Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. We recognize Michigans 12 federally recognized Native Nations, historic Indigenous communities in Michigan, Indigenous individuals and communities who live here now, and those who were forcibly removed from their homelands. Following the 2018 LMDA conference in Toronto -- Necefer, a member of the Navajo Nation, recalls a recent experience he had while on a conference call, during which each participant was asked to recognize the Indigenous people whose homelands they were calling from. The Morrill Act, which enabled the Land Grant system, was passed in the same year as both the Homestead Actgranting 160 acres to individual settlers who improved and farmed land in the Westand the largest mass hanging in the history of the United States, the state-sanctioned murder of thirty-eight Dakota. We recognize that settler and Indigenous signatories understood the terms of the treaties in starkly different terms. We acknowledge that Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg the Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. The inception of the land acknowledgement was actually work that OU graduate Tara Maudrie (tribal affiliation Sault Sainte Marie tribe of Chippewa Indians) turned in for a course with Honors College Dean Graeme Harper. Challenge Detroit 2023-2024 Fellowship Job Opportunity, MSU College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (CANR), MSU in the 313 Pre College Summer Experience Scholarship, UOE Lunch and Learn - Native American Institute, James Madison College - Black History Month symposium, Subscribe to get information about our events and activities by e-mail. Including Mead, It may be dreary out today, but it won't be long b, A Servants Life: Special Downton Abbey Tour. WebResource Map - Land Acknowledgements. We had a lot of inquiries from non-Native people saying, Hey, were wanting to do a land acknowledgement: Can you read this? "A land acknowledgment should be an obligation," said King. Most of this work was actually teaching educating those in leadership positions who Native Peoples of Michigan are.. Reflect on the kind of engagement you have with these groups and recognize your positionality in relation to that land. Its about the action that needs to happen.. Here is an additional example of a Duwamish land acknowledgement painted on the side of Seattle Mennonite Church in North Seattle: We at Seattle Mennonite church acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish people. We are also here to honor our Native American ancestors whose ways of knowing demonstrated reverence and respect for the land on which Oakland University now stands. "The problem is that there are people, groups, institutions and systems that are benefiting from the continued land dispossession of Indigenous peoples while making territorial acknowledgments.". We didnt want a watered-down generic statement thats more harmful than not having one at all.. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been historically marginalized from American institutions, politics and academic curriculums. There are hundreds of Indigenous communities across the United States. "Not just saying that we're scoring a brownie point on our Truth andReconciliation Commission report card. The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. 8. Learning the importance of honoring and acknowledging the land on which you live, work and play. Im not Indigenous, and Andrea is not. Oakland Center, Suite 150 Giving a land acknowledgement requires research and reflection to understand the historical and contemporary Indigenous communities having a relationship with the land. WebOne example of an opening land acknowledgement was: We acknowledge that The University of Michigan, named for Michigami, the worlds largest freshwater system and located in the Huron River watershed, was formed and has grown through connections with the land stewarded by the Niswi Ishkodewan Anishinaabeg: The Three Fires People who The University resides on Land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. In recognizing the history and respecting the sovereignty of Michigans Indian Nations, Oakland University honors the heritage of Indigenous communities and their significant role in shaping the course of this region. We understand that there is an indelible relationship between the creation of Land Grant institutions, the simultaneous and ongoing expropriation of Indigenous Lands, and the governmentally-coordinated genocide against Indigenous peoples. We promise to do a better job in the future, says Lambert, who is an enrolled citizen of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. As a community, we recognize that this is the ancestral land of the Three Fires Confederacy, the Ojibwa, Odawa, Potawatomi, and Wyandot nations. So for this issue, we begin by doing a territory acknowledgement for the place from which the magazine comes. The statement also serves as a reminder to connect with those people groups in tangible ways. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. Professor, English Dept. The formal and public acknowledgement is an explicit gesture intended to cultivate a mutually beneficial dialogue, which is an essential feature in building an inclusive campus community. A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. So for this issue, we begin by doing a territory acknowledgement for the place from which the magazine comes. This app will show you what Indigenous land you're on. This moment that connected Maudrie, Knutson and Assistant Professor of Public Health Mozhgon Rajaee occurred in August of 2019. Land dispossession is continuing, he adds. A deep understanding of Native peoples past and present informs the teaching, research, and community engagement of the university in its ongoing effort to elevate the dignity of all people and serve as shared stewards of the land. Together we crafted the Land Acknowledgement to accurately reflect the violences perpetuated against Native and Indigenous Peoples of what is currently called Michigan, and intend it to stand as both a clear recognition of those atrocities, and a promise of better and different relationships with local tribes and the land by [OU].. In AIIS, we push Michigan State University to recruit, retain, and support American Indian and Indigenous students, faculty, and staff. If you are looking to make your own land acknowledgement, please use this example to construct your own: I would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. It is important to note that this kind of acknowledgement is not a new practice developed by colonial institutions. -The Institution Type. WebResource Map - Land Acknowledgements. We took a draft and we shared it with [Indigenous] folks and then got feedback and made modifications.. Adrien Pochel, who is Oji-Cree and Lakota, drums and sings during a land acknowledgement ceremony for Chicago's Field Museum on October 26, 2018. So [there] was a keen awareness that this shouldnt be an acknowledgement thats just driven by non-Indigenous peoples, Rajaee said. Land acknowledgments can be a good way for people to learn more about Indigenous history and can signal respect for tribal nations. According to a map within the University archive, Anishinaabeg maintained an Indian Encampment south of the Red Cedar River when classes were first held at the University (then known as Michigan Agricultural College) on May 13, 1857. ), Ashleigh Dubie (Cherokee, English/STEP, student), Megan Peiser (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Asst. (248) 370-3496 The University of Detroit Mercy operates on the land known as Waawiiyaatanong. When it comes to action, Kahsennoktha George wants to see companies and institutions participating in systemic change. A deep understanding of Native peoples past and present informs the teaching, research, and community engagement of the university in its ongoing effort to elevate the dignity of all people and serve as shared stewards of the land. The phrase on stolen land can unknowingly erase these cultural views.. Rather, those critical of these statements emphasize that they should be seen as a starting point in a larger effort to understand the histories and realities of Indigenous people and to commit to change. Check out our land acknowledgment event livestream, and hear his comments at the 27-minute mark. I think that Indians would say, We want the land back.. She is currently a reporter with CBC Indigenous covering communities across Quebec. But despite the flaws in some land acknowledgments, he and others say they arent suggesting that the practice be done away with altogether. If you are struggling to find the words to acknowledge the Duwamish Tribe, please visit the Real Rent Duwamish page by CLICKING HERE for resources and more information on the importance of land acknowledgement. After all, when did celebrating birthdays became a thing? Even though they're called land or territorial acknowledgments, Nahanee said using the phrase "Iacknowledge" canimplythat it's not true. Necefer says his organization NativesOutdoors has moved away from the red pin emojis in social media captions that function as land acknowledgments and is instead focusing its efforts on more ambitious ways they can educate non-Native audiences about the history of the places they live. We want our schools to be a safe haven for us it didnt feel safe for me as an Indigenous person, because [this] piece was missing.. As big of a step as the land acknowledgement is, its a foundational step that the committee wants to see built upon. Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. By officially enacting the acknowledgement on May 5, OU joins a number of public institutions across the country in this step toward the inclusion of Indigenous communities. WebThe purpose of a land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. Stay in touch with whats happening at Meadow Brook Hall by signing up for our e-newsletter. To ensure they achieved their goals, the group made the language tangible by acknowledging specific Indigenous communities and accurately reflecting history. "A starting point would be to initiate some kind of sustainable relationship with the people that you're going to be acknowledging," said George. The Land Acknowledgement Committee worked with Deans Joe Shively and Kevin Corcoran in the College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Senate, and the DEI Office, Peiser said. CBC Indigenous spoke with five First Nations people about the issues they see, what they expect when others make land acknowledgmentsand advice on how they can ring less hollow. "Are they ready to give us back our land? Address: 4705 W Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106, Tuesday 10AM5PMWednesday 10AM5PMThursday 10AM5PMFriday 10AM5PMSaturday 10AM5PMSunday ClosedMonday Closed. Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 4705 West Marginal Way Southwest, Seattle, WA, 98106, United States. In addition to normal employment and family obligations, Indigenous people are working to heal their traumas, learn their languages, and support their nations. In addition to normal employment and family obligations, Indigenous people are working to heal their traumas, learn their languages, and support their nations. In an era of reconciliation, land acknowledgments are meant to recognize First Nations, Inuit and Mtis territory, but many Indigenous people argue theyve grown to become superficial, performative and problematic. Deel-McKenzie says a land acknowledgment should be seen as a first step one that must be followed by a call to action. U.S. Department of Arts and Culture: A Guide And Call To Acknowledgement, Teen Vogue: Indigenous Land Acknowledgement, Explained. Jeff Thomas, Editor-in-ChiefJune 30, 2021. Heres why some take issue with land acknowledgments and what they say needs to happen for real repair and reconciliation to occur. It comes across as a very painful denial of exactly what happened.. MI Even when acknowledgments point to wanting to build better relations and future with Indigenous people, she said, often institutions or organizations fail to put action to those words. and English STEP student Ashleigh Dubie (tribal affiliation, The Land Acknowledgement Committee worked with Deans, , Peiser said. It could involve showing up to demonstrations led by Indigenous people in the area. I really hope that Native issues are centered in classroom conversations and that more students and faculty understand the history of this land and how it continues to impact their own relationships with Native lands. appreciated. A land acknowledgmentis a traditional custom in many Native communities and nations to show respect to the people of the land since time immemorial. A land acknowledgment might be spoken before a public gathering or issued as a written statement by an institution. WebLand Acknowledgements Map. Soon Assistant Professor of English Megan Peiser (tribal affiliation Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) and English STEP student Ashleigh Dubie (tribal affiliation Cherokee) were brought on board. WebFor non-Indigenous communities, land acknowledgement is a powerful way of showing respect and honoring the Indigenous Peoples of the land on which we work and live. It was presented to the OU Board of Trustees at their April 8 meeting. Lambert, associate professor of African Studies and Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says such statements often refer to Indigenous peoples as the original stewards or custodians of land that is now occupied by another entity. This land was and continues to be of great importance to the Ohlone people. A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. 48309-4454 The preservation and perpetuation of customs and traditions of Indigenous nations are essential to our shared cultural heritage. Its a view shared by many Indigenous scholars and activists, though they might have different ideas on what constitutes sufficient action. The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. Land Acknowledgement Statement Oakland University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabe, known as the Three Fires Confederacy, comprised of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi. King wants to see institutions, organizations, or whoever plans on making a land acknowledgment to collaborate with and support Indigenous communities. Universities around the state and country have issued similar land acknowledgement statements. Following the 2018 LMDA conference in Toronto -- This acknowledgment may be written or may be spoken at the beginning of an event or program, showing a specific commitment to restorative justice (please read the recommended articles). Can you do this? In order to be transformative, it is important to move away from performative acts, as Megan Red-Shirt Shawsays in her essay Beyond the Land Acknowledgment: College "LAND BACK" or Free Tuition for Native Students, into a mindful way to show awareness, create accountability, and actively disrupt colonial structures. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. For Claudette Commanda, an Algonquin elder from Kitigan Zibi, Que., the issue boils down to the concept of land back. Professor, English Dept. To him, that language obscures the fact that tribal nations were sovereign over those lands and that they werent just caretakers. The next step in the drafting process was collaborating with OUs administration to adjust and advance the land acknowledgement. "It's still the beginning of some kind of conversation," she said. Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. "To speak about your territorial acknowledgment in the past continues that dominant narrative.". Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten. It's something he saidhe now regrets. If you are a member of the Duwamish Tribe, please visit our Membership page to subscribe to a separate list. It is important the statement honors and names the communities, and recognizes the occupied or unceded nature and history of the land. Native Lands Digital, a commonly used app run by a Canadian nonprofit, allows users to input an address to see what tribal nations lived there. WebLand Acknowledgements Map. "A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials," according to the Native American Institute within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University . During the past several months, a group of faculty, students and administrators have collaborated to draft the Land Acknowledgement Statement. But it struck him that many Pueblos in the area would dispute those claims and a brief land acknowledgment would oversimplify what was actually a complex and contested history. Their voices lifted the project but there was still more to do. It hasnt ended.. Its an imperfect tool, Necefer says. [Were considering] some type of an ongoing event that would honor Native Americans Native American History Month or some other activity. Published A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been Copyright Duwamish Tribal Services, 2018. 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