This method should be tried by the reader to see what happens and then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills. Ibn Hibbaan, Tirmidhi, Ijlee, Baghwi, Nawawi, Ibn Abdil Barr, and Ibn Abi Haatim etc have authenticated him, and declared him to be a Known narrator. At times it is obligatory upon the people of knowledge to distance themselves from his narrations as he narrates munkar ahadeeth from even his authentic teachers. "place this hand on chest". See: Al-Kawakib al-Niraat by Ibn al-Kiyaal Pg 159. Muhammad bin Nasar al-Marwazi: If Muammal alone relates a certain narration then it becomes obligatory to pause and research the hadeeth as he had a bad memory and erred excessively [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. Proof 1) The hadeeth of Sahl ibn Sa'd radhi Allahu anho Proof 2) The Hadeeth of Waa'il ibn Hujr Radhi Allahu anho quote. He would reject a hadeeth as being unauthentic on a mere minute criticizm and says that If this narration is authentic or if it is proven etc.. of Allaah be upon him) and he placed his right hand over his left hand on To place the hands beneath the navel during the prayer [Ibn Hazm, Muhalla, Watal-Yamin] I heard Sulaiman bin Harb praise him. He is the narrator of Saheeh Bukhaari and Saheeh Muslim, and is Siqah with agreement. His mentioning of the words is enough for the practicers of hadeeth. In your first sentence you mean to say that Hanabali and Hanafi schools are in accordance with each other in this respect? [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 4 Pg 225], Imam Dhahabi said: The Experts of the Field are agreed upon Sufyaan being Siqah and Hujjat, even though he used to do tadlees from Duafa. is Sunnah to clasp the hands and not let them hang by ones sides, it is How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? Al-Ukaylee = He mentioned in Kitaab ad-Duafaa al-Kabeer [2/178, 179], 9. 5. At the end we say in conclusion that: Muammal AN Sufyaan Thawree is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth; and Muammal AN Ghair Sufyaan is Hasan ul-Hadeeth walhamdulillah. And according to Shaafiee it is a proof when supported by something that occurs via another route that builds upon the first route be it Musnad or Mursal. Therefore, even if this jarah was proven then it will be interpreted according to the saying of Al-Ijlee that this jarah is regarding a specific route of Simaak from Ikrimah from Abbaas. If, by that time, this narration was present with this addition then these people must have presented it in support of their Madhab. Further it is mentioned by Imaam Nawawee in his explanation of Saheeh Muslim, (4/115, Egyptian print), in Sharhul-Muhazzab (3/315), Haafidh ibn Sayyid in An-Naas in An-Nafkhush Shuzaa (2/211), Haafidh Shamsud-Deen ibn Abdul Haadee al-Maqdisee in Al-Muharar fil-Hadeeth, (p. 44), Haafidh Zailee in Nasbur-Raayah (1/314), Ibn Hajr in Fathul-Baari (2/224), Talkhees al-Habeer (1/224, Egyptian), Ad-Darayah Fee Takhreej Ahadeeth al-Hidaayah (1/128, Egyptian), and in Buloogh al-Maraam (p. 55), Aliaamah Ainee Hanafee in Umdatal-Qaaree (5/379, Al-Muneeriyyah Print), Imaam Shawkaanee in Naylal-Awtaar(Zn 15), Aliaamah Mujadiddud-Deen Fairozabaadee in Safaras-Sadah, Aliaamah al-Murtada az-Zubaidee Hanafee in Aqoodul-Jawaahir al-Muneefah (1/59) (these) and others have all reported this hadeeth. Some scholars have said that the memory of Simaak bin Harb got deteriorated at the end of his age. Sometimes he would clasp his right hand over his left, and place them on his chest. Meaning, we can say that the hands should be placed on the part of chest which is attached to the mouth of stomach, like this, some part of the wrist certainly be close to the chest and some part must also be on the chest. How then can one stand in such a position in front of the King of all kings? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Following is the hadith in musnad ahmed: Sayyiduna Hulb (ra) relates, 'I saw the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) turn from both his right and left and I also saw him place this upon his chest.' Yahya (one of the narrators) described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. Az-Zuhri = He Praised him [Musnad Ahmed: 6/47 H. 24205, Chain Saheeh], 10. 1. Abu Khaythamah Zuhayr bin Muawiyah (436), 8. You can search for fatwa through many choices. In some of the wordings, there is no doubt of their authenticity. The criticizm is on this narration which contains the wording Ala Sadrih (On Chest). Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? Yet sharing them-. End Muammal is not mentioned in the book of Imam Daraqutni Kitaab ad-Duafa wal Matrokeen. 8. Furthermore, the Ahadith which say to place the hands in a place other then the chest, are inauthentic, some are weak while others are fabricated. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 13. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. This issue is a study of its own. Daraqutni = Siqah. 2834748. Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js. Moreover, the Ghaali Muqallid Naimwi Hanafi in Athaar as-Sunan, Haashim as-Sindhi in Haashiah Miyaar al-Niqaad have also accepted this narration as Hassan Lidhatih. And Allaah knows best. In the arabic dictionary of deoband, Qamoos Al Waheed pg 915, the word Sadr means the chest of a Human (From beneath the throat upto the tummy). How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Jariheen (Criticizers) and their Jarah (Criticizm), 1. Zafar Ahmed Thanvi deobandi said: Such a narration is Saheeh or Hasan or according to Haafidh Ibn Hajar (Therefore this narrator is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth or Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Ibn Hajar). 15. When the Prophet prostrated, he prostrated between his two palms. First of all, It is not proven from Imam Nasaaee and Ali ibn al-Madeeni that they declared him Majhool. said in Sifat Salaat al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said: I have not seen anyone like Yahya (bin Saeed) [Al-Illal: 846], Ibn Sad said: He is Siqah Mamoon [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra], Haafidh Dhahabi said: He is Al-Imam al-Kabeer, Ameer ul-Mumineen in Hadeeth. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53], Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: Siqah Muttaqan, Haafidh Imam. [Tahdheeb]. Whereas, one group of Huffaadh have declared the same narrators to be Siqah [Al-Rafa wal Takmeel: Pg 37]. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Haafidh Dhahabi has written that: And Al-Bukhaari took narrations from him as Istishhaad [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/248]. upon him) let his arms hang by his sides when standing during prayer. Anyways if you can shed some light on this issue. I have seen the experts of the fields praising his narrations, and they used to consider him Hujja [Al-Tabaqaat Al-Kubra: Vol 6 Pg 123, Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb Vol 8 Pg 400], Imam Abdur Rahmaan bin Abi Haatim said that Imam Abu Zurah was asked about Kulayb bin Shihaab, so he said: He is Siqah. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 7 Pg 167], Abdullah bin Ahmed narrates that My Father (Ahmed bin Hanbal) said: Aasim narrates from his Father Kulayb, and he is the same from whom Ibraheem bin Muhaajir narrates. [Al-Illal: 1886], Imam Yahya ibn Maeen and others have declared him Siqah. 10. A few such examples are given below: I declare this narration to be an exception from the Saheeh ahadeeth, because I do not think that Muhammad bin Ishaaq has directly heard this hadeeth from Muhammad bin Muslim, and he has commited Tadlees in it. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 71] It should be noted that the weakness of the Mursal hadeeth is not related to the absence of the Companion (Sahaabi); if only the name of the Companion was missing from the chain of narration, then the Mursal hadeeth would have been classified as Saheeh (authentic) because all the Companions were trustworthy. 17. The material included in this article are taken From The Works of-: Shaikh ul Allaamah Al-Haafidh Abu Taahir Zubayr Alee Zaee (May Allah Preserve him) 3. 11. [Tahdheeb at-Tadheeb: 4/205]. However in his Ihya al Ulumuddin he says under the chest and above the navel. The one praying should stand in front of his Lord with such an action and this is what is most befitting. placing the right hand on the left during prayer, it is one of the sunnahs This saying is not found in Kitaab al-Illal of Imam Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Nasaaee. I am less interested in the rulings according to any particular school, rather I am looking for a general Sunni perspective on this issue. Imam Muslim = He took narrations from him in his Saheeh. He memory got deteriorated before his death. All its narators, Allah willing, are free from the defect of Jarah. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 3]. The hadth of Wil bin Hujr (RA) reported by ibn Ab Shaybah, Musannaf, from Wak; from Ms bin Umayr; from Alqama bin Wail bin Hujr; from his father who said, I saw the Prophet (SAW) placing his right hand over his left below After the study of this book, it has become very clear that the way of Imam Ibn Khuzaymah is totally different than Imam Tirmidhi. Ibn Hazm writes that the hands should be placed beneath the navel and Anas reported that there are three things which are Sunna: 1. 