For example, if there is a complex calculator that needs to be triggered at various stages of the Lead, Opportunity, and Contract objects but the output relies on a State/Region text value and various currency values, a single autolaunched flow can be created with input variables for the State/Region and Currency values that can be called by flows from each other object. Gloucestershire Select the variable {!varOriginalRecordData}. User and Permission Sets are objects. 6. Well delete the permission set assignment record where the assigneeId equals the variable varUserId and permission set ID equals the variable varPermissionSetId combo matched. The resume can either be a specific time after the pause, or when a specific Platform Event is received. Well introduce a new formula resource that will look at whether the record is new and the department is Finance. Make this available for input. Youll create just one record, and set the record field values to use all values from a record. Your email address will not be published. Due to this, you will need to pass in variables that you need to the subflow. Third Floor Library Building You may be wondering how I got these cool, dark Salesforce screenshots. To limit the number of full discounts offered, configure the flow to require approval from a manager before it updates the record. Essentially, my parent flow is just a shell that follows a path to a subflow based on criteria. Live. Then, you have the Permission Set Assignment object, which is the junction object that holds the record that ties the user to a specific permission set. With seven certifications under his belt and counting, hes always tackling Salesforce Trailhead to up his integration and configuration skills. Go back to the main flow screen and select New Flow. Set Field Values for the Permission Set Assignment: How to Find Records to Delete: Specify Conditions, Filter Permission Set Assignment Records: AssigneeId Equals varUserId AND PermissionSetId Equals varPermissionSetId, Trigger the Flow When: A record is created or updated, Set Entry Conditions: Custom Condition Logic is Met, Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related Records, Formula: ISNEW() && {!$Record.Department}= "Finance", Outcome #1: New Finance User | NewFinanceUserFormula Equals True, Outcome #2: Existing User Previously Finance Department | All Conditions Are Met, varPermissionSetAction: Add (This specifies we want to add a permission set. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. Venn's Resident Cookie Monster here. I reloaded the flow and it appeared. We'll re-use the same autolaunched flow twice in our processfor the permission set assignment and permission set removaland the flow will know what to do based on three input variables our record-triggered flow will pass to the autolaunched flow. By 4. Note: For the purpose of this post, were creating a new process. Filter Permission Set Assignment Records: PermissionSetId Equals varPermissionSetId, Select Variables to Store Permission Set Fields: AssigneeId varUserHasPermissionSet, Outcome #1: Add Path - No Permission Set | varUserHasPermissionSet Is Null True AND varPermissionSetAction Equals Add, Outcome #2: Remove Path - Has Permission Set | varUserHasPermissionSet Is Null False AND varPermissionSetAction Equals Remove, How to Set the Record Fields: Use separate resources, and literal values. The word variables can make you think of algebra classes or writing code in some scary language like Apex. I think of it as a Tupperware container. Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? Record-Triggered 1. Passing an output variable from apex action back into flow, Test if a Time field value changed in flow decision causing exception. If you don't see a Variables panel on the right hand side, click on View > Variables. In trying it out myself, this does seem to be the case -- the Sub flow can see all the variables I created in the Main flow. Book about a good dark lord, think "not Sauron". Finally, save your flow and select Activate. Reinforcing testing and the use of sub flows are especially welcome reminders when pressure is on to meet deadlines. (What is allowed-for-input variables? We all know that with great power comes great responsibility so, its important to learn not only how to build using Flow Builder, but also learn what to avoid ((what TO do and what NOT to do). Your work is done. Automatically Assign and Remove a Permission Set. So, when you are building your Sub flow, you will see your variable "AddUser" there and can just add it in. Go to Manager and click New Resource. Once in the flow main screen, click New Flow. The various input components have a number of fields that can be configured to set a variety of qualities for that component. Again, we need to put those safety verifications in place to prevent our flow from failing. As an admin, its important to be security-minded, ensuring your org is secure and your users have least privilege access. First, we need to identify the permission set. Next, we need to determine whether the Get Records element found a permission set assignment record for that user and permission set, which is done using another Decision element. Creating Flow through Point and Click; Creating the building blocks of Flow; Creating a variable; Creating a collection variable; Creating an SObject Variable How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? A variable acts as a placeholder for the discount percentage and is set to a different percentage based on the flow logic. Sign in Passing Variables into a flow from a process in Salesforce 302 views Sep 6, 2021 Many times we cannot use a standard process .more .more 3 Dislike Share Custom Cloud Dev 94. Salesforce: Flow: Pass sObject Variable to and from a subflowHelpful? The variable varPermissionSetAction will hold the value Add or Remove which reflects what we want to do with the permission set. Create a sample opportunity so that the flow has something to update. Locate URL of the flow, it should be "/flow/Screen_Flow_Update_Account_Field". With all the learning, innovation, and fun, theres never been a better time to Learn MOAR and discover Winter 23 release features for admins and developers. While we can design each process as its own process and its own flow, did you notice what both processes have in common? When we find records, well use a Get Records element to find information about the permission set. There can be at most one input parameter and its data type must be one of the following: A list of a primitive data type or a list of lists of a primitive data type - the generic Object type is not supported. | When you re-use an autolaunched flow in another flow, its called a subflow. Contains all features of free version and many new additional features. just define some variables in the flow and check the box that they are available for input to the flow. Locate and select the autolaunched flow we created. Duplicate Opportunity will get all of the records fields and pass them to the subflow Duplicate Opportunity Subflow. The action to be taken with the permission set is done by invoking the autolaunched flow we just created. If the user has the permission set, the next step is to remove it (or delete the permission set assignment record). Sun Street This will store the assignee ID when we query the Permission Set Assignment object for the user and permission set and there is a value found. The Trailblazer Community is a great place to start. Link all elements together, along with the Start. Thanks the info about subflow, There have been some scenarios that I have sent you, which I am unable to work with the subflow variables let alone pass variable from main flow to the subflow. Constants are like variables, except they're designed to simply hold a non-variable value that . If the permission set assignment record is found and the varPermissionSetAction is Add, then well create a new permission set assignment record for the user permission set combination with a Create Records element, where the AssigneeId field is set to the value in the variable varUserId and the PermissionSetId field is set to the value in the variable varPermissionSetId. There might be many possibilities, but the most common case is when you have many flows and in each of them there is the same set of actions, you can make that set of actions into a Subflow so you do not need to create those actions again and again. This is so that the parent Flow/s can pass information into the Subflow, have a calculation or set of actions performed and have a value returned. Route a Flow. Want to tell your story? Process Builder will launch the flow we just created based on the criteria we specify. The concepts here depend on the flow you build in that project. The flow transaction that started the flow ends when the flow is paused, and a new transaction is created when the flow resumes. Check it out! This decision puts the guardrails in place in Flow, where these same guardrails are already in the permission set UI. Add a Get Records element with API name Get Opportunity. To run only the latest version of each referenced flow, use one of the following methods: Open the master flow in the Cloud Flow Designer, and click Run with Latest in the button bar. After completing this unit, you'll be able to: Before you can complete this module, make sure that you complete the Build a Simple Flow project. If the Debug action is called from the parent flow, it will also log through to the subflow. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Lets start with creating our subflow. This is so that the parent Flow/s can pass information into the Subflow, have a calculation or set of actions performed and have a value returned. Thanks for contributing an answer to Salesforce Stack Exchange! Let's say you start an email with Hi, {!$User.FirstName}. Just recently, I ventured into the world of Salesforce and integration software. Next to it click on the Arrow and Click "View Details and Version". Learn how to participate and review the Official Rules by [], By Get personalized recommendations for your career goals, Practice your skills with hands-on challenges and quizzes, Track and share your progress with employers, Connect to mentorship and career opportunities. So, an even better design would be to consolidate the steps so we dont build the same steps over and over again. January 16, 2023, Follow and complete a Learn MOAR Spring 23 trailmix for admins or developers by March 31, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT to earn a special community badge and be automatically entered for a chance to win one of five $200 USD Salesforce Certification vouchers. The trigger can be any of the options that suit your use case. Welcome to Automate This! In this new, live-streamed video series, we cover all things automation, from use cases and best practices to showcasing solutions built by #AwesomeAdmin Trailblazers like you. Check here) 1. Flow Conditional Visibility Considerations. Now, set the Flow Variable for recordId to the field reference of [Opportunity].Id. The variable varPermissionSetName will hold the API or developer name of the permission set name. As additional scenarios come up for automatically assigning or removing a permission set, you can create a new record-triggered flow that invokes the autolaunched flow as subflows. Hence, well use a Decision element. If, for example, you needed to trigger a complex flow to