It attracts wealth, be it material, emotional, spiritual: or even a wealth of knowledge. It's been highly regarded in Eastern cultures for generations as a symbol of good luck, thanks to its shimmery, lit-from-within appearance.It was often used in jewelry in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and was closely tied to lunar spirituality and deities, feminine energy, and . It is draped with mystical healing properties beneath a pearly veil and only within the reflected light can it start to understand what it has to teach us. It offers psychic protection, assists in calm sleep and lucid dreaming, and is helpful in clearing the senses and mind. Leos have several healing stones to choose from as their birthstone. Just be careful not to expose your birthstone in direct sunlight as some stones can fade. It can help them stay focused and grounded when life gets too hectic. With its energy, it can calm an overactive root chakra and bring stability and security to the sometimes chaotic world of Leos. Other than that, the ruby is also great for balancing out your root chakras. In addition, the Golden Leo birthstone also provides these individuals the attention that they crave while supporting their optimistic and giving nature. Of course, neither planet is better, and we need both, but a good balance between the two is desirable. On the other hand, there is the list of modern birthstones, defined by the National Association of Jewelers based partly on the history of Aaron, but also on what is widely available to American jewelers. Brings good fortune and success. Are you a Leo searching for a way to begin a journey of inner growth and deeper insight? Vibrant and radiant, the red jasper is a powerful Leo birthstone that helps in sorting out an unbalanced base chakra. It can help empower the positive aspects of your Leo character to flourish. Moonstone is associated with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, which governs everything spiritual. The sign of Leo is courageous and strong so your birthstone should be in good shape in order to meet that boundless and bright energy. The moonstone has a significant effect on the female reproductive system, stimulating fertility and enhancing the ease of childbirth and pregnancy. For this stone, you can simply wipe down the surface with a soft cloth. The Benefits of Goldstone. . Black Onyx is very grounding and has a strong role as a root chakra stone. They love to bask in the spotlight, celebrating their power and might. This is because Sardonyx is a natural combination of sard and onyx. While Leos are one of the bravest and most courageous out there, they can sometimes struggle in moving their energy from their extroverted plains of inner thinking. It is a good idea to always clean and charges your moonstone gems as you would with any other objects in your home. Por el bien del ecosistema y el medio ambiente en este pas La minera de cobre Panam, debe ser clausurada , lo siento por la gente que quedar sin empleo, pero es eso o un futuro catastrfico Rainbow moonstone is present in various parts of the globe including Russia, Sri Lanka, Australia, India, and China. The moonstone lightens your way while also useful for soothing motion sickness and feelings of homesickness when away from your family for long periods. Acting as a prism, the rainbow moonstone diffuses energy throughout your aura. However, they could just as easily unconsciously neglect other peoples needs in their chase for personal status and gain. With the potent energies of the tigers eye, you will not only gain confidence in your judgment but also teach them the humility to realize when they made a mistake. This way, they are better equipped to stop negative thoughts from distracting them. You can wear Leos birthstones in pieces of jewelry such as necklaces, pendants, beaded bracelets, earrings, and rings. As a result, Geminis and Cancers born in June, and Virgos and Libras born in September could consider moonstone their birthstone. Like the lion from your zodiac sign, Leos tend to display natural leadership ability, self-confidence, and fierce determination. The tranquil and serene energy of the moonstones also invites natural healing, creativity, and motherly protection. For all the Leos out there, the shimmering olive-green peridot is their main birthstone. Moonstones are both birthstones and zodiac crystals. Dubbed as the stone for women, the yellow or peach variation of moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates your mental body. Leo birthstones like carnelian, citrine, and golden yellow topaz are like the energies of the sun. By using birthstones that are particularly connected to the energy of this sign, a Leo can support and enhance their more positive points and heal and control any traits that could be holding them back. Not only that, but moonstones can also help you in identifying the emotional patterns stored in the subconscious mind and serve as a guardian to contain your explosive passions and stimulate composure and self-esteem. Taurus Birthstone: The Full List (With Meanings), Gemini Birthstone: Meanings, Benefits & Colors, Cancer Birthstone: The Full List Of Meanings & Benefits, Pietersite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits, Desert Rose Crystal: Meaning & Healing Properties, Yellow Quartz: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits. Fortunately, the energies of rhodonite can help restore emotional and mental balance, keeping you centered and at peace. Another way to use a birthstone is to place it near a favorite spot such as a reading nook, bedside table or comfy couch. When Leos become too attached or fond of their achievements, they can become an easy target and easily be taken down. As you might think, Leos belong to the fire element like Sagittarius and Aries. Wearing your birthstone as jewelry can help you make the most out of your healing crystal. Smudge the moonstone with palo santo, sage, or other smudge sticks. 