12671). It was narrated that Sahl ibn Sad said: The people were commanded to Proof 1) The hadeeth of Sahl ibn Sad radhi Allahu anho, Proof 2) The Hadeeth of Waail ibn Hujr Radhi Allahu anho. Ali ibn al-Madeeni = He narrated from him as mentioned in Tahdheeb al-Kamaal (1/526) and Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (10/380) and others. End quote. This was also the practice and method of the Prophet of Allaah. He grabbed his arms and put his right hand on his Imam Abu Dawood has kept silent on this hadeeth, therefore according to the principle of Thanvi Deobandi, this hadeeth is Authentic. Imam Baihaqi after narrating his hadeeth, said = Its Chain is Saheeh, and its narrators are Siqaat [Kitaab al-Qiraat by Al-Baihaqi Pg 64], 10. What is meant is that he placed his hand so that the middle of his right hand was on the wrist, which means that part of it was on the left hand and part was on the forearm. And I also wanted to add that version of this musnad ahmed hadith is also present in tehqiq ibn al-jawzi with wording " " but hanafis argue that this is not found in the original manuscript. For that reasons the Imams of Islam stressed the importance of finding, accepting and following of authentic Ahadeeth. According to this hadeeth, if you put your right hand over this whole part of left hand, then the hands will automatically come up to the chest. Mlik that he said, leaving it is more beloved to me and I do not By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Ishaaq bin Rahwayh: Thiqah [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. | Abdul Ghafoor Kulachi Official#MolanaAbdulGhafoorFacebook his chest. [Saheeh Muslim H. 224 etc]. There are many narrations in this issue and due to this a difference of opinion occured and they have evidences for their stands. I've read in a Shafi'i book a 4th opinion which is that a-Shafi'i was of the opinion that leaving the hands free is the most prefered, but for those who are afraid of loosing concentration they should put the right hand on the left hand. Yahya ibn Maeen = Siqah (Reliable) [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279, and Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/215, Chain Saheeh], 6. So I watched him, and he stood and said takbeer, raising his hands until they were level with his ears. hand upon his left on his chest in the prayer., Reported by ibn Khuzaymah, and this hadth is authentic, authenticated by ibn Khuzaymah as was made clear by ibn Sayyid an-Ns in his Sharh at-Tirmidh. And he is imam nimawi hanafi not imam nawawi. , If, someday, this person acts upon this Saheeh hadeeth, by placing his right hand over the palm, wrist, and arm of his left hand without any takallaf, then he will automatically find himself placing his hands on his chest. He also said some of his hadeeth have idtiraab, then there being some idtiraab in his hadeeth is not heavy criticism as the details of this are mentioned in the books of science of hadeeth, 3. Proof number 4 for placing the hands on chest: Tawoos narrated: The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to place his right hand upon his left hand and plant them firmly upon his chest while in prayer. One should know that none of the four Imams said that the hands should be on the chest as their first opinion. of the left hand, wrist and forearm, 2-Clasping the right hand over We say the prayer is the principal way to worship Allaah, the Almighty, and when a person stands in prayer, then, He secretly converses with his Lord. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. I think it is easiest and most comfortable to put them below the navel. One narrator narrates contradictory words two or more than two times. In actual fact, such an action displays disrespect and, if one were to place ones hands upon the navel to welcome a respected person today, then he would be looked upon in a bad light. * Meaning Muammal is Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Haythami. [Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb: 7362]. This proves that Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth or Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Ibn Hibbaan. Abu Nuaym al-Asbahani = He took evidence from him in his Saheeh Al-Mustakhraj Ala Saheeh Muslim [1/289, 290 H. 535]. No narrator in the chains is unknown nor is there any broken chain of narration. (Ibn Khuzaimah, 1/2). [Al-Tahqeeq: 1/338 H. 434], Ibn Abdul Haadi has also written the words of yadau hazihi ala hazihi sadrihi in Al-Tanqeeh. Not to delay the breaking of the fast [during Ramadan] 2. All rights reserved. However, I also see that the majority of Indian and Pakistani people put their hands on their stomach while praying salat. Other Answer Sayyiduna Wa-il ibn Hujr (radiyallahu'anhu) says: 'I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) place his right hand over his left hand, below his navel in salah.' (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 3959). More Similar Ahadeeth with more clear and exact wordings and meanings, : : , Al-Hassan bin Ali narrated to us, Abul Waleed narrated to us, Zaaidah narrated to us, from Aasim bin Kulayb, with the same isnaad and meaning, It says in it that: He (peace be upon him) placed his right hand over the back of his palm, wrist, and arm.. [Sunan Abu Dawood: Kitaab as-Salaat: Baab Rafa al-Yadain fi as-Salah: H. 727]. Is the sunna pre-Fajr prayer before the Fajr adhan? Source: See: H. 65, 202, 227 and others. Adh-Dhahabi = Al-Imam, Al-Kabeer, Mufti.. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/433]. placing the folded hands on the middle of the chest while standing 2.) From Zaaidah, he said: Aasim bin Kulayb narrated to us, he said: My Father narrated to me, Verily Waail ibn Hujr (radiallah anhu) said: Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) placed his right hand over the back of his palm, wrist, and arm. [Sunan Nasaaee: Kitaab al-Iftataah: H. 889]. Yahya (one of the narrators) described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. (Muslim (1/208). The narration of Waail which contains the wording of Ala Sadrih, Haafidh Ibn Hajr said about this narration in Fath ul-Baari that the narration of Waail ibn Hujr is also narrated by Imam Ibn Khuzaymah that the Prophet [peace be upon him] placed his hands on the chest, and in Musnad Bazzar it says, close to the chest, he did not narrate the tasheeh (authentication) of Imam Ibn Khuzaymah about this additional wording neither in Fath ul-Baari nor in Talkhees ul-Habeer and nor in Al-Dirayah [Haashiah Nasb ur-Rayaa: Vol 1 Pg 316], And Molvi Muhammad Haneef Gangohi has also raised the same arguement in Ghayat us-Saayah Vo 3 Pg 42. Whatever ahadeeth we will mention under this chapter, their narrators, from beggining till the end, will be fulfilling the condition of Adal, and their chain will reach up to the prophet without any inqita. From them the hadth of Wail bin Hujr who said, I prayed with the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) and he placed his right Based on the second possibility, he may either be weak or trustworthy [Nuzhat An-Nathar], You can search for fatwa through many choices. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? Is there a more recent similar source? All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. the left. The starting words of both of them are almost the same, but the words of tahta sirrah are present at the end of the athar (only). right hand on his left during prayer, when standing to recite Quraan, and Some people object by saying that placing the hands over the zara doesnt necessarily means to place them over the full Zaraa. Haafidh Zubair Alee 22/9/1999. The teacher of Khateeb Baghdaadi, Qaadhi Abul Alaa al-Waasiti is included among the students of Abu Muslim Abdur Rehmaan bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Mihraan bin Salamah Al-Thiqah Al-Saalih [Taareekh Baghdaad: 10/299]. All rights reserved. Al-Nasaai (887) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I saw the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he was standing in prayer; he clasped his right hand over his left. In the hadeeth under discussion, he was certainly aware of the affirmation of hearing thats why he maintained the verdict of authenticity on this hadeeth. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 8 Pg 95], Khateeb Baghdaadi said: He is Thiqah Thabat, the Ummah has relied upon his narrations. [Mizaan ul-Itidaal: Vol 6 Pg 318]. [The Prophet] (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to Among the criticizers, the criticizm of Imam Bukhari is not even proven. Was Prophet Made From Nur Did Prophet Had A Shadow. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account 2 The right hand is clasped over the left. Shubah = Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: Simaak bin Harb is Siqah and Shubah has weakened him [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/215 T. 4792]. Ibn Qudaamah One has a choice between placing and irsl. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. His narrations in Sahihayn are as follows: Saheeh Muslim = 224, 128/436, 458, 459, 499, 606, 618, 643, 670, 734, 862, 866, 965, 978, 173/1075, 1385, 11/1504, 6/1628, 18/1651, 13/1671, 1680, 1692, 1693, 1748, 6,7/1821, 1846, 1922, 1984, 2053, 2135, 2248, 2277, 44/2305, 2322, 2329, 2339, 2344, 2361, 2745, 42,43/2763, 78/2919, 2923, 2977, 2978. Criticizm is not proven from some of them such as Bukhaari etc. I hope that this will become a means of guidance and Allaah is the One who guides. Ibn Sayyid an-Naas = He authenticated his hadeeth in Sharh Tirmidhi. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 4 Pg 222], Imam Sufyaan ibn Uyainah said: I did not see a person more well verse with Halal and Haraam than Sufyaan ath-Thawree. 22 2023 : . Because the hadith wording is quite strange as it mentions only one hand i.e. I brought a piece of cloth, but he did not take it and removed the traces of water from his body with his hand.. And the following words have been used for the washing of arm: , meaning he (peace be upon him) washed his face and both his arms. Rather, the Prayer should be offered with such humility that the fear of Allaah and taqwaa become apparent. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? InshaAllah Read more: Abu Yunus Haatim bin Abi Sagheerah (1680). As for the the action is not reported from the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wassalam). 11. If one from the two or more than two narrations can be preferred over the others because of the Strong Memorization of its narrator, or due to the extensive tilmeedh (pupilship) of its narrator with his Shaikh, or due to the other reasons, then the preferred one will get the honor of acceptance, and that hadeeth will not at all be Mudtarib, neither the Raajih (Preferred) as is apprent, and nor will the Marjooh (inferior) be Mudtarib, rather it will be Shaadh or Munkir. [Taqreeb an-Nawawi Ma Sharh Tadreeb ar-Raawi: Pg 93]. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? See Mizaan ul-Itidaal (2/233), 2. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim, Al-Nawawi said, It is recommended to place the right hand over the left hand after the opening exaltation, and to place them under the chest and above the navel. The Messenger of Allah () stood up, faced the direction of the qiblah and uttered the takbir (Allah is most great) and then raised his hands in front of his ears, then placed his right hand on his left (catching each other). Ibn as-Salaah said in Uloom ul-Hadeeth maa Taqiyeed wal aizaah Pg 466, which means that, The narrations of Mukhtalateen (Pl. left hand with his right. [This saying was not found with an authentic chain], 12. See relevant meta discussion here: Putting the hands on the stomach or chest while praying salat? Imam Bukhaari = It has passed in the beginning that Imam Bukhaari has took narrations from Simaak in his Saheeh (6722). Copyright IslamWeb 2023. He is the The Imam of Jarah wal Tadeel, A Giant in Knowledge, Fiqh, Hadeeth etc.. People of knowledge depend upon him. It only takes a minute to sign up. Hadeeths Regarding Placing Hands on Chest during Prayer Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh is it possible that you can provide with all the saheeh hadith which mentions to place hands on sadr with referencelike hadith number and book name Some of the articles from you that hadith of placement of hands is in nasai but it doesnt state the number! Now lets come and observe different routes of the narration under discussion, in light of this definition. This is not a Jarah, because it is proven in Muwatta Imam Maalik with a Saheeh Isnaad that Abdullah bin Umar [radiallah anhu] used to urinate while standing (due to some excuse) [1/65 H. 140 with the Tahqeeq of Shaikh Zubayr]. [Sharh Tirmidhi: Vol 3 Pg 211]. Under this chapter, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has brought 708 Abwaab and 1469 ahadeeth, and in some of them he has shown his rejection, about whose authenticity he was not very sure, or his mentioned condition was not fulfilled by them. 707). Its narrator is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Maqri, who is not clarified. Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ammaar Al-Mosali = They said that he make Mistakes and they differed in his narration. [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. [Bazal al-Majhood: Vol 1 Pg 83]. What is the ruling on clasping the hands when praying?. Two or more narrators contradict each other, on the condition that he is Mutaqaarib in the words of Nawawi, Mutasawi in the words of Ibn as-Salaah, and Mutaqawim in the words of Ibn Jamaah with a waw and meem, and none of them can be preferred over the others. Imam Ahmed has narrated narration from Muammal in his Al-Musnad, for example see: [Musnad Ahmed: 1/16 H. 97, Shuyookh Ahmed fi Musnad al-Imam Ahmed: 1/49], * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi has written that: All the Shuyookh of Ahmed are Siqah, * Haafidh Haythami said: Ahmed has narrated from him and his Shyookh are Siqah. [Majma az-Zawaid: 1/80]. The hadeeth of Waail [radiallah anhu] present in the authentic Nuskha of Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, is narrated without any determination of where to place the hands. In some narrations, after narrating the hadeeth, he would say Sahhahu ibn Khuzayma (Ibn Khuzaymah authenticated it), and sometimes he would say Akhrajahu Ibn Khuzaymah (Ibn Khuzaymah took it out/narrated it). Praise is not proven from some of them such as Ishaaq bin Rahwayh. When he intended to bow, he would take his hands out from his cloak, raise them, exalt Allah, and then bow. Hence this sunnah of placing the hands below the navel must be implemented by their own women first and then inshaAllah come and argue with us but the reality is that they will not do it because placing the hands on chest is Sunnah for women as it is for men. Jareer bin Abdul Humayd = He saw Simaak bin Harb that he was urinating while standing (due to some excuse), so he abandoned narrating ahadeeth from him. As the great Prophet ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi wasalam ) said, There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it sound and upright the whole body remains upright. [See Qawaaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 89], 24. Abu Haatim ar-Raazi: Sadooq, Strictly Follows the Sunnah, Makes Abundant Mistakes, Write his narrations [Kitaab al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 8/374], 2. Ibn Sayyid an-Naas = He authenticated a hadeeth containing Muammal [Sharh Tirmidhi Vol 2 Pg 211]. I've notice a few people (men) at the mosque put their hands on the chest while praying salat. narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood he said: Then he placed his right hand on The ciriticizm of Ibn al-Turkamaani al-Hanafi is rejected due to Qeela (Passive Form). [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 6 Pg 350], Imam Abu Dawood said that: Aasim bin Kulayb is better than the people of Koofah. When the Prophet said, " Allah hears those who praise him ," he would raise his hands. hadeeth to prove that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be This saying is absolutely authentic in light of the other qaraain. quote. 14. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Imam Busayri = He authenticated a hadeeth containing Muammal and said: This chain is Hasan due to Muammal bin Ismaaeel. [Misbaah al-Zajajah VOl 2 Pg 130], 22. 27. Further, Imaam Ibn Sayyid an-Naas, Haafidh Ibn Hajr, Aliaamah Ainee and Aliaamah Shawkaanee have all declared this narration authentic. Yaqoob bin Shaybah = He has graded the hadeeth of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Simaak, to be Saheeh, as has been passed. As for the hadeeth It is Sunnah to place one hand over the other beneath the navel when praying, the scholars agreed that it is Weak. left. It has passed under Muammal bin Ismaaeel (Criticizm # 6) that the narrator from whom Imam Bukhaari takes narration as Istishhaad, is SIqah according to Imam Bukhaari. scholars are of the view that they should be placed on the chest, and this Shaikh Albaani, while refuting a Muqallid, said: - - ! that he attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be This is the view of the Firstly: This saying is Chain-less, Secondly: It is related to Ikhtilaat, the answer to which is coming ahead. rev2023.3.1.43269. See Al-Jarah wal Tadeel (8/374), * It is narrated from Abu al-Arab al-Qairawaani that: Certainly Ahmed and Ali ibn al-Madeeni (usually) only narrate from Siqah narrators [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 9/114 T. 155], 13. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad. This Abul Alaa is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Qaari [Taareekh Baghdaad: 3/95] Al-Maqri and Al-Qaari are two titles for the same person. his left hand, wrist and forearm. Note also that we are a focussed Q&A site, and not an Islamic forum; answers are expected to be fully self-contained, while greetings and such are discouraged here. [Sawalat : 356], Imam Abu Bakr al-Athram narrates, he said: I heard from Imam Ahmed saying that: There is nothing wrong in the hadeeth of Aasim bin Kulayb. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 6 Pg 350], Imam Abu Haatim said that: Aasim bin Kulayb is Saalih al-Hadeeth. 18. Some have praied him and some have criticized him. This website DOES NOT belong to any political or any particular sect or denomination. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? evidence on that, please see the answer to question no Yes, however, two volumes of this book are said to have been present in the library of Liyadan. [Haashiah Nasb ur-Rayaa: Vol 1 Pg 314], Certinly Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah is not like Bukhaari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, and Nasaaee, rather he gives his verdict on a hadeeth after narrating it, like Imam Tirmidhi and Imam Haakim. ) let his arms hang by his sides when standing during prayer Taareekh Baghdaad: 3/95 Al-Maqri... People ( men ) at the mosque put their hands on the chest while praying.... Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/433 ] with his ears the ruling on clasping the hands on stomach. May be seriously affected by a time jump # MolanaAbdulGhafoorFacebook https: // Had!, 12 perfect praise be to Allah, the narrations of Mukhtalateen ( Pl with such that! Some of them such as ishaaq bin Rahwayh at-Tahdheeb ( 10/380 ) their. His narration as for the practicers of hadeeth not to delay the breaking the... And then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills his left, and stood... 83 ] men ) at the end of his Lord with such humility that the memory of Simaak Harb... 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