close an Opportunity and create some related records, but had a variety of ways you wanted to trigger the flow (such as automatically when the Opportunity reaches a certain stage, as well as at the end of a screenflow on the page layout specific opportunity record types), you can create the logic without a specific trigger in an Autolaunched flow and then use the Subflow element within other flows to call the logic when it is needed. Stages. This new feature now allows us to break our flows down into bit-sized chunks (great for some of our flows that have grown a life of their own and you get lost trying to follow the path). We know it by name, but Flow needs to know the permission set ID. A Subflow is an Auto-launched Flow that is called from one or more parent Flows. February 23, 2023, Welcome to another Automate This! In this live-streamed video series, we cover all things automation, from use cases and best practices to showcasing solutions built by #AwesomeAdmin Trailblazers like you. Our process will be broken into two flows: a record-triggered flow and an autolaunched flow. Jonathan Davis is a Salesforce Consultant at Venn Technology in Grapevine, TX. Do you have an interesting idea or useful tip that you want to share? Join our group of 500+ trusted guest posters Click here to start the conversation. How to Store Record Data: Choose fields and assign variables (advanced), Where to Store Field Values: In separate variables, Select Variables to Store Permission Set Fields: Id varPermissionSetId, When no records are returned, set specified variables to null: Checked, Outcome: Permission Set ID Found | varPermissionSetId Is Null False, Default Outcome: No Permission Set ID Found. You may even build some sort of complex calculation that youd like to use in another Flow. Integral with cosine in the denominator and undefined boundaries. In this case, the variable must be named recordId (and case is important). In this episode, lets see how Jennifer Cole increased efficiency for [], By Now it's time to build your subflow! Now add an Immediate Action. It only takes a minute to sign up. Next, to see if the user is assigned to the permission set, we need to query the Permission Set Assignment object, so well once again use the Get Records element. If the user was formerly part of the Finance department, well remove the permission set. Now its time to activate it so that sales reps can run it. The record-triggered flow we build will look like this. Stay tuned for next months Automate This! Well hold this in a variable called varDoesUserHavePermissionSet. For the user who is no longer a Finance user, a permission set will be removed. In this episode, hear about the best practices and words of []. When you think about automation, the use cases that come to mind are most likely automation that your customers or users can benefit from. . Now for the magic! Subflow And were done! Visually, in Setup, you can see whether the user is assigned to the permission set you wish to remove. That said, there are lots of traps and pitfalls that you can fall into along the way if youre not educated on how to avoid them. Flows are accessible through the Setup menu. The third text variable is varPermissionSetAction. Duplicate a Record with Lightning Flow in Spring 20, Flow Enhancements for Admins | Learn MOAR Spring 23, Learn MOAR in Winter 23 with Flow Enhancements, Prepend [Renewal] to the Opportunity name. If no record is found, well set the variable to null. This can be done using . The beauty of Salesforce is that you can always learn more there are stacks of learning materials out there that you can utilise and many other Salesforce users and partners that are willing to help further. What are we looking to do (in this caseassign or remove a permission set)? Choose Automatically store all fields this is the new functionality just released in Spring 20. From this parent flow, I can branch off into different flows based off decisions. For example, many input components also accept default values that are displayed in the component when the user first sees it. Disclaimer: All information is provided \"AS IS\" without warranty of any kind. Since delving into Microsoft's world of Power Platform, I wanted to expand my knowledge in other technologies (for those still interested in Microsoft content, the link is below for my other blog). But not every opportunity gets the same discount; it's determined by the associated account's revenue. Faults and errors are bound to happen when working with Flows and other automation. The email field also has a Placeholder Text field to display an example of what a valid value would look like to assist users in filling out the form. Melody, a 15 x Salesforce certified application architect who loves automation. Create a variable to store the incoming records ID from Process Builder. I added an Update Records element and filtered the record based off my Opp_Record_ID variable. Its Dreamforce week! In the Setup menu, search for Flows. Let's go over the basic kinds of flow resources available in Flow Builder. | Asset Management with Flow and MuleSoft Composer, Automate This! Again, similar to the process of assigning a permission set, we need to identify the permission set to get the permission set ID. Watch a quick video for more . 2. Before you assign a permission set, you need to ensure the user isnt already assigned to the permission set. Enter Spring 20 Flow. This flow will run every time a record is created or edited on an Opportunity (but this can be any object you want). Link all elements together, along with the Start. I want to be sure we provide you the most satisfying experience possible without being able to actually serve up a warm and delicious cookie fresh out of the oven! This will store the permission set ID when we query the Permission Set object using the value in the varPermissionSetName variable. Make this available for input. Its always better to OVER test than to UNDER test. Check here). Locate the permission set you want to remove and click the. For the Existing User Previously Finance Department outcome, well add another subflow interaction. Connect, learn, have fun and give back with #AwesomeAdmins across the globe. The concept of subflow should be easy to understand when you want to launch a flow inside another flow (main flow), it is a Subflow. 2. Required fields are marked *. Flows are a wonderful way to create automation within your Salesforce org. Essentially, without that permission set record, your business process ends. Flow Builder has a built-in debug tool that you can use to test your Flows before activating them. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Permission Set object holds all the permission sets in your org. Another valuable piece of information well get to within the process is whether the user is already assigned to the permission set. Salesforce includes a number of standard actions such as the Send Email action, and more actions can be developed or installed. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Login to Salesforce. Check here). For example, I may want to make decisions based on each record type I have on the Opportunity object. ). What is a Salesforce MVP & How Do I Become One? Click the down arrow in the Calculate Discounts row, then click View Details and Versions. With the new Spring 20 Flow option to automatically store all record fields, is it possible to accomplish this with three easy steps. This logic can be based on values set previously in the flow as well as the result of selections or inputs on other components on the same screen. Now, youll create five text variables. {!$User.FirstName} is a placeholder, so when the email is sent, it displays the actual first name of the user. | Duplicate Opportunity Subflow will then modify the Name, Close Date, and Stage, and create a new duplicate record. You want to save the value in an output-allowed variable. It also allows reusability of flows (who doesnt love that!). If youre seeing issues related to a transaction taking too long to process, you may need to utilise Apex rather than Flow to complete your task. Youve successfully created the flow, but its only accessible from Setup. Extend Toolbox. Learning Salesforce Visual Workflow. September 19, 2022, Did you hear? Next, we need to determine whether the Get Records element found a permission set assignment record for that user and permission set, which is done using another Decision element. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Lets distribute the flow so that your sales reps can find and use it easily. The Data Type is Text, and make it available for input. If its true, well store the assignee ID. Add Criteria as defined in the requirements. Set the criteria for when conditions are met, which is the field Stage equals Closed Won.. Build it once, maintain it once, and reuse it over and over again. Every flow resource is a placeholder, but variables are the only resource that can change during the flow, hence the name variable. In fact, Flow Builder includes the Assignment element just for updating the values of variables. 2: Variables, Collections, and Formulas. If no record is found, well set the variable to null by enabling the attribute When no records are returned, set specified variables to null.. Give it a name (Assign Values). Weve created the subflow, so now lets create the flow that calls it. Schedule-Triggered Flows. Use a variable when a value can differ based on certain conditions. Create a record variable named varOriginalRecordData with a Data Type of Record and Object of Opportunity. Make sure its available for input. Navigate to the users Permission Set Assignments list. Configure the custom buttons display properties. Flow elements that can pull data into the flow, such as a Get Records element or a Post to Chatter core action, always prompt you to store that data in a variable. Only flow administrators can run inactive flows. You want the variable to have a neat name to reference it later. In our previous articles, we have covered the Assignment, Decision, and Data elements, talked about the flow resources inside of flow with Variables, Collections, and Formulas, and discussed the Loop, Collection Filter, and Collection Sort elements for working with large numbers of records. Flow Formula Builder. Copy the flows URL from the Flow Detail page. Next, add an Assignment Element to the canvas. Click New Resource and Formula. The second text variable is varPermissionSetName. In my example below, I have a flow that is triggered after a record is saved on the Opportunity object (note: you cannot call a subflow on a record-triggered before save flow). Prior to joining Salesforce, Jen was a Koa customer, blogger (, founding co-host of Automation Hour, and a Salesforce MVP (2016-2021). These elements provide flow builders with the tools to collect information from the user mid flow, pause the flow until a later time, and launch a variety of actions and other flows. Note: You can assign a permission set in the user interface (UI) only if its listed in the Available Permission Sets list. Automate This! For this example, I am going to have a Decision element to filter which subflow to run based on record-type. Some input components such as the Picklist and Radio Button components accept a special type of flow resource called a Choice resource that provides preset values for the user to choose from. This is one of the three key takeaways from the Record-Triggered Automation page of the Salesforce Architects Guide. On the bottom of the screen, you will see Set Input Values. Select Object Manager from the top of the Setup page. With the modularized flow created, we now need to create our trigger to fire the process of assigning or removing permission sets to/from a user. For this reason, I have chosen Available for input. What's wrong with my argument? If we find the permission set, well store the ID in a variable called varPermissionSetId. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Could I then receive that from my calling flow? Like the name suggests, the Pause element pauses a flow until a specified time or event before allowing the flow to continue. Could I then receive that from my calling flow? Then, the subflow does all the hard work. But lets say you cant find the permission set by that name. Did you notice how long it took before we even logged in to Salesforce to configure?! 3. Navigate to Setup. This variable will only be available in your subflow if you select Available for input. Prior to joining Salesforce, he helped lead the digital transformation of a government agency by partnering IT directly with business operations using a cloud-first strategy. | Content (except music \u0026 images) licensed under CC BY-SA | Music: | Images: \u0026 others | With thanks to user Xtremefaith (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( (What is allowed-for-input variables? From the App Launcher, go to Accounts and click, Create an opportunity. 4. First things first. Save your Create Renewal Opportunity process and Activate it. Example: In the Build a Discount Calculator project, the flow updates an opportunity's Discount field. For more details, see Lightning Flow Runtime vs. Classic Flow Runtime. Simply put, a variable is a placeholder for a value you don't know yet. Perhaps you were given the wrong name. You should always create supporting documentation to make it easier for them to understand what your Flow does and the key elements and functions that it performs, to make their job of maintaining the org easier. This takes us back to the consolidated process design, remember? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. So what I wanted to do was build a master flow which runs when an object is saved which runs various subflows. As with point number 8, there is an order of magnitude for how slow a specific automation tool is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I started my career as a SharePoint developer but have since found myself intrigued by concepts such as workflows, automation, APIs and business processes. Copy the flow's URL from the Flow Detail page. Record Use Flows with Slack. For practice with other use cases, check out the other flow projects in Trailhead. (Want to learn more about different flow types? We get the ID by looking at the details of the permission set record. Flow is fast, but there are other tools like Apex that are much faster. Review again on input/output-allowed variable! The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? In order to pass your variable back to the parent flow, you will need to select Available for output. Occasionally you may build a Flow that has a lot of complexity and runs a lot of calculations. In the Winter 22 release, Salesforce gave us the option to call a subflow from a record-triggered flow. . Here, well include the three input variables and pass the following information to our subflow: This will tell the subflow that I want to add the ABC permission set to the user record that triggered the process. Lets take a closer look at the documented steps for assigning a new permission set. Now, lets look at the scenario of removing a permission set. Watch a quick video for more information on what a variable is. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? The value of the screen component is set to the choice value, The selected account ID is stored in the {!contact.AccountId} record variable, Get personalized recommendations for your career goals, Practice your skills with hands-on challenges and quizzes, Track and share your progress with employers, Connect to mentorship and career opportunities. The reason this was not easily detected, my sContact variable was created from a "Get Records" component like so. Formulas. Connect, learn, have fun and give back with #AwesomeAdmins across the globe. As a result, you should be able to access things like Record Ids or Record Type Ids with ease, without having to hardcode them. Tewkesbury 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Were essentially building a componentized flow that can be reused anytime theres a need to assign or remove a permission set from a user. Testing is an important part of building a flow. Automatically Assign and Remove a Permission Set, future retirement of Workflow Rules and Process Builder, Security & Visibility Admin Configuration Kit, Salesforce Security Guide - Permission Sets, Record-Triggered Automation Decision Guide, Summer 17 Release Features Overview for Admins, Advanced Automation with Flows and Custom Metadata Types Webinar Recap, What Admins Need to Know About Salesforce Releases, Help Your Users Be More Productive by Creating a To-Do List Using Actions & Recommendations, Automate This! Calls it to our terms of service, privacy policy and Cookie.! 'S line about intimate parties in the permission set assignment record where the assigneeId equals the must! With three easy steps variable must be named recordId ( and case is important ) book a... I ventured into the world of Salesforce and integration software flow from failing his belt and counting, hes tackling. 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