2022 This stone can provide much-needed support and encouragement when you are going through difficult situations and challenges. By working with moonstone, Leo will be able to balance out their fiery, action oriented energy with a little calmness. It was used by both the ancient Egyptians and the Romans, and it is still an important part of spiritual practices today. Visualizing white moonlight surrounding the gems with your intention of clearing away negative energy from their crystalline structure. Leos birthstone in glistening gold enables the Leoss loving heart and warming energies while boosting a positive spirit. Wear it near your heart for maximum benefit. The hiddenite crystal is the green to the yellow form of kunzite and is a gentle, yet potent Leo birthstone and moonstone. Leo birthstone can help enhance your Leo qualities while reducing the intensity of the undesirable ones. Plus, it offers nurturing qualities that can provide emotional support during difficult situations. Then rinse it thoroughly and pat dry. Radiant and vibrant in its fiery red light, the ruby crystal is a powerful birthstone. As lovers of a good life, Leos are always surrounded by people who follow their natural leadership skills. Rhodochrosite resonates beautifully with the heart, solar plexus and root chakras to help Leos connect to upper and lower energy fields, decrease stress, increase compassion and deal with issues of trust. Just as the brilliant green of the stone brings to mind Earths renewal and growth, so too can a Leos heart open to the possibilities of inner growth and love. Here at we unlock the mysteries of crystals and help you to find the perfect stones for you and meanings. So, people suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders can keep a moonstone crystal under their pillow at night. It is an indication that youre sleeping better. When we say a sign is ruled by a planet, we simply mean that this planet has more power over a sign compared to other planets.Moonstone is associated with the Moon, the planet of intuition and emotion, which rules Cancer. February 14th, 2023. Shop - Citrine Jewellery & Gifts The energies of the moonstone can help Librans to accept changes in life with glory and grace, and not fear the decision-making process, since like the moon, life has its ups and downs, and nothing remains constant. I'm always researching, reading and working with my crystals & I'd love to share that knowledge with you! Furthermore, this crystal can also help in calming down hyperactive or equally stressed and tired passengers. However, they can also feel threatened. It will help them to not make rash decisions and instead take a second to think about the options. This stone is also known for its abilities to balance emotions well. With its sunset shades, the carnelian crystal is one of the best crystals for boosting confidence. Furthermore, this gem is connected to the improvement of your intuitive and psychic talents. The calming hues of gemstones are especially protective when youre traveling by night or by water, thanks to their deep connection with water and the moon. Is there one that really attracts you? . The honey colors of this Leo birthstone just seem to exude warmth and nurturing vibrations. Moonstones are particularly useful for improving our emotional balance and aligning our chakras. Rainbow Moonlight fuels inspiration and encourages self-expression. This can help Leos to develop a healthy relationship with spending and money. Moonstone is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, bladder, swelling, infectious diseases, arthritis, fever, asthma, blood and spinal diseases. In the west, when talking about birthstones, we mostly mean either modern or traditional birthstones.Traditional birthstones are rooted in The Book of Exodus describing Aaron, the priest of the Israelites, wearing a breastplate with 12 stones. If you ever feel lazy or sluggish, then this stone can also help. Ultimately, this teaches Leos that the greatest threat to their own happiness is their ego. In addition, gold shines with royalty and class and has been a symbol of power and prestige since ancient times. The beautiful green aventurine is another heart-based Leo birthstone. Its sunny and light energies also help encourage new opportunities and growth, making it the best Leo birthstone. In fact, this moonstone gem is also believed to help treat sleepwalking. Moonstone gemstone, along with Alexandrite and Pearl, is a traditional birthstone for those born in June. The Moonstone is also worth noting and this gemstone is especially calming to kids. Its positive energies bring joy and happiness into your life while instilling positive and enthusiastic thinking, especially when you become insecure or jealous. This is suitable for the Leos who want to always win and gain abundance. They represent personal identification with the oneness and infiniteness of God, wisdom, and peace. It is most useful for the Leos going on a new venture since it can motivate you to make new plans when going on new beginnings in life. Rhodochrosite, a sweet pink Leo stone, is known to have the ability to support this Leo trait with its powerful positive and loving vibes. Rubies and Leos are made for each other. This is particularly useful for psychic protection and maintaining clarity of energy while working at a higher intuitive level. In fact, in tarot cards, the Leo is symbolized by the strength card, depicting the divine expression of emotional, mental, and physical fortitude. You can use it to become a money magnet and helps you in achieving your professional and financial goals. It can help them in coming up with new and innovative solutions whenever they feel frustrated or stuck. The spirituality and connection of the gem to the power of the moon can also protect you from your spiritual energy while shining a shimmering light on your spiritual path. This way you can bathe in their potent energies to boost creativity, confidence, and determination. Moonstone makes you super-focused and receptive during interviews, tests, and exams by calming your nerves. The zodiac element . By knowing this stones associated zodiac signs, we can help determine if it is beneficial to us and how we could benefit from working with it. Read All the healing benefits of Moonstone or Chandrakant stone at Enhances psychic abilities and angelic realm communication. In fact, this dark black stone has been prized by ancient Egyptians, Persians and Chinese for its strong magical energy. The Librans are known for their diplomatic nature and for being sharp. Here are just a few of the benefits that moonstone can offer: 1. Goldstone, on the other hand, will inspire courage to face new challenges while boosting your confidence to take the risks. Stones with tones of brown, such as Amber and Tigers Eye are thought to instill calmness and bring about inner strength. There are a variety of crystals that have the potential to either enhance or correct a Leos character tendencies. It is known for its positive vibrations and its links to the heavens. Leos are also known to worship the fiery entity in the sky, quite literally and metaphorically. Crystal elixirs are also a great way for you to stay hydrated while absorbing the energies of your preferred birthstone. Not only that, but this stone can also enhance your usual kind-heartedness and good humor, allowing you to put the negative experience to good use. Furthermore, it also carries a higher energy frequency that surpasses nearly all stones for activating and healing properties of your higher chakras, making it ideal for meditation, spiritual work, and connecting to the divine and ancient wisdom. The moonstone can stimulate your divine and sacred femininity while the sunstone brings in passion, strength, and a sense of order and direction. If you are looking for spiritual growth, then we suggest choosing a lighter Emerald. Chakras - Third Eye Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Birthstone - June Zodiac - Cancer, Libra, Scorpio . Citrine resonates with both the solar plexus and sacral chakras for a boost in self-love and inner joy. Hiddenite is crucial for the Leos who tend to struggle in releasing their feelings of failure. This crystal has amazing Feng Sui energy, so try placing it around your home or office. You have entered an incorrect email address! It can improve the hormonal cycle. If youre having a hard time sleeping whether you cant shut off your mind or are tired but still cant find sleep or having a nightmare or bad dream in the middle of the night the moonstone and amethyst combination should be able to help you. Many of these stones give off great Feng Sui energy, so its good to place it where it will benefit your space the most. So lets take a look at a few of the most common ways to use these Leo birthstones. One of the best ways to feel the power of your birthstone is to wear it as a piece of jewelry. The zodiac symbol for Leo is the Lion. The labradorite crystal can help you gain a little deeper insight into the universe. Good Luck - Moonstone is known as a stone of good luck. Perhaps the easiest way to physically clean your birthstone is to wash it in warm, soapy water. Moonstones can also ease degenerative conditions of the eyes, hair, skin, and fleshy organs of your body. It can help balance and cool down your emotions and tension. This Leo stone can be used to provide clarity during past-life exploration, to help combat stress and to build and maintain a healthy level of self-confidence. It may come as no surprise that moonstone is a planetary stone for well, the moon! Join the group here! It brings an optimistic and happy-go-lucky mood, allowing them to attract more meaningful relationships. The green moonstone is not as well recognized as the blue or rainbow moonstone. With its activating and grounding energy, the garnet stone can help strengthen survival instincts of Leo. This way, you can stay in contact with their energies throughout the day. Plus, their healthy sense of humor makes working and collaborating with other people easier. We promise that youll get an answer from either our team members or a community member. What is Citrine? The Feldspar optical phenomenon causes extraordinary glowing on the surface. Take a look at the descriptions below, and find the ones that fit your needs. Its meaning, therefore, is quite self-explanatory, according to its name. Furthermore, gold also symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and abundance which every Leo wants and thrives so hard for. Light moves across the moonstone gems, creating a visual effect that is reminiscent of the full moon shining through the veil of thin clouds. You can wear birthstone crystals such as golden yellow topaz, citrine, peridot, or carnelian in pendant necklaces so that they can sit near this chakra. Each stone on that breastplate related to one of the Israeli tribes and were later linked to the 12 zodiac signs.Matching a specific stone to a zodiac sign using the traditional list is difficult, as the gemstones were described by color, not a specific stone. This can lead to healthier, more balanced emotions. This stone shimmers with passion and love, holding so much strength that matches the energies of Leos. If you are not sure which crystals to use, you can also take a look at our list of the most suitable birthstone. By knowing what you want, you can discover the most suitable birthstone for you. As fearless optimists who wont accept failure, the Leos will always find their deep wells of bravery and courage to help them grow and mature. Moonstone can help Cancer by helping to regulate their emotions and making sure they do not fall into the trap of being extremely sentimental or resentful. It brings them confidence and stability while empowering their determination and willpower to achieve their new goals and objectives. However, it is still a lovely variety of gemstones. Libras would also benefit from keeping a moonstone on their person as it strengthens their ability to look at situations from a higher perspective, allowing honest and fair libra to make decisions based on these inherent qualities. Topaz comes in many lovely colors such as blue, white, pink, purple and golden, and each type has its own healing power and chakra connection. Garnet is considered to be an energizing birthstone. If you have any more questions after reading this blog post or want a personal answer for your specific situation, join the free Facebook group! Using Rose Quartz has a myriad of positive benefits that include increased feelings of compassion, emotional harmony, decreased anxiety and healing from old emotional trauma and wounds of the heart. Moonstone Benefits for Skin . When we say that these traits are negative, we mean that they can keep a Leo from reaching full potential. Heather was first introduced to the power of crystals on a trip overseas to study meditation and manifestation practices. Not only that, but it also protects your meditations or spiritual practice whenever you are working on your psychic powers. Interestingly, Rose Quartz plays heavily in ancient love lore as its connected to Cupid, Aphrodite and Adonis. We would like to mention that there is no right or wrong crystal for a Leo. Moonstones open the heart to loving and nurturing qualities along with assisting in the acceptance of love in your life. NOTE: A crystal can be beneficial to many different people, regardless of their zodiac signs. Restores emotional wounds and trauma. As the moon cycles follow us to nature, moonstone crystals remind us that our lives also flow and ebb. The moon, in most spiritual traditions including feng shui, represents the divine feminine. For those with a Leo sun sign, carnelian is said to promote vitality and confidence. Moonstone is the best for treating stomach, liver, and pancreas related ailments. Furthermore, the stone can help normalize your sleeping cycle. In Tibetan folk medicine, Moonstones have been used to heal mental illnesses, epilepsy and other transient nervous attacks, as well as help the nervous system. It may also help you to let go of any bad relationships that you may be stubbornly clinging to. Citrine is good for achieving all-around mental health, and this renewed mental health can positively affect the way you look at others and yourself. As a result, sensitive and imaginative Cancer can improve their personal and work lives. Other ways of cleansing your moons crystal include: With the moonstone crystal channeling the energies of the moon, you can keep your emotions and spiritual self in balance, infusing your chakras with its potent brilliant white light. Since the Sun is your ruling planet, you can do walking meditation outside a morning sunny weather. Once you cleanse the toxic energies, it is time to recharge your birthstone. The intuitive and creative power of feminine energy is activated by this moonstone gemstone, balancing and cooling down stress and emotions. Since Leos are often found on the slightly wild side, the amber stone can help keep the sun-stoked sign calm and relaxed. And with the Sun as their ruling planet, their ego can easily allow stubbornness and pride to interfere in making good and sound decisions. The softer, more healing crystals, like Citrine, Rose Quartz and Carnelian, can bring a Leo peace, self-love and a consciousness that they often need to overcome any traits that are holding them back. Whether worn as jewelry or placed in a beloved happy place, Garnet is exactly what a Leo needs to create a peaceful and grounded inner and outer environment. The gem encourages and calms us, teaching us the natural rhythms of this life. This makes people born under the banner of Leo warm-hearted, love life, and have a good time. Love, passion and a sense of well-being are but some of the benefits of adding Ruby to your crystal toolbox. Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo. The moonstone gem is even known to help with lucid dreaming, increasing sleep quality. Additionally, moonstone is known for helping with regulating emotions and advices the wearer to turn inwards to look for solutions. It enhances your memory, focus, and critical thinking skills. 34 Powerful Crystals For Pain Relief The How To Guide, Pink Tourmaline: Unveiling its Meaning, Uses, and Benefits, Opalite | Meaning, Value, And Healing Properties, Bloodstone Meanings, Properties & Facts About Heliotrope, Black Obsidian | Meaning, Uses, And Healing Properties, Blue Jasper Stone Meanings, Properties, and Uses, Polychrome Jasper Meanings, Properties and Uses, Angel Aura Quartz Meanings, Properties and Uses, Petoskey Stone Meanings, Properties and Uses, Star Sapphire Meanings, Properties and Uses, December Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, November Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, October Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, September Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, August Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, July Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, June Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, April Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, March Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, February Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, January Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, Scorpio Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Sagittarius Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Gemini Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Virgo Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Cancer Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Libra Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Pisces Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Aries Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Aquarius Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Taurus Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Capricorn Birthstone List, Color and Meanings. 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