gater, Francis Pryor, Stewart Ainsworth, and Phil Harding. There are some of us who actually enjoy watching interesting, factual, historic programs. Speak for your self! Interested in keeping up to date with the latest archaeological finds across Britain? Also, the most recent posters may not have heard of Mick Astons premature death. Watching how the team coalesce over time and their skills mature. Great news that it is ending now we can have even more programs about yobs drinking abroad, crappy makeovers, the life of white van drivers and buying houses that cost 250,000 or more. Always will be in my heart! I have missed Time Team SO much.. It will be interesting to see how the new Village Dig series comes across on TV. So apart from discovering the female cleavage (along with Kleenex tissues) looking for Saxon pottery designed to hold bovine waste, expanding your knowledge of Saxon tea services as well as teaching both Vivian Westwood and Tony & Guy a thing or twowhat other skills have you learned since watching Time Team? maybe someone will dig you out of the tombs of c4 in time. I do not think that the British tourism board and channel 4 realize how much interest world wide their is in British history. Tony used the rest of the Teams expertise to bring to life what was often regarded as a crusty subject before Time Teams arrival. I loved watching Time Team in Australia, way better than the American version. Watching the archaeologists and seeing their enthusiasm at even the smallest find,is to me infectious. Yes, Phil can still shift the muck but check out his work on lithics studies and you might change your opinion. Your Upper Classes have been re-inventing themselves as New Romans and Empire builders for some time now, particularly in the last few centuries.They lost touch with who they ACTUALLY were and their own people. People who had their gardens dug up were very brave once Phil got digging, were their gardens reland scaped. of Tonys and Phils hair. Still, we liked to watch something online every now and than rather than read a book, play a game or just talk to each other and thats when my husband showed me the first episodes of Time Team, which he remember from his youth. The explanation for the end of Time Team is that the people who run Channel 4 are all about 12 years old. TT is without doubt, the best offering in British television. C4 has descended to abysmal levels. Perhaps if Chanel 4 had stuck to the old adage of if it aint broke, dont fix it we would still have had this gem of a program to look forward to enjoying for many years to come.. with shows like Strictly Come Dancing, X Factor, Dancing on Ice, Big Brother etc etc etc all being aired every week, Time Team was an oasis of entertainment and education in a vast desert of mundane TV programming. 2023 CURRENT PUBLISHING LTD - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excellent show. time team was one of the best progs ever. But when he returned to Britain, Tony found the studios equally intransient. Team Team gang were so funny with their understanding of each other and professional approach to their subject, their knowledge of it all and portrayal to the audience was so entertaining, and Tony added an open view to a usually flat subject, with his level headed approach to academics and gave it life